Margarine Burgervan...


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I can think of worse things to be passionate chocolate!! I admire her for keeping so fit. I'm jealous, wish I could get back into and stick to a regime. Hope I can catch a repeat of this show in the morning, am watching The Walking Dead on dvd at the mo.

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I can think of worse things to be passionate chocolate!! I admire her for keeping so fit. I'm jealous, wish I could get back into and stick to a regime. Hope I can catch a repeat of this show in the morning, am watching The Walking Dead on dvd at the mo.

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My favourite thing on tv! Utterly compelling.

I'd wouldn't mind a Pilates machine but I just have nowhere to put it. All the Xmas naughties are taking their toll. Once the last of the Xmas cake is polished off I might dare to weigh myself. Think life is too short to be constantly on a diet - not that i really need to - it's just a case of keeping the muffin-top at bay. :thinking:
I can think of worse things to be passionate chocolate!! I admire her for keeping so fit. I'm jealous, wish I could get back into and stick to a regime. Hope I can catch a repeat of this show in the morning, am watching The Walking Dead on dvd at the mo.

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My all time favourite show! I can't wait till it starts up again in February. My sons and I are mega fans and can spend ages discussing it LOL.
02:42 - end of season 1. Had to admit defeat and come to bed. Seriously addictive!!

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Well for the first time in a year I am still awake at midnight.

Jill Franks is bliddy brilliant in this show. I forgot how she started on Q with the fitness stuff. Loads better than the beauty shows IMO. If it were possible she seems a million times more enthusiastic about this show than any I have ever seen her


i Agree, JF is totally animated, I can't believe she is 48..
The best thing by far I've bought from QVC, after doing years of high impact aerobics this machine has saved my knees! I was in agony and at times couldn't walk without pain. I do mine most days, every day if i can, I have the room to keep it out but after time I've become stronger and it's so easy to fold away into the corner now, yes it was heavy at first. That cardio board is brilliant too! I thought JFK was amazing too, I watched her a while back doing a Pilates show and really enjoyed it, I think if you're dedicated to it and you see and feel results and your able to do things you weren't able to before, it's easy to become so passionate.
Yeh, but I just (on the end of the morning repeat) saying how she does at least an hour and a half on that machine everyday, and the only day she gives herself off it is Christmas day.
How many of you have an hour and a half to spare every day to play on a machine? I certainly don't.
Christ some days I honestly don't even get a few minutes to myself

I've just come off night duty on an extremely busy acute nephrology ward (manned by 2 nurses), we have to administer all of the I V and oral drugs and infusions,reserve all the bloods on every patient to determine whetjer or not they will require dialysis today,as well as make out the ruddy blood forms to boot on top of the 'normal' nurses role, it's very seldom that we manage a break even though we are not paid for 2 1/4'hours of our shift, many of our patients require 2 hourly femoral and temporary line checks all to be documented and a fair few are also on syringe drivers again requiring 2 hourly checks and documentation above the norm, including skin bundles, food charts , hourly observations etc etc ad nauseum, some even require dialysis due to sepsis or raised potassium levels.

I've stopped at M&S on my way home to do the food shop, put a load of washing in the machine, started the dishwasher made myself a G&T ,left out a uniform for tonight's shift, had a showers and am now in bed as I type.

It'll be a ****** miracle if I sleep later than midday and the Ill do it all over again tonight.
Lucky if I'm still able to function before I start work tonight, never mind ****** Pilates
I guess everybody has to prioritize what's important to them. I can imagine that it is difficult to fit one and half hours of exercise into a day if you're working full time, but you don't have to do it for that length of time. As I said, I use it for 15 minutes a day (sometimes more) and feel the benefit of that. I would rather do that than watch Eastenders/Corrie etc.
I think the woman looks extremely fit which of course is what she is. Yes she has some lines on her face but she is in her 50's for goodness' sake. I would love one of these machines but I cannot warrant spending that amount of money.
The jury is out on this one. I don't know if she looks fit or very ill. I think she's gone to the extreme. She looks skinny. That is never a good look. Fitness models aspire to a very low percentage of body fat but will always look fit and healthy.

In my opinion, she looks ill and a lot older than 50. But I admire her for being so fit - whatever her age.

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It's a cliche but its true. After 50 you have to choose. Face or arse.

(Or have both but only with "help")
I'd love a machine but l don't have the room to keep it out. If l put it away l fear it would become an expensive dust collector. I really enjoyed watching JF last night. Only I became distracted by the size of Margarine's bunions.
I guess everybody has to prioritize what's important to them. I can imagine that it is difficult to fit one and half hours of exercise into a day if you're working full time, but you don't have to do it for that length of time. As I said, I use it for 15 minutes a day (sometimes more) and feel the benefit of that. I would rather do that than watch Eastenders/Corrie etc.

Totally agree its about what people's priorities are. Personally I have a spare hour or however long I'd choose to spend it playing with my kids or visiting my mum and dad, both of which I feel are my priority, while I still have the chance.
As someone who has recently hit 50 I can confirm that Burlz is right. I have a pretty face with next to no lines but my backside is wide. I'm starting to lose the battle with skintone and texture though ... on the face, not on my arse before you ask ... but at least makeup can help with that.

Marjoline is clearly very fit and healthy but sadly I don't think she looks youthful.
i think margarine is more interested in being fit and supple than how she looks?
i think margarine is more interested in being fit and supple than how she looks?

I think you're right. She said last night she is nearly 59 so in that case I think she looks ****** good anyway. As someone who has started to have some health issues with back and muscular pains if I could sort it out with Pilates that would mean so much more than how I looked. I like Marge, I think she genuinely wants people to see the benefits of it. JF was a revelation last night too, felt myself warming to her and that's a first!

She just said in the 2pm hour she is 59 in May
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She has just said that she will be 59 in May.

Personally I think your health is more important than how you look. I would love one of these machines but using one would be limiting as I can no longer kneel as it is like kneeling on broken glass. If I thought I could still use it and get full benefit out of it I would buy one.

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