Kathy Taylor


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She posted on twitter that there 16 year old dog had died, over the weekend.

A terrible thing to have to deal with. It truly is like losing one of your children. I have always had pets and at the moment have 3 dogs and a cat. The 15 year old cat and my 11 year old dog both have terminal illnesses. My cat may have a few months yet but it's probably more like a few weeks for my dog so I can totally sympathise with how stressful and upsetting a time like this can be. Such a shame for her, I hope she is OK.
Totally Loopy Lou, so sorry to hear this. Sending positive thoughts to you and your Dad, and hugs.

Losing her pet and suffering a nasty migraine, not surprised she doesn't look or feel herself, poor lady!

I have a severe chronic illness which is hideous on its own then when my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer at easter (and he's not old), I started getting migraines for the first time in my life. Awful! I get them several times a week and get vomiting with a lot of them :( I've been told they're stress related (err, yes!) but because I am already on morphine and beta-blockers there's nothing much they can do...

Really hope Kathy doesn't start suffering from them regularly.
Totally Loopy Lou, so sorry to hear this. Sending positive thoughts to you and your Dad, and hugs.

Bless you, thanks. It's very tough/rough but I thank my lucky stars that we're so close both - geographically and emotionally :)

And I have a beloved cat-child for cuddles (can't imagine the pain of losing my boy or having to have him put to sleep... He's only ten, though so hopefully many more years of mischief-making ;)
Watching Kathy on the Centegrade show and really felt for her.She mentioned she wears a particular coat for walking her dog and then stopped and said he died at the weekend and she wished she hadn't said that.But she carried on after a little bit of fluster. very professional.She looks better this morning .
I am sorry to hear about the loss of Kathys beloved pet but how anyone can liken it to losing one of your children beggars belief. Cheetycat I hope and pray it never happens to you because only a person who has experienced it will know what's it's like.
I am sorry to hear about the loss of Kathys beloved pet but how anyone can liken it to losing one of your children beggars belief. Cheetycat I hope and pray it never happens to you because only a person who has experienced it will know what's it's like.

I agree, I've never lost a child and can't imagine comparing the loss of a child above a pet. I certainly got over our various animal deaths very easily but my fathers death was a different thing altogether. You have to keep it in perspective. Of course with some people a pet is all they have known.

Just felt sorry for Kathy in that moment because she forgot about it and reminded herself and thats what happens. She also spoke very enthusiastically about her children and what they are up to including her daughter getting married before Christmas so she wasn't being overly sentimental about the dog.
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I'm sure you and your furbaby will be together for many years yet, so many cats live to ripe old ages now; one of my sisters-in-law has a female cat aged 20 - Mollie was a rescue cat, had been ill-treated, but still going strong (and loves her grub)!! Sis-in-law doesn't like her going out on her own now she's a "senior" so the 2 of them walk round the garden together a couple of times a day! I'm wishing many years of happy days ahead for you and your buddy, and every good wish to your Dad, lovely to know you two are close, makes a huge difference.
Bless you, thanks. It's very tough/rough but I thank my lucky stars that we're so close both - geographically and emotionally :)

And I have a beloved cat-child for cuddles (can't imagine the pain of losing my boy or having to have him put to sleep... He's only ten, though so hopefully many more years of mischief-making ;)
Yes, it gets to you when you say something about them without thinking - then realise they are no longer there. It makes a big hole in your heart, so I really can feel for her.
Watching Kathy on the Centegrade show and really felt for her.She mentioned she wears a particular coat for walking her dog and then stopped and said he died at the weekend and she wished she hadn't said that.But she carried on after a little bit of fluster. very professional.She looks better this morning .
I agree, I've never lost a child and can't imagine comparing the loss of a child above a pet. I certainly got over our various animal deaths very easily but my fathers death was a different thing altogether. You have to keep it in perspective. Of course with some people a pet is all they have known.

I lost my Dad very suddenly and very unexpectedly only 12 weeks ago.

Prior to that I have just went through a bad time in my relationship.

Both of my kids are older (teens and early twenties) and as such have their own lives to lead.

But my dogs have been there for me every day when others have not. They have provided welcome distraction during the tough times and something to focus on when things get a little too much.

Sadly two of my pets are now terminally ill and probably do not have much longer left. But I will continue to do my best for them for as long as I can because they were there for me when I needed them. At some point over the coming weeks/months there will come a time for them to pass and I will be truly devastated when that happens. Because for me, this will be another death in the family.

Yes I can see how some people can't make the comparison to losing a dog over a child or family member but for many people a dog or cat BECOMES one of their children. For many of us there is a special affinity with our pets and their unconditional love bring something very special to our lives. They become part of our family and so it follows that losing them is like losing a member of your family!
Hi Cheetycat, my Dad died suddenly when I was 27 (1990) and I still miss him and have a blub every now and then. It's surprising what sets me off. So be very kind to yourself, it's early days in your grieving process. Sending a hug x

When my mum died my awful sister-in-law told me that I wouldn't feel as bad because we'd had a difficult relationship, whereas she'll feel worse when her mum dies because they's so close. It's not a competition, grief is grief and the pain is raw whatever the loss!

My house rabbit has bone cancer and come home for a few weeks so we can make a fuss of him while he's still got some quality of life, but it's breaking my heart. He can't walk on his hind leg and is wearing the fur off his good foot. Sending further hugs for your poorly pets x
I lost my Dad very suddenly and very unexpectedly only 12 weeks ago.

Prior to that I have just went through a bad time in my relationship.

Both of my kids are older (teens and early twenties) and as such have their own lives to lead.

But my dogs have been there for me every day when others have not. They have provided welcome distraction during the tough times and something to focus on when things get a little too much.

Sadly two of my pets are now terminally ill and probably do not have much longer left. But I will continue to do my best for them for as long as I can because they were there for me when I needed them. At some point over the coming weeks/months there will come a time for them to pass and I will be truly devastated when that happens. Because for me, this will be another death in the family.

Yes I can see how some people can't make the comparison to losing a dog over a child or family member but for many people a dog or cat BECOMES one of their children. For many of us there is a special affinity with our pets and their unconditional love bring something very special to our lives. They become part of our family and so it follows that losing them is like losing a member of your family!

My condolences - you really are having a rough time of it! I know what you mean about pets being there when you get horrendous news or are struggling emotionally. You don't have to explain why you're feeling the way you do, they just go with it and let you be how you need to be at any given point. I hope you find the time you have left with your pets can be joyful as well as sad, and they have a painless passing when the time comes.
Thank you for your kind words Akimbo. I'm so sorry to hear about your rabbit, what a shame. I hope you get lots of lovely quality time with him before he has to move on to another life over the Rainbow Bridge, bless him. I'm sure he will enjoy being fussed over and will know how much he means to you. Incidentally, my daughter always says that when she has her own home her pet is going to be a house rabbit :wink:

Sending hugs to you all xx
My condolences - you really are having a rough time of it! I know what you mean about pets being there when you get horrendous news or are struggling emotionally. You don't have to explain why you're feeling the way you do, they just go with it and let you be how you need to be at any given point. I hope you find the time you have left with your pets can be joyful as well as sad, and they have a painless passing when the time comes.

Thank you MayMorgan, that is very kind of you.
I'm both sad and happy I've read this thread, sad because even after all these years the reminder of our little cat still brings tears to my eyes, and happy because of the love you all have for your little friends.
cheetycat, how awful for you. Grief isn't a competition; I feel for anyone who has lost someone, be it human or animal, and I'd never dream of saying to someone that their grief is of a lesser degree. Sending thoughts, good wishes and hugs to you, and hopes that your pets pass peacefully when or if the time comes. Think of the good memories, and be kind to yourself. xx

I lost my Dad very suddenly and very unexpectedly only 12 weeks ago.

Prior to that I have just went through a bad time in my relationship.

Both of my kids are older (teens and early twenties) and as such have their own lives to lead.

But my dogs have been there for me every day when others have not. They have provided welcome distraction during the tough times and something to focus on when things get a little too much.

Sadly two of my pets are now terminally ill and probably do not have much longer left. But I will continue to do my best for them for as long as I can because they were there for me when I needed them. At some point over the coming weeks/months there will come a time for them to pass and I will be truly devastated when that happens. Because for me, this will be another death in the family.

Yes I can see how some people can't make the comparison to losing a dog over a child or family member but for many people a dog or cat BECOMES one of their children. For many of us there is a special affinity with our pets and their unconditional love bring something very special to our lives. They become part of our family and so it follows that losing them is like losing a member of your family!

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