Mally Beauty TSV 24/2/10


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Better that than feeling like this: :mysmilie_11: Besides, Tourettes is a disability so we'd all just be very kind to you! :D

Please remember that some forum members and their families are affected by this condition and to read flippant remarks like that is upsetting for them.
You are the 'author', Lemonsqueezy. I wanted to mention that, but decided not to implicate you in the furore. Although I hate the word, it is a clever acronym, so you should revel in the notoriety...

It's ok..I am a bit long in the tooth to let something so futile upset's given me a bit of a giggle if I'm honest :mysmilie_61:
Please remember that some forum members and their families are affected by this condition and to read flippant remarks like that is upsetting for them.

As always I am very sorry to upset anybody but somebody's going to have to explain how "being very kind to" people is upsetting.

My daughter's dyspraxic, my Mum's dying of cancer, My dad's disabled, my best friend has Tourettes - amongst other conditions - I'm overweight, and I have asthma so I wheeze when I talk sometimes and 11 days ago my first ever boyfriend hung himself.

Sometimes something that somebody says on here in jest will make me catch my breath, or feel bad for a moment about one of those things but I know that nobody means any harm.

I take what people say as an off the cuff remark in the spirit that it was meant.

If you would would like me to delete that post then I certainly will do.
:mysmilie_348: I think this thread is full of Synts! :mysmilie_12:
Reading this thread, I really do wonder whats going on all of a sudden.. So, we can't go on about f.a.r.ting anymore, because its tedious to some? Well, I find certain things on here tedious, so do I complain & get those threads closed? Everyone is different here, all with their own points of view & sense of humour.. The threads which contain f.a.r.ting comments are light hearted (or farted) & fun.. Do you want to turn this forum into a humourless place, where people will question what they want to say, for fear of saying the wrong thing.. Im sorry, but thats when people may stop using the forum altogether then..
I have started a new thread with the details of the Mally TSV as I feel this topic has deteriorated far too much.

I am very disappointed at the way in which my comments earlier were received. I genuinely find the acroynm "farting" inappropriate and I know I am not alone in this.

New people join ST all the time and they see this acronym and don't know what it has to do with shopping telly. I am sure some people find the forum and don't join because they see this acronym being bandied about.

To an outsider seeing forum members being chastised for buying a TSV or any item is again something that would put them off joining the forum as this could be perceived as bullying.

This is why I don't feel the acroynm is appropriate.
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