Liquid Gold


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think you are very brave MUQ to live with this on a daily basis yet still maintain your fitness, your appearance and your sense of humour! xx

Exactly FairyNuff!! This is what I have told MUQ before, especially doing the fitness, ther are not many people that are dedicated to fitness like MUQ, It takes a lot effort to look good, I for one know that!
I am someone who believes in the benefits of Alpha-H and am certainly pleased with the results that I have had with these products.

However I have been slightly concerned at some of the advice given in this thread regarding LG, such as using it every night and morning etc. Whilst I believe everyone has a choice, it is I believe misleading to over emphasise the benefits without any warning of the side effects, in other words a balanced approach is far more desireable and I believe this approach has somewhat been forgotten.
As someone else mentioned the idea is that it stimulates your skin into action and therefore stops the skin becoming sluggish----fine, however as with anything this regime
must be actioned with caution since over-stimulation, over time will obviously be counter productive and the skin will eventually react in an adverse way.
The results that I have personally witnessed have been so good that it is very tempting to continue using it, but I am very aware of the effects that over-use can have and I therefore use it very dilligently as a 2 week course appx 3 times a year. As already stated it is strong stuff and is similar to having a chemical peel in a salon but,--- we wouldn't do that on a 24/7 basis would we?
Like everything that is strong enough to do good, caution MUST be exercised, after all even a face mask should only be used 2/3 times a week since the skin would become used to it and the mask would not produce the effect it was designed for.

As I have already stated I personally use LG and am happy to extol the virtues of this product but for anyone about to embark on this regime, please use common sense and exercise caution as it does contain alcohol.
One last word of warning is this, I come from an era when nearly all toners contained alcohol, as I expect many members of ST also remember and I have witnessed two friends who both have developed extremely sensitive skin, that the dermatologist in both cases has said could have been aggravated by the over use of stong products.
Karina, you've given me loads of great advice and helped me make up my mind as to which products to use and how to get the best results which I really appreciate, thank you. xxx

I think that you come across as a lovely caring lady who is always willing to give up your time to come here and point anyone in the right direction if they need it.

I'm fanatical about fitness as well and agree that it really does make you feel good about yourself. :)
Blimey, Jabba! Your poor, poor daughter!!! :grouphug: Fingers crossed her skin improves...

I tried the range one time - persuaded by the anti-aging angle and it didn't work for me one bit. I have extremely sensitive facial skin and severe psoriasis on the rest of my body so can react at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, after using the LG, I developed a small patch of psoriasis in my left eyebrow and at the side of my nose which I didn't have before - not good... :(

My daughter also used it for a while for her acne-prone skin and it seemed to help tho' was no miracle by any means. Actually, it seemed to coarsen her skin, if that makes sense and I persuaded her to stop using it...

Prophette, my neice is suffering very very bad psoarisis at the moment, have you found anything really good to get rid of it?

I feel so sorry for her, she's young, free and single and absolutely gorgeous, so going out on the town every week but having to cover herself up and look different to everyone else, i'd love to find something for her.
She's under the care of a dermatologist etc. but as soon as she's stressed (which she is a lot as she has just got her first solicitors job after leaving Uni) it flares up badly, its even in her scalp.

have you heard anything about Oregon Grape Root Cream (supposed to be a miracle cream)?
Have to add sadly that I have also had a lot of contact with people with Lupus, at the cardiothoracic unit my daughter attends, apparently it causes heart problems too, or heart disease is a by product of Lupus, not sure which.
I am someone who believes in the benefits of Alpha-H and am certainly pleased with the results that I have had with these products.

However I have been slightly concerned at some of the advice given in this thread regarding LG, such as using it every night and morning etc. Whilst I believe everyone has a choice, it is I believe misleading to over emphasise the benefits without any warning of the side effects, in other words a balanced approach is far more desireable and I believe this approach has somewhat been forgotten.
As someone else mentioned the idea is that it stimulates your skin into action and therefore stops the skin becoming sluggish----fine, however as with anything this regime
must be actioned with caution since over-stimulation, over time will obviously be counter productive and the skin will eventually react in an adverse way.
The results that I have personally witnessed have been so good that it is very tempting to continue using it, but I am very aware of the effects that over-use can have and I therefore use it very dilligently as a 2 week course appx 3 times a year. As already stated it is strong stuff and is similar to having a chemical peel in a salon but,--- we wouldn't do that on a 24/7 basis would we?
Like everything that is strong enough to do good, caution MUST be exercised, after all even a face mask should only be used 2/3 times a week since the skin would become used to it and the mask would not produce the effect it was designed for.

As I have already stated I personally use LG and am happy to extol the virtues of this product but for anyone about to embark on this regime, please use common sense and exercise caution as it does contain alcohol.
One last word of warning is this, I come from an era when nearly all toners contained alcohol, as I expect many members of ST also remember and I have witnessed two friends who both have developed extremely sensitive skin, that the dermatologist in both cases has said could have been aggravated by the over use of stong products.

Anni, great advice. You are correct in so many ways. I am glad you love LG and are sensible in its use. The tragedy of only finding a product has ruined your skin years later.

Oh yes I do remember the old toners. Bonne Belle was one. When you wiped your cotton wool pad was black and you thought this was a good thing taking the dirt out. Yes and like paint stripper dried it to heck.
My try me kit hasn't arrived yet, it was despatched on 30th August:( Oh how I hate waiting for things from QVC.

Would you Adam and Eve it, it just turned up and I've just hurt my teeth trying to tear throught the sellotape lol. I can't wait to get started with it:D
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Just as I managed to tear it open my OH came home early from work, I threw the package behind the sofa lol. I'm waiting for him to fall asleep and then I can rescue it. Why are you hiding stuff? you might ask, well come and visit me and you'll be tripping over stuff I'm always buying and then pretending that 'I bought that ages ago you were with me when I bought it, don't you remember?' :rolleyes::D
Just as I managed to tear it open my OH came home early from work, I threw the package behind the sofa lol. I'm waiting for him to fall asleep and then I can rescue it. Why are you hiding stuff? you might ask, well come and visit me and you'll be tripping over stuff I'm always buying and then pretending that 'I bought that ages ago you were with me when I bought it, don't you remember?' :rolleyes::D

lol thats a good one momad, hope hubby has fell asleep now, so you can rescue it lol. I have paid for mine today cant wait to try mine either. I say a girl can NEVER have too much right!:D
i can never have enough of any thing , dazzler , i always say get IT now and enjoy it whilst we can you never know what tomorrow brings , like me i dont drink , i dont smoke i dont go on holidays ect so why not treat me self ,LOL:rolleyes::p:):D

well my motto is if you can afford it then have things and enjoy them! I love treating others as well, it gives me more pleasure to give to someone knowing that I have made them happy.
Right Karina I've managed to rescue the try me pack lol, in the leaflet it says use the liquid gold 3 nights in a row but the bottle says use it on alternate nights:confused: Also the Rejuvenating Cream doesn't have an SPF so do I apply an SPF cream before or after the Rejuvenating Cream? Thank you hun in advance:D
awwww great you rescued it then momad :D:D:D:D:D thats good then , close one LOL
yes momad well you know what it seems like all these leaflets say different to each other,
now mine says you can use in the morning which is what i do , and at night too , and have done for all the time ive ever used it with no problems at all , so you can too ,
now before any one on here has me for telling you that even alison and the lady from alpha h has also said that we can use it in the mornings so its not just me saying it ,
just to make that clear to any one else on here,

which i also do with my creams on top , and for just 3 nights a week use it just on its own
ok momad with nothing on top ,

ok momad if it say use it on alternate nights then yes i would do that , but also make sure you do the 3 night a week thing too , thats what it means momad , with the rejuvenating cream use the spf on top momad ,

i do hope this helps ,momad good luck to you ,
love karina

Right Karina so I use the liquid gold after cleansing every morning 7 days a week then my rejuvenating cream and then spf on top? and at night just 3 nights a week (every other night) use the liquid gold on it's own and the rest of the nights just use the rejuvenating cream? Sorry to be a pain but I want to do it proper and get good results:D Thanks hun for your patiencexx. BTW the try me kit seems like really good value for money you get a 50ml moisturiser:D
Ahh that's brilliant Karina thank you so much hun, I can't wait to get cracking with it tonight. I will update with my results:D
ok momad ive got plenty of patience to help you dont worry ,
yes ok momad cleanse and tone morning and night ,
then put your liquid gold every morning , with your face cream on top and then spf,
at night use the gold alternate nights so say like say for a example mon , wed, fri, sun,
but 3 nights out of those four just use the gold on its own , the other one night use your face cream,

this is what my instructions said when i started , and this is what i do and it has worked for me and never ever caused me any problems ,

good luck i hope this works for you too momad i know it will xxx karina

When I saw the evening show earlier in the week, the owner said night time only (and no cream afterwards). Julia asked about this a few times just to reiterate as they were selling a duo (Harmony and LG). Goodness this is so confusing for people if they've said before daytime was okay!!!
When I used LG I used it every other night never heard anyone using it in the morning as well I would be very careful when to use it most definitely not every day as it is very potent stuff you could do you skin irreparable damage. As I said I only used it every other night and did my skin more harm than good so I would be very careful how you use it. But if they have said otherwise on QVC then that is very worrying.
I found Michelle from Alaph H's site and mention and this thread. Hopefully she will come along and explain fully the ins and outs of Liquid Gold.
Clearing up the confusion on its use from the spokes woman of the company.
I found Michelle from Alaph H's site and mention and this thread. Hopefully she will come along and explain fully the ins and outs of Liquid Gold.
Clearing up the confusion on its use from the spokes woman of the company.

That is great Donna.

I would hate to see someone do damage to their skin by using the Liquid Gold too often, especially given some of the dreadful reactions members have told here.
I found Michelle from Alaph H's site and mention and this thread. Hopefully she will come along and explain fully the ins and outs of Liquid Gold.
Clearing up the confusion on its use from the spokes woman of the company.

Great idea Donna it's always best to ask th experts isn't it? :clapping
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