Kim & Co TSV 07/11/19


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Only seen a bit, that jumpsuit is hideous. I’ve never in all my days wore a jumpsuit, nor would I ever contemplate wearing one, when I need the loo time is of the essence and don’t need any obstacles in my way, like getting out of a hideous jumpsuit :mysmilie_17:
No wonder Kim is so excitable the mark up on these items must be huge.Her operatives in Montreal will take all of a few minutes to put these garments together and the fabric usage will be minimal too.

Its when these 'designers' display shock horror at the price their rubbish is being sold for that gets me. Why are they bothered anyway at the price qvc sell for ? They've clearly flogged their consignment to qvc at probably less than half anyway, so they've got their payment come what may. Simon Wilson is another one who 'cant believe' what his stuff is being sold for. I do wish they'd stop all this faux surprise, they're not fooling anyone.
Its when these 'designers' display shock horror at the price their rubbish is being sold for that gets me. Why are they bothered anyway at the price qvc sell for ? They've clearly flogged their consignment to qvc at probably less than half anyway, so they've got their payment come what may. Simon Wilson is another one who 'cant believe' what his stuff is being sold for. I do wish they'd stop all this faux surprise, they're not fooling anyone.

It looked shite on everyone and that ruffle just looked Ms Fussy Pants. Sorry if you liked and bought it.

No wonder Kim is so excitable the mark up on these items must be huge.Her operatives in Montreal will take all of a few minutes to put these garments together and the fabric usage will be minimal too.

what was she on last night! (well 12 am actually) I can't stand kim's voice at the best of times but last night she was talking so fast, tripping over her words and not really making much sense. I had to switch her off in the end!
Both Kim and Julia looked a right old mess in the 3pm show. I've been saying Kim's clothes are skimping on the fabric and the cut was accentuating both of their stomachs. This jumpsuit really did not suit Julia and I'm surprised she wore it. Chucking on a hideous garment over the top did nothing to improve the look.


What made me chuckle was when she said that Alex Kramer had asked her if she lost weight as she looked so good in it. I would have taken that as a insult cause I thought she looked bigger than she usually does.
what was she on last night! (well 12 am actually) I can't stand kim's voice at the best of times but last night she was talking so fast, tripping over her words and not really making much sense. I had to switch her off in the end!

Is she getting worse? If that is possible.She was with Micheal earlier and he tried several times to get a word in, no chance!

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