Magazine subscription - head against a brick wall!


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Jun 24, 2008
Last Christmas I subscribed to "The Oldie" magazine for my husband for a Christmas present, the subscription included a personalised christmas card with a subscription certificate inside it and a book of cartoons. So on Christmas day he had these to open and the first issue he received in January and he's loved it. This year I was considering renewing as he's enjoyed the magazine. I received a letter through the post offering a discounted deal it instructed me to go fill in the form and send a cheque or postal order (really?), or to resubscribe via the website. I noticed that new customers were being offered an updated version of the cartoon book, so I phoned them and asked whether the cartoon book will be sent with a renewal of subscription - Indian call centre, no help whatsoever, couldn't answer my question. So I just renewed online and left it at that. A few days later I realised that I hadn't received any kind of acknowledgement from them, so I went online and noticed that they were doing a black Friday promotion which was pretty much the same as the deal I got on renewing and it included this cartoon book! So I sent them this email - I have just renewed my subscription to the Oldie magazine and I wondered whether I'll receive the lastest cartoon book" . Their reply was that, according to their records, I have not renewed my subscription but as soon as they get confirmation of my order they'll be happy to answer any queries I may have! That immediately got my back up as they could've easily answered my question. As I suspected the transaction was still waiting to clear, so I emailed back and told them I had definitely resubscribed and requested that they confirm this and answer my question. A day or two later they said they'd received payment and that the cartoon book is not included in the deal. I thanked them for the reply but told them I felt a bit disappointed as black friday deals were offering the whole lot for the same price and cheekily (but politely) asked them whether they'd post me a copy of the book, I also said if you are unable to do this would you perhaps consider offering this to those who renew their subscriptions in the future?
A few days later they've come back to me asking where exactly I saw that I'd receive the cartoon book with my renewed subscription and could I send photographic proof? Derrr! Smack head against brick wall! More fool me for replying but I simply told them (politely of course) Yes, I know I'm not entitled to the cartoon book with my subscription but I was simply asking you if you'd kindly send me one, and if not would you consider offering this to those renewing their subscriptions in future?! If they send me the book I'll eat my hat....if I get another "thick" response I think I'll be better off ignoring it otherwise I'll tell them what I really think lol!
I thought I'd revive this post as again the subscription is due to end this month and as it's OH's birthday at the beginning of March I thought I may as well renew again. I'd received a couple of letters recently to tell me that the subscription was due to end soon and that if I wanted to renew I'd could fill in the form and send my credit/debit card details. I decided to look at their website and sure enough they were offering for the same amount, a gift subscription which included the latest cartoon book, a greetings card to go with it and of course 12 months worth of magazines delivered. I decided to do that despite already being a subscriber so I paid up and have already received the book and card and notification that the first magazine will arrive before the end of the month! Sod renewing, you get the basic package for the same price!
I had a big problem cancelling a magazine that I'd accidentally put on auto-renew on a credit card.

NEVER subscribe by credit card is the best advice I'd give anyone. Stick to cheque or direct debit.

If the subscription gives him pleasure, Merry, keep getting it. I'm glad you're getting inventive and not just letting it run, though.

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