Kathy Taylor


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Mar 7, 2012
I rarely see KT but wanted to see Taxco Silver show (first show watched in weeks) presented by KT.

Whilst she is looking well, big big improvement in her hair, she is a bliddy awful presenter. Stumbling over everything, getting numbers wrong, details wrong. Grr
I'm not watching but I know what you mean, I can't watch her she's so stressed and anxious yet another presenter who's not a natural even after all these years, you find yourself willing her to finish her sentence, you're right absolutely awful, she must be filling in for the vanishing Jill Franks,
Apparently JF is ill but will be back on Tuesday.

In the previous show DF was talking away to BA about a TV when suddenly it jumped to CE with the same BA but in different clothes presenting a different product. Either the train to Devon was leaving the station or she came over funny and they slipped in an old clip. Smooth or what!
Apparently JF is ill but will be back on Tuesday.

In the previous show DF was talking away to BA about a TV when suddenly it jumped to CE with the same BA but in different clothes presenting a different product. Either the train to Devon was leaving the station or she came over funny and they slipped in an old clip. Smooth or what!

Hmmm, how odd. CE and DF should not be forced upon the unsuspecting public anymore than is absolutely necessary. :mysmilie_17:
I'm not watching but I know what you mean, I can't watch her she's so stressed and anxious yet another presenter who's not a natural even after all these years, you find yourself willing her to finish her sentence, you're right absolutely awful, she must be filling in for the vanishing Jill Franks,

Heard that 4 presenters are ill.
They're all a load of sick notes. Princess Jackie is the latest sick note, five minutes ago she was like Alison "rapid fire" Keenan on speed an now all of a sudden she's thrown a sickie?
We rarely see KT at the weekends. I don't think that I spent more than 15mins on qvc yesterday, there was nothing on that interested me, today looks much the same, way too much Dyson/Richard Jackson.....no ta.
But I wonder why is she still like this, after having been on Q for yonks? OK, some presenters are naturals in the job, but after all this time she surely should have acquired the skills? I am totally amazed that Q haven't got rid of her. I used to like her because she was not one of the more egotistical exhibitionists, but I think she's got worse over the past couple of years - talking over the guests, giving incorrect details of items, and sometimes quite snotty and superior towards guests. Perhaps her "training" was done by DF?

I'm not watching but I know what you mean, I can't watch her she's so stressed and anxious yet another presenter who's not a natural even after all these years, you find yourself willing her to finish her sentence, you're right absolutely awful, she must be filling in for the vanishing Jill Franks,
But I wonder why is she still like this, after having been on Q for yonks? OK, some presenters are naturals in the job, but after all this time she surely should have acquired the skills? I am totally amazed that Q haven't got rid of her. I used to like her because she was not one of the more egotistical exhibitionists, but I think she's got worse over the past couple of years - talking over the guests, giving incorrect details of items, and sometimes quite snotty and superior towards guests. Perhaps her "training" was done by DF?

Kathy Taylor is never normally on in the evenings, so - until very recently - I hadn't clapped eyes on her for ages, not since the days of the short, spiky hair and glasses. Yes, she had always bumbled her way through her presentations, but, like you, I always forgave her that, as I thought she seemed like a nice humble person with a good heart. Seeing her on screen again recently, I couldn't believe the change in her. This is true of so many of them now, though. It's easy to forget that Sarah Griffiths started out as a polite, softly spoken presenter! Why have they all become so dire? It would suggest to me that their role has become increasingly pressurised, were it not for the fact that Q seem to let them all do precisely as they please, Debbie Flint's outrageous on air promotion of her ventures outside of her role at Q being the most obvious example. The only place I can think of where your job is safer, irrespective of your performance, or misdemeanours on / off screen is the BBC!
I think you've hit the nail on the head when you mention the word "pressurised". It's the same with IW, Gemporia and TJC - they are all more shouty, more 'in yer face' and an arrogance and desperation has crept in - I've noticed the constant self-promotion on Gems, too, by certain presenters. If this is the current trend in presenting and they are told to do it by the Powers That Be, then it doesn't work for me. I want to hear about a product, not be shouted at, massage presenters' egos or watch someone who plainly hasn't done their research dithering and dothering about.

Kathy Taylor is never normally on in the evenings, so - until very recently - I hadn't clapped eyes on her for ages, not since the days of the short, spiky hair and glasses. Yes, she had always bumbled her way through her presentations, but, like you, I always forgave her that, as I thought she seemed like a nice humble person with a good heart. Seeing her on screen again recently, I couldn't believe the change in her. This is true of so many of them now, though. It's easy to forget that Sarah Griffiths started out as a polite, softly spoken presenter! Why have they all become so dire? It would suggest to me that their role has become increasingly pressurised, were it not for the fact that Q seem to let them all do precisely as they please, Debbie Flint's outrageous on air promotion of her ventures outside of her role at Q being the most obvious example. The only place I can think of where your job is safer, irrespective of your performance, or misdemeanours on / off screen is the BBC!
I think you've hit the nail on the head when you mention the word "pressurised". It's the same with IW, Gemporia and TJC - they are all more shouty, more 'in yer face' and an arrogance and desperation has crept in - I've noticed the constant self-promotion on Gems, too, by certain presenters. If this is the current trend in presenting and they are told to do it by the Powers That Be, then it doesn't work for me. I want to hear about a product, not be shouted at, massage presenters' egos or watch someone who plainly hasn't done their research dithering and dothering about.

I have suspected for a while it was powers that be and the same with them growing thier hair.
I was channel hopping yesterday & came across Gemporia.It held my attention for a short time as I could not believe how dire the 'presenter' was.Hands flying all over the place, words tumbling out of her mouth not making much sense.There seemed to be very little explanation of the items--who buys?I thought I will never complain about anyone on QVC again!
Norovirus gives no warning :puke::puke::puke:

Yes I can't vouch for that ..l.inwas about to pick my son up from work ...he had damaged his knee so needed help when travelling A to B .....I trotted out into the car ...the roads were gridlocked so I very very luckily decided to turn back and asked son to wait so that hubby could pick him up ...I got home ...with no prior warning I was going to be ill ..( and I thank goodness that I turned back home ) and away I went ...quite ill ......so yes it can strike suddenly and lays you really low ...I kept away from the family and luckily they didn't get it ....flat lemonade helped me loads ...I rang doc and she recemmneded it ...I said that I thought it was a myth that just went around the playground when my boys were little but she swore by it and I have to say it really helped my strength levels ...has to be flat though ...
There are very few experienced and knowledgeable presenters now on this channel. Most have left, or been pushed. During the daytime, most of the presenters are shouty and gesticulating or on an ego trip, telling us how many viewers have messaged to say how beautiful they (the presenter) is looking. The only ones with any knowledge who can put it across are Lynn and Rae, and Lynn is normally only on in the evenings. The standard of presenting is very 2nd-rate now, IMO. And I think you're right - the sales must be down, most things don't sell out quickly like they used to on this channel.

I was channel hopping yesterday & came across Gemporia.It held my attention for a short time as I could not believe how dire the 'presenter' was.Hands flying all over the place, words tumbling out of her mouth not making much sense.There seemed to be very little explanation of the items--who buys?I thought I will never complain about anyone on QVC again!
Kathy T is on the Jewellery day 9a.m- 10a.m slot & I haven't seen her for a while.She is looking better, has she lost weight? but she is making me 'nervous', the ummming, eeerring. jilted delivery and usual confusion over colours.Has she just dropped in to cover for someone else, or just not prepared?

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