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I don't watch any Soaps on any channel I don't watch any of the shows mentioned by LATI. We have not had the TV on since 6-30pm. We listen to some digital radio and I've been doing a jigsaw and a crossword.
I don't watch any Soaps on any channel I don't watch any of the shows mentioned by LATI. We have not had the TV on since 6-30pm. We listen to some digital radio and I've been doing a jigsaw and a crossword.

Good for you, Betty. I'm sure you're all the better for it. I like crosswords, particularly the £1,000 in the Sunday Express. I don't understand people's preoccupation with soaps. They are all mundane to me. Whenever I've caught a glimpse of any of them the characters have always been shouting at each other. Strangely though, I did like Prisoner: Cell Block H. I always remember watching it late at night when studying my "A" levels. It was like a window on the past and had very strong characters. There was something about it I just absolutely loved.
I must be a really mundane person... I watch three soaps plus BB and Strictly...I watch the local news in the evening, and then watch some pre recorded films until bedtime...I very rarely watch selly telly at night...:mysmilie_59:
I was totally amazed how someone who had spent all her life doing live music was so piss poor on strictly. No sense of rhythm at all.
One thing that really confused me about Lulu was when she appeared on Chris Evans' R2 Breakfast Show the morning after her recent TSV day. When Chris asked her why she'd only had 3 or 4 hours' sleep the two previous nights, she was very coy and wouldn't answer - when he pushed her for an answer, she just replied that she'd been working hard on her new album. Not a single mention of QVC or the skin care products she had been promoting relentlessly throughout her TSV day.
Lulu full of herself ....hanging on to her youth and "career" by the fingernails ....most celebs are full of themselves ...they are not normal for sure :mysmilie_492:
Actually in a strange kind of a way, I feel sorry for them always having to grasp at any little scrap of attention. It's sad, really.
Oh, they're all the same ! Even that old institution Bruce Forsyth can't give it a rest - he's got a one man show at the Palladium soon - they just don't know when to pack it in, and start to become embarrassing. Um, whatever happened to his wife's bag business that had a couple of airings on Q ????
Oops, just answered my own question. There's clearly a show due soon because there's a whole range of 'very bland' looking and expensive bags (and jewellery) on the site. Not terribly exciting - and all have a gothic W logo which is off putting.
My dad could never stand Bruce ...and I heard he was a bit of a grumpy person ...we used to roar at generation game and did wouldn't join in and he had a fab sense of humour I promise you bless him....and he sort of gets up my nose now ...feel sorry he's getting old and more desperate but yep another me me me celeb lol
When they start on the road to fame they`re just hungry for recognition and to become famous, then they`re hungry for money and trappings fame brings but when they`ve got their big houses and big bank balances and their ages are catching up with them, they go back to wanting the recognition again. Cliff Richard, the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Barry Manilow, Lulu, Neil Diamond are just a few of the geriatrics who should hang up their hats and call it a day. Their voices have faded with age, their bodies often look silly dressed like teenagers and their faces are either frozen with botox or wrinkled like prunes.
They miss the adoration, the thrill of people clamouring to hear them and the thought of still being a "star" but they can`t turn back time and often it`s better to be remembered as you were, instead of being seen as you are. That`s my opinion anyway. My hubby has always been a Meatloaf fan so a couple of years ago I bought tickets to one of his concerts as a birthday pressie for hubby. Mr Vienna was SO disappointed because his illusion was shattered and Meatloaf couldn`t hit the notes and many of his songs had obviously been doctored to make them easier for him to sing. I just wish they`d accept time catches up with all of them, Lulu included.
Hear hear ! I am a massive Sinatra fan, but at the end of his career/life, he resorted to idiot boards for reading the lyrics to his songs, and he did one 'final tour' too many, so although it was great to see the man himself in the flesh, he should have given up years previous.

I also adore Fred Astaire - BUT all credit to him, he at least knew when to pack up dancing in the 60's with his tv series and Finians Rainbow, but carried on acting for a few more years. Loved the man !

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