Making plans for Nigel


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Jun 24, 2008
My beautiful blue rex bunny Nigel passed away on Thursday last week and I'm missing him so much. He'd been diagnosed with bone cancer in his back leg and pelvis last month and the vet said to bring him home and make a fuss of him and we'd know when it was time for him to go to sleep. So we did just that, he spent most of the days with my husband in his office or just outside his office door sunbathing or in his bivouac (garden bench with door mat over it). Last Monday/Tuesday he fell out of his litter tray and just couldn't get comfortable sitting or lying down so we arranged for the vet to come to the house to put him to sleep. Expensive but trips to the vet were traumatic for him at the best of times so we thought we were sparing him that at least. There always seems to be a dog owner who doesn't get how scary even a little pup can be to a caged rabbit, often saying "Oh he loves bunnies!".

The vet and nurse arrived but couldn't get a line into a vein in either front foot or ear (traumatic for a poorly fully conscious rabbit) I was holding him wrapped in a towel throughout and felt awful for him. In the end the vet had to inject the anaesthetic directly into his abdomen and then once unconscious injected the rest directly into his heart. If I'd taken him to the surgery at least they could have given him a whiff of gas before they tried numerous times to inject his feet and ears. I feel awful for him and am struggling to remember all the good times with Nigel without returning to that last day. In the end it took an hour and a half for him to pass away.

Nigel was the latest in a long history of bunny family members but as he'd resisted bonding with other rabbits he was our first singleton and was the smartest boy, fully house-trained with not a single accident ever, learnt lots of tricks including picking up and ringing little hand bells. I know after a while I'll go back to remembering all the best bits but I just wanted to post as a warning that the vet coming to our house turned out to be a worse experience than going to the vet surgery would have been, so if you're considering end of life options for your loved companions talk through the procedures with your vet so that you can make an informed choice. There's also a company, independent of your vets' practice called Vets2Home who you can have to visit your pet at home for euthanasia, and maybe they have a more comprehensive kit with them - I don't know anyone who's used them but I'd be interested to know for future info. I'm not posting for sympathy, I know anyone who's lost a pet will know that sad empty feeling. More as a cautionary tale to hopefully minimise suffering for other owners and animals.

RIP Nigel, aged 5, gone too soon.
Just caught up with this thread Akimbo - what a traumatic experience for you and Nigel - you made the best decision at the time and you were with him all the time ...

Smokey is a rabbit we "acquired" from our son when he split up with someone and he is now 8 years old so I understand how attached you become to a rabbit.

I hope you are feeling a tad better now.
I have only just seen your post too Akimbo. You did what you thought was best for lovely Nigel. I grew up with 2 cats and a dog and still miss them to this day, and think of them often. I am now allergic to cats and dogs so am unable to have a pet, and more than likely other furry animals, so my memories are even more precious.

I hope you are feeling a little better also, and that your happy memories of Nigel have overridden any sad ones.
Jude - very sad to hear your news. It's coming up to two years since we lost our last dog. Like you, he didn't like to go to the vet's surgery and we always had home visits. We said goodbye at home but being a GSD I don't think they had trouble with the anaesthetic so terribly sorry you had a bad experience. That's the last thing you needed at a time when one feels guilty enough about making the inevitable decision. My screensavers are a lovely reminder of all good times and happy moments we shared but not a day goes by without him being in our thoughts. Soppy aren't we. X
Thank you for all your kind posts. I'm feeling much better and good news, we're hoping to adopt 2 kittens from our local animal rescue. They've come form an animal hoarder (but born at the rescue and seem well adjusted little furballs and I can't wait to be their mum. I wasn't ready to "replace" Nigel but wouldn't rule out having bunnies again...ofcourse the rescue lady leapt in to say rabbits and cats brought up together from a young age could be firm friends...but I didn't take the bait, this time LOL!
Akimbo, just read your post, very traumatic for you. The Vet that came out sedated our westie, then we went out of the room until she had put the cannula in and she had a terrible job doing that, numerous attempts, so I do feel for you.

Good to hear that, that things are more positive and you are hoping to adopt 2 kittens, as you say you weren't ready to replace Nigel, but when the time comes you may 'care' for some more bunnies again.

We decided we couldn't be without another doggy and have been to see some Westie puppies, 4 weeks old, and have decided to have one...he would never replace our boy, he will always be No1 doggy to us, forever in our hearts. Hopefully, he will be here after bonfire night as we didn't want him to get frightened with all the fireworks...something to look forward to, the house is so quiet without those diddy paws following you everywhere.

Fingers crossed for you and your new kittens :mysmilie_59:
I had a cocker spaniel whom I had to rehome and I recall that my friend told me that after he had a stroke which meant it was time for him that caused him to go through all the trauma your poor Nigel went through. I never realised until she described what he went through that it could be so difficult for the vets to do that, I am so sorry you and Nigel went through that. I am sure he will be at the Rainbow Bridge.

The cat who owned me, Sweep, "told" me when she was ready and even though it was nearly midnight, the vets came to us; we were lucky, she went peacefully into the long good night! This happened in 2002, sadly my Aunt passed away the next day and my mother the four months, I still miss her and them, that was the best and worst year of my life!
The rescue lady is calling back today with more details of the adoption and since DD and I went to see the kittens we've had such a lift of spirits, not least because I've a had a series of childishly bawdy texts from friends asking about *******! Laughter is a great medicine and kittens are a natural anti-depressant! Not wanting to count my chickens (Kittens) I'll wait until they arrive to post pictures. :mysmilie_484:
Thank you again xx
A friend of mine got a kitten for her young daughter but I think the kitten could be a serious contender for Mummy's affections judging by the number of photos of kitten and its antics on Facebook. My friend has a new love!
Still missing Nigel but I'm now the proud parent of 15 week old black and white rescue kittens called Salem Saberhagen and Sabrina Spellman. I'm getting nothing done!
Salem and Sabrina - we used to watch Sabrina The Teenage Witch when the kids were little, Sabrina (the witch) played by Melissa Joan Hart (a friend of Britney Spears I believe and Salem was the name of a wizard who'd been turned into a cat for trying to take over the world and became Sabrina's cat but was still able to talk. We tried lots of other names but these seemed to suit them and the whole family liked them. They are at such a funny age, lots of confidence but not quite enough common sense yet! I'll upload some photos shortly.
Yes please to photos. The kittens sound lovely - I hope they bring lots of joy.

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