Always hear Poward chugging on about how "I hate liars, if you found out I was lying you'd never trust a word I said again" which is kind of a new schpeel, but yes indeed, after the oven show the other day I now won't believe a word he says

It was the daewoo micro/oven thing, or possibly the other ideal brand but same thing, and as ever they insist on doing a pizza, to show the crispy bottom. The trouble is, the pizza NEVER has once come out crispy, but Poward grabbed it out of the oven before William could and it literally flopped almost in half, then William tries to rescue it with some bullshirt, and Howard says how crispy that is!!! Barefaced to be honest, and now I will never take Poward or William seriously ever again. I know it's only a small thing, but to stand there and lie, just drives my pipe!!!
Derrick Belcher, our old favourite, who was so dedicated to us as Ideal viewers, who retired....... is in fact now on QVC flogging his wares. Hmmmm, loyal to the last huh
I have finally sussed why Hayley is so vile to me, she states that EVERY item is the best, most superb, unbelievable value, stupendous, add your own superlatives here, so you can't believe a word she says.
So I am now down to liking Dirty Pete and Gollum, at least they are entertaining and we all know you can't believe a word as standard, so pure entertainment to me. Joanne I now can't have the volume up and Gen needs to be taught that the microphone means she doesn't need to shout.... LAYDEEEEEEEES