Lg tsv


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Well, it looks like a lovely kit and many thanks to all who did the detective work.
One question- are the models that Laura uses 'her own' or are they QVC's?
This pretty model looks like she is plastered in it. I dont like any of it and she looks like an over made up mess and is naturally pretty. This brand is another aimed at US skintones and not pale English or Celtic roses.
Oh my gosh how dark is that medium ? Its vile !
The blonde model (Amanda?), went from having lovely fair skin in the before shot to looking so yellow in the after, that I initially feared she had jaundice.
ms melly you've said what i thought I was going to go for the tsv but that's what put me off I'm a similar colour to Amanda I would have been horrified if I went for it and not seeing the demonstration whats it with the american make-up they don't bring us the right colours:11:
I'm not keen, rather disappointed in fact, don't want to get back into liquid foundation really and the colour choice is light or 3 dark shades. Not keen on the lipcolour either and the blusher looked awful on Amanda, LG was rubbing at it trying to blend the strong colour away. I love LG make up but this is not for me sadly.
I'm also similar to Amanda in colouring (and I'm an American who could give a Brit a good run for their money in the paleness department!) and I just think if a professional like Laura Geller can make her look so horrible, what on earth am I going to look like if I try to do it myself! :11:
You would think that they were selling fake tan from the funny colours people have gone! They really should have done a Fair option for us pale ladies in the UK.

Let's be positive though... at least now we don't have a hard choice to make between whether to by this or the Smashbox. :1:
Did anyone else notice in the before and after photos of the pale model Amanda is it? Her hair was much lighter in the before photo than the after photo too.
I'm also similar to Amanda in colouring (and I'm an American who could give a Brit a good run for their money in the paleness department!) and I just think if a professional like Laura Geller can make her look so horrible, what on earth am I going to look like if I try to do it myself! :11:

I wasnt having a go at american women i'm just trying to point out over here we're much paler ie why don't we get fair:32:
OMG This is the worst make up i have seen on a tsv. My money is on the Smashbox now and i want a nice chocolate lipstick :41:
Agree to comments about lack of products for fair skin - seems to be the same across most QVC Cosmetic ranges.

I don't want more yellow\golden based foundations mainly because I don't have a yellow\golden based skin colour and am not interested in fake tanning either.
Did you see the flip through the models, if Amanda looked jaundiced Diana (redhead) looked as if she had been done over with Cuprinol or any other woodstain product to use the jargon. Oh my goodness I am really quite shocked, Laura was fiddling about with that flimsy bit of sponge and saying that the amount of foundation and concealer she had squeezed out was far too much. Far from lasting for ever if the tubes only dispense large blobs it will be gone on no time. Where is Alison Young when she is needed?
Did anyone else notice in the before and after photos of the pale model Amanda is it? Her hair was much lighter in the before photo than the after photo too.

You're not wrong. Her hair is much darker & more orangey live in the studio. All of the models teeth are more yellow in the "after" in studio shots too. What is the point in "before" & "after" shots if they're not shot under the same conditions, especially as they're clearly putting people off?

I'm still not tempted mind you, as I know I need Fair...
I believe there was a fair version when it was a TSV in US.
The reason is on the community board for QVC over there. Someone yesterday put up, the LG AD in Fair is in stock again. That is Auto Delivery, so I think they couldn't get the stock of the Fair version for us in time.

No interest in the LG to be honest. Might she be the female version of J Alexander that well known humpa lumpa on IW??????? :54:
i love LG but have no use for foundation or concealer as i find B&B takes the place of that...and i don't wear a blusher. So like lots of you, i shall look toward the Smashbox instead.

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