Limited The Royal Reign Commemorative Book with Pete "I'm talking rubbish" Simon


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Feb 16, 2015
Limited The Royal Reign Commemorative Book with Pete "I'm talking rubbish" Simon

Not only have they got the cheek to be asking £294.99 for this book, (yes, that's £294.99 plus p & p), but Pete has now lost his grip completely (the female guest presenter was almost as bad). The whole presentation seems to consist of him saying "oh this is remarkable", "this is fascinating", to cover up his lack of actual knowledge of dates and facts. Some of the rubbish from his lips so far:

"this is the change from gas to electricity" (Eh? Do I hear you say "whaaat?".......don't ask would be my answer)
"she became Queen at the age of 21 when her father King George died".... (she was born in 1926, so she was actually 25 - almost 26 - when he died)
"this portrait has never been seen before" (it has, it's in many books about the Royal Family) - he repeated this about other photographs, that have also appeared before in other publications - OK, there might be a few that haven't been seen before, including one of the ugliest pictures of her I've ever seen, but to say that they are all previously unseen pictures is a total fabrication
"here, she looks like a young Princess Margaret" (it was a picture of the Queen at the age of 51, at the 1977 Silver Jubilee, and neither he, nor the guest presenter, seem to know it was a picture of the Queen doing a walkabout in the streets during the Silver Jubilee celebrations)
"I think of her in 1966...a black and white TV, the World Cup was being played and she was (silence)"........ by this point, I was shouting at the TV "playing in goal??"

We've also had a long ramble about Beijing, and I have absolutely no idea what he was rambling on about. He's also been staring at the camera in complete silence for about 6 seconds while he scrambles around for something to say. This man has totally lost whatever remained of the plot. Oh gawd, he's now on with a Sterling Original watch hour....he's just pronounced the Royal Jewellers Garrard as "jarrod" - but of course he knows them so well! Yeah, so well that you can't even pronounce their name, Pete. Someone must have now shouted down his earpiece, because he quickly corrected himself. Just when you thought he couldn't get any more amateur, he proves you wrong...
I'm not what you might call a Royalist but I have respect for our Monarch, as I'm sure many of us do.

That programme was as disrespectful as it gets. It really was truly appalling.

This channel is embarrassing and I cannot help but think that things aren't going too well at that company and I don't care how long it's been on air or how many cookers and hoovers they sell.

That was really scraping the barrel, shameful.
Just adding below what I posted on the "general banter thread".

Genuine question as I am totally naive to this subject so please accept my naive apologies.

Saint Peter of Simon is on at the moment on the Royal Collectables hour and specifically he is selling "The recored reign book set for £295" (Limited edition of 1000) now onto my question about these books, why and what makes them worth £295??? (Saint Peters just told us to get them on the household insurance)

Are they full of info the public dont know of? Are the pictures inside only in these books? Is it because the size of these books? Is it the wording? Is it because they are a limited edition? Is it the material they are constructed with?

Once again sorry if anyone is offended by this genuine question/enquiry.

Oh PS: On the official Record Reign website it says a £25 donation from these books will goto The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust, When Saint Peter said to his assistant a donation goes to the above mentioned trust, well lets just say the assistant did agree a "fee" goes toward the trust but didnt mention a figure, maybe she didnt know the correct figure or maybe the figure isnt £25 from the IW sales? but as said the assistant was very vague on the matter.........................
I agree, it was shameful. Sorry if my "playing in goal" comment was thought to be disrespectful by anyone, but I was so exasperated with the great fool standing there saying nothing that it was the first thing that came into my head and I just shouted it at the TV. I am not a dedicated follower of the Royals, but I do have respect for the Queen, I love history and historical events, and I collect a variety of different books on the subject. He was totally out of order to say things that are untrue - which he did. It angers me that some people will buy this book on the assumption that the photos in it have not been seen before by the public - there were at least 2 photos where he specifically said they had not been seen before, and I know for a fact that they have, and as the guest presenter (who I thought was useless) flicked through the book almost every photograph I saw has appeared in other publications. In addition, there was a page showing a small so-called portrait of the Queen just before her Coronation - I've never seen this picture before, but thought it looked horrendously amateur, almost like a caricature.

I'm not what you might call a Royalist but I have respect for our Monarch, as I'm sure many of us do.

That programme was as disrespectful as it gets. It really was truly appalling.

This channel is embarrassing and I cannot help but think that things aren't going too well at that company and I don't care how long it's been on air or how many cookers and hoovers they sell.

That was really scraping the barrel, shameful.
Anything that includes facts such as dates , ages ,names , song or film titles Peter will invariably get them all wrong. He always says 'Gerrards' instead of Garrard when making the crown jeweller claim. Today for once the producer pulled him upon it.
His Elvis Presley shows on Bid were unbelievable-every utterance was a mistake or a malapropism.
Also this 'put it on your household insurance' line-what a clown !
'Hello-is that the Prudential ? I've just spent three hundred quid on a picture book from a shopping telly channel and I want it on my policy!'

'No problem sir-we'll list it along with your Kincade art collection and your moissonite ring'.
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Anything that includes facts such as dates , ages ,names , song or film titles Peter will invariably get them all wrong. He always says 'Gerrards' instead of Garrard when making the crown jeweller claim. Today for once the producer pulled him upon it.
His Elvis Presley shows on Bid were unbelievable-every utterance was a mistake or a malapropism.
Also this 'put it on your household insurance' line-what a clown !
'Hello-is that the Prudential ? I've just spent three hundred quid on a picture book from a shopping telly channel and I want it on my policy!'

'No problem sir-we'll list it along with your Kincade art collection and your moissonite ring'.

"and, obviously, Sir, given you've informed us that you have such valuable artworks and collectibles in your property, we'll be increasing your premium by £500 per year...sucker..."
"and, obviously, Sir, given you've informed us that you have such valuable artworks and collectibles in your property, we'll be increasing your premium by £500 per year...sucker..."

Might I suggest that the more serious collectors, like me, would have chosen specialist artwork insurance for their Kinkade and Gayford pieces? We know you most certainly wouldn't add these works to your 'household insurance', am I surrounded by philistines on here?

But one wonders how 'new for old' replacement insurance would work for Janice's iPad 3's.

Surely 'new for jeez that's old, when did you buy that?' would be more appropriate? :mysmilie_59:
Only the stupid would buy this book at that stupid price but I bet there will be takers taken in by Peter Simon's load of bsing rollocks. :mysmilie_15:
I didnt see it I'm sorry to say.Sounds like a humdinger of a programme.......

Surely most of the information is available online or in already published books. It's just blatant opportunism and they couldn't have used anyone more slimy than Pete to flog it.
I am most certainly not a royalist i have no time for any of them did not see the any of it but sounds as though PS was talking his usual S***E
Well, let's put it this way, if he doesn't get the boot after that performance, he's non-stick.

I am most certainly not a royalist i have no time for any of them did not see the any of it but sounds as though PS was talking his usual S***E
Does anyone remember that sketch on Little Britain about the Royal Correspondent who got fired by the BBC for making all manner of wild claims about members of The Royal Family?

His name was Peter :mysmilie_59:
I saw an advert for this, the voiceover was done by Deneice. My goodness l thought it looked crap with horrible looking photos. I cannot get over the price. Are they taking the proverbial?
Missed the live showing but just had a quick look at the ‘Record Reign’ replay.

Goodness me, what a grotesque exercise in shameless opportunism! The mawkish emphasis on ‘Mother’s Day’ was particularly toe-curling, as was Peter’s Simon’s bargain-basement Nicholas Witchell imitation. So bizarre was this spectacle, I half-expected Peter Vollebregt to have wandered on the set, brandishing his pointy aerial and spouting inanities about the Queen’s portrait.

Peter’s guest, the ‘remarkable’ (seemingly the buzz word for the show) Lisa Barnard, made some comment about ‘putting the two remarkable Queen’s side by side’. For a brief moment I thought she might have been referring to Peter Simon and the reigning monarch.

I had another double-take when I heard Peter refer to the books as being 'enamoured with gilt and gold'. What??? Utter gobbledegook! He was certainly doing his best to pull the royal wool over people’s eyes, as was evidenced by the inevitable ‘heirloom’ and ‘insurance’ references.

They can dress it up how they like, I only see glorified scrapbooks, as overpriced as they are pointless.

Record Reign? More like a royal rip-off:angry:
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I'm still trying to work out how Beijing suddenly came into his ramblings. The book was just a joke - the guest presenter (presumably from the company who produced it?) had no real knowledge, all she was doing was aping Pete by just speaking in superlatives. How he could describe a picture of the Queen, aged 51, as "looking like a young Princess Margaret" beggars belief. He might just as well have said that Prince Philip looks just like Will.I.Am or Justin Bieber. Cringeworthy. What's the betting it will be on Ebay for about a fiver before too much longer (but don't forget to notify your insurance company first)? What I thought was particularly appalling was telling people that it was the "first time these pictures have been seen by the public" - this was totally untrue for most of the pictures I saw as they flicked through; the picture of the Queen as a young woman sitting at a microphone - which he described as something like "this is her, when her father had just died" - was actually a picture of her when she was 21, making her coming-of-age broadcast (at 21 then, of course, not 18). Her father was still very much alive at this time. Nicholas Witchell is Laurence Olivier reborn compared to this.

Missed the live showing but just had a quick look at the ‘Record Reign’ replay.

Goodness me, what a grotesque exercise in shameless opportunism! The mawkish emphasis on ‘Mother’s Day’ was particularly toe-curling, as was Peter’s Simon’s bargain-basement Nicholas Witchell imitation. So bizarre was this spectacle, I half-expected Peter Vollebregt to have wandered on the set, brandishing his pointy aerial and spouting inanities about the Queen’s portrait.

Peter’s guest, the ‘remarkable’ (seemingly the buzz word for the show) Lisa Barnard, made some comment about ‘putting the two remarkable Queen’s side by side’. For a brief moment I thought she might have been referring to Peter Simon and the reigning monarch.

I had another double-take when I heard Peter refer to the books as being 'enamoured with gilt and gold'. What??? Utter gobbledegook! He was certainly doing his best to pull the royal wool over people’s eyes, as was evidenced by the inevitable ‘heirloom’ and ‘insurance’ references.

They can dress it up how they like, I only see glorified scrapbooks, as overpriced as they are pointless.

Record Reign? More like a royal rip-off:angry:
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Missed the live showing but just had a quick look at the ‘Record Reign’ replay.

Goodness me, what a grotesque exercise in shameless opportunism! The mawkish emphasis on ‘Mother’s Day’ was particularly toe-curling, as was Peter’s Simon’s bargain-basement Nicholas Witchell imitation. So bizarre was this spectacle, I half-expected Peter Vollebregt to have wandered on the set, brandishing his pointy aerial and spouting inanities about the Queen’s portrait.

Peter’s guest, the ‘remarkable’ (seemingly the buzz word for the show) Lisa Barnard, made some comment about ‘putting the two remarkable Queen’s side by side’. For a brief moment I thought she might have been referring to Peter Simon and the reigning monarch.

I had another double-take when I heard Peter refer to the books as being 'enamoured with gilt and gold'. What??? Utter gobbledegook! He was certainly doing his best to pull the royal wool over people’s eyes, as was evidenced by the inevitable ‘heirloom’ and ‘insurance’ references.

They can dress it up how they like, I only see glorified scrapbooks, as overpriced as they are pointless.

Record Reign? More like a royal rip-off:angry:

maybe we should rename Peter Simon Mr Malaprop??

I wonder if this 2 volume item has been endorsed by the Royal Family or is a "ride along" hoping to do well off interest in the Queen's record-breaking reign?

Very funny post, by the way :mysmilie_59:
Following his brilliant portrayal of a distinguished royal correspondent/historian on the Record Reign show, now is perhaps a good time to remind ourselves of Peter Simon’s more playful side...

With such incredible versatility, is it any wonder that he is widely acknowledged as the finest Ronald Macdonald actor of his generation (he did a number of adverts for McDonald's in his early career-
Following his brilliant portrayal of a distinguished royal correspondent/historian on the Record Reign show, now is perhaps a good time to remind ourselves of Peter Simon’s more playful side...

With such incredible versatility, is it any wonder that he is widely acknowledged as the finest Ronald Macdonald actor of his generation (he did a number of adverts for McDonald's in his early career-

I bet he got the sack from Ronny Macdees, every time he took the make up off he scared the kids.........he makes my teeth itch he really does.
Love it! :mysmilie_483::mysmilie_483: Why, oh why, has this man still not won a BAFTA award? "And now, for retrospective services to the acting profession with his circa 1970 humour, the winner is.....................Pope Peter of Simon, aka Poward, King of Innuendo"...
I bet he got the sack from Ronny Macdees, every time he took the make up off he scared the kids.........he makes my teeth itch he really does.
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