L"Occitane lost its bunny


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I was in Turkey recently and there were fake LG bags plus many other fake " designer " bags but I must admit they openly admit they`re fakes and don`t try to con you by saying they`re real, not where we stayed anyway. Also lots of fake perfumes and honest to God the packaging was so good if I`d placed the real thing next to them I`d be hard put to spot the fake.
China will jump on any bandwagon to make money and it`s only a matter of time before fake L`occitane or Liz Earle makes an appearance.
Not sure if I said in this thread????

Anyway many cosmetic companies have their stuff made in China, they don't sell it there so escape the testing thing. BUT, what you will find is they are making products for brand X and in another part of the factory making the fake versions of same product. One goes out the front door and on to brand X warehouses and on to stores. The other out the side or back on straight on to the market stalls, bought on mass and onto ebay described as the real thing.

found this today, its Daily Mail online.

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Our good stuff, not made in China... our rules, as I see it. If the Chinese don't want our rules for our products, then don't sell to them - they'd soon change their tune.
I`d never buy perfume or makeup from Ebay, market stalls, foreign street vendors or if the prices seemed too good to be true. Companies farm out production to China simply to make more money and that p**s me off because the profit on perfume and makeup is huge anyway. When will enough profit ever be enough for some companies ?
Your average bottle of perfume costs around 60p to produce and the rest goes on marketing, packaging and profit. Same with makeup and other designer goods, the mark up is huge so it all boils down to greed.
The British Anti Vivisection Society produce a little booklet, very handy to keep in your purse or handbag, which lists the companies that do not do animal testing and which are approved by them. You can go onto their website and order one.
Yes, finally happened. All cosmetics made in any EU country cannot test the products or any ingredients in the product on animals. So that also means out sourcing for testing as well.

This does not effect any US products.
China, will only test on products sold in China. Very weird. So L'Occitane sell shea butter made in the EU and sold there, no testing. But want to sell same product in China, then the Chinese will animal test it before releasing it for sale in their country.
Unfortunately these companies are looking for the profits they can get since the people in China seems to be the new "moneybags" and I admire those companies that have resisted so far.
I've just had a long reply from L’Occitane saying they do not ever test on animals and r working with the Chinese re this
here is their press release

L’Occitane, animal testing and the Leaping Bunny
L’Occitane has never tested cosmetics and their ingredients on animals and we have been happy to have them certified by the Leaping Bunny logo. Unfortunately, it has become clear that companies which sell their products in the People’s Republic of China trigger testing on animals by the Chinese authorities, so although the companies are not testing on animals themselves, animal testing is resulting from marketing their products there.
L’Occitane, like a number of other companies, had the Humane Cosmetics Standard (Leaping Bunny) certification revoked for this reason, since ideally we should like companies not to sell to China until the situation changes. However, unlike a number of companies selling in China, it is only fair to note that L’Occitane has been very active working with us and our European associates, the ECEAE, in working in a joint working group to talk with the Chinese authorities and accelerate the move to acceptance of alternatives. Not every company engaged in China has shown this commitment and L’Occitane is clearly keen to encourage change.
We appreciate their help and there are some signs of progress, since the Chinese Government has now accepted the first non-animal alternative test and more are expected to follow. We hope that the time will come in the not too distant future when L’Occitane’s products can be tested in China using alternatives, as they are elsewhere, and we will then welcome them back to our certified list so they can once again carry the Leaping Bunny.
I've just had a long reply from L’Occitane saying they do not ever test on animals and r working with the Chinese re this
here is their press release

L’Occitane, animal testing and the Leaping Bunny
L’Occitane has never tested cosmetics and their ingredients on animals and we have been happy to have them certified by the Leaping Bunny logo. Unfortunately, it has become clear that companies which sell their products in the People’s Republic of China trigger testing on animals by the Chinese authorities, so although the companies are not testing on animals themselves, animal testing is resulting from marketing their products there.
L’Occitane, like a number of other companies, had the Humane Cosmetics Standard (Leaping Bunny) certification revoked for this reason, since ideally we should like companies not to sell to China until the situation changes. However, unlike a number of companies selling in China, it is only fair to note that L’Occitane has been very active working with us and our European associates, the ECEAE, in working in a joint working group to talk with the Chinese authorities and accelerate the move to acceptance of alternatives. Not every company engaged in China has shown this commitment and L’Occitane is clearly keen to encourage change.
We appreciate their help and there are some signs of progress, since the Chinese Government has now accepted the first non-animal alternative test and more are expected to follow. We hope that the time will come in the not too distant future when L’Occitane’s products can be tested in China using alternatives, as they are elsewhere, and we will then welcome them back to our certified list so they can once again carry the Leaping Bunny.

From reading this statement, it does not sound as if it comes from l'occitane itself. "we should like customers not to sell to China until the situation changes" and "we appreciate their (l'occitane) help". So who exactly was this harangue quoted by?
Not that old chestnut. We are working with China to change their minds. Urban Decay did that one and because they customers where up in arms had to back down. Then they sold the company to L'Oreal.

Yes, a country that makes wine from tiger bones, will listen to L'Occitane.
Yes, finally happened. All cosmetics made in any EU country cannot test the products or any ingredients in the product on animals. So that also means out sourcing for testing as well.

This does not effect any US products.

It was good to see the ban go ahead as i'd read there was concern it could be postponed. According to the go cruelty free website this ban relates to new cosmetics or ingredients sold in the EU - not made - so in theory L'Oreal who do test won't be able to sell their latest and greatest cosmetic/anti aging ingredient here if they've had it tested on animals anywhere in the world. I think I'll stick to only buying from companies who have BUAV approval/leaping bunny meantime.

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