LOGO by Lori Goldstein TSV 29/03/16


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OTT price wise but I always think these styles look rather odd. It's as if there's not enough material for the main body of the garment so a piece of lace or whatever has been stuck on the end to add some length. Only my opinion of course!

That's exactly what they've done, squeeze as many garments as poss from each yard of fabric. My theory is the shark-bite style is done for a similar reason - it gives the drape look without cutting into a load of fabric 'on the cross' to give the proper drape with the grain of the fabric.
The guest has just praised the designer for attention to detail. Perhaps she should have paid more attention to the manufacturing - the stitching is puckered, the stitches are too large for the fine fabric and the hems haven't been pressed. I don't notice the design, my eyes are drawn to these flaws. Can't believe the price for a rag.
Just turned over to have a nose to hear "there's nothing worse than not having length" ahem! If you say so. :mysmilie_17:

The tops looks ill fitting and the material looks like it's been round the washing machine a thousand times, and the price! oh the price. :mysmilie_15:
I never normally watch Q, but I was curious after reading the comments on here and just tuned in to see the repeats this morning. Agree with all the above and also don't like the choice of colours - all very soft and suitable for blondes maybe, but nothing for people who needs strong colours, very unimaginative.
Just flicked over to the repeat launch show and Catherine is gushing over a manky waterfall type jacketcin an awful mint green and how she MUST buy it. She is also prancing round in it and fancying herself, obviously desperate for viewers to tweet in about how nice she looks. She looks ridiculous if you ask me, especially in those awful over the knee boots. The waterfall jacket adds stones to her slim frame! I wish she would do something to that hair colour too, it looks cheap and makes her look washed out.
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What a disappointment!! I've got something similar in a grey mark with a patterned lace hem in greys and black but it doesn't come in any other colours so thought this might be an option.

In most cases the hems don't match or tone! And although the grey one looked quite nice on Courtney from the fleeting glance I had of her, the other colours on the larger models didn't fit at all well. They looked oversized everywhere apart from the sleeves and/or shoulders and somehow clingy round the bum. Oversized is fine but it needs to fit somewhere to give it balance and then shouldn't cling anywhere. Very off.
Glad I'm not the only one who finds it odd looking.The hem looks like its been stuck on as an afterthought more of a frill .It reminds me of a tutu. Not agood look for an oldie like me.
It appears to be yet another epic fashion fail. Surely to goodness the powers that be, are going to notice just how many fashion tsv`s have bombed lately ?
Claire has just said she isn`t good at layering ...`as she prefers a clean look` well if that doesn`t mean she`s not really keen on the TSV it was a very bad choice of words ...they said too Kathy is good at layering ..thats a matter of opinion too!! The guest keeps prattling on about the `designers` attention to detail!! ..and the eye lash lace is second to none.... looks cheap and nasty to me just like the rest of it !!
Forgot to mention too the TSV is so versatile that the guest is wearing it this morning in the same way with the same clothes she wore at the launch last night ..with it well covered up !!
Like others I think there is the big Q warehouse somewhere (us/China?) but I can't get the idea of Supermarket Sweep out of my head.

Imagine Dale Winton encouraging the designers to run the aisles grabbing for all they are worth, tripping each other up and sabotaging the one who got the "buttery soft lace".

As regards the TSV - this is not a classic so why would you pay these prices when you can get it for less than £30 for something for one season only.
Claire has just said she isn`t good at layering ...`as she prefers a clean look` well if that doesn`t mean she`s not really keen on the TSV it was a very bad choice of words ...they said too Kathy is good at layering ..thats a matter of opinion too!! The guest keeps prattling on about the `designers` attention to detail!! ..and the eye lash lace is second to none.... looks cheap and nasty to me just like the rest of it !!
Forgot to mention too the TSV is so versatile that the guest is wearing it this morning in the same way with the same clothes she wore at the launch last night ..with it well covered up !!

I noticed the guest is keeping it well covered. When the camera goes in close you can see how cheap looking the fabric is.
Does every woman on here love that waterfall look - I so hate it, and would never have it in my wardrobe, perhaps it looks good on someone who is above 5ft which I am not I'm exactly 5ft and if you're small and lean or small and fat (like me) some of these things just look awful.
Does every woman on here love that waterfall look - I so hate it, and would never have it in my wardrobe, perhaps it looks good on someone who is above 5ft which I am not I'm exactly 5ft and if you're small and lean or small and fat (like me) some of these things just look awful.

So do I ...I`m 5`4" size 14 and prefer a neater look I have no problem with them for others but it seems like most `designers` don`t give a choice its all or nothing and if you don`t like them you aren`t catered for with most brands
...and the guest has just been going on about colour and there being no rules ...no there aren`t if you want to look like Coco the Clown ..basically they`ll say anything making themselves look stupid and uninformed just to sell ...... if a shop assistant worked on the same lines their employers would soon go out of business!! "have you got this in a size 14 ? "I don`t know phone head office they`ll be able to help you " .... :(
In the launch she said over 80,000 were sold on QUS. I rest my case ............ who wants to look like 80,000 American women ??
That guest is unbelievably annoying! Don't like this range at all, far too many frilly elements and awkward layers for my liking which according to the guest 'add intrigue'. What a load of rubbish! In response to the waterfall argument, it's an awful look which adds pounds to even a slim figure and hardly flatters anyone. I had a couple of waterfall cardigans and got rid of them as l just felt like l was dressed in a load of misshapen rags.
Another word the guest and Claire used " bespoke " this range gives a bespoke look ,you can individualise it.

No ..it's another mass produced range with layering for maximum parting of cash from customers.

Bespoke. I expect to hear that word continually on Q now to add to the annoying list.
Well the new born baby yellow poo coloured top has gone waitlist in 2 sizes.
Well the new born baby yellow poo coloured top has gone waitlist in 2 sizes.

Lol They just had a section on This Morning fronted by Trinny the subject being yellow .Its the in colour and every one was wearing varying shades.( no poo colour though) Trinny was wearing a very stylish dress.Pity the stuff she sells on Q isn't as good.
The term 'rag' is about right ! this same 'fabric' is favoured by most 'designers' now and its rubbish. I got sucked in to the last Anttony tsv and ordered the top with waistcoat. Dear Lord, the top had been ironed on the right side, so there was an iron mark on the back, of the scooped front neckline ! its gone straight back. It was so flimsy that even upsizing, the fabric still 'sat' on my bum. These 'designers' are all desperately trying to add their own stamp on a recurring theme at the moment.
and another thing with all these stylist guests they bum them up big time introducing them with their fabulous CV`s ..I`ve never heard of one of them before ...maybe its just me ..and it was said last night this one helps back stage too styling ...now we know why we see what we see!! if she turned up to style me i`m afraid I`d run for the hills because her own image doesn`t say I know what I`m talking about, Even taking into consideration she had to wear the TSV ...not that you could see much of it !!

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