I regularly buy bags (LG included) of all prices, I need to look stylish and "well turned out" for work and I do love my bags, i make no apologies for buying them either. I wouldn't say I have money to burn as some people might think, but for me they are a practical purchase. I do get asked quite a lot about where I have got some of my bags from, especially the more "quirky" ones.
I know that not everyone is able to buy to them and others might not like the designs, but as someone has said previously, if we all liked and had the same things the world would be a very boring place.
No one should be judged for the things they buy or the things they don't.
Maybe not, but they are. Can you imagine if Keira Knightley arrived at the Oscars toting a Lidl bag for life? I don't know about LG's bags, not wanting or needing them I would never buy them, but I don't like how she comes across.