Kathy Tayler


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I really hate that the health issues surrounding overweight and obesity, seems to have made it okay for people to be rude to and about other folk.

Argey :36:
She has just said she will be 50 next year so it's unlikely. She probably just has a bit of a tummy - I know from personal experience that middle age and the menopause can be cruel on the figure!:11::11:Linda

This is so true. No matter how well we eat and exercise the menopause has a lot to answer for !!

Plus if you are too thin the wrinkles show more !
I guess we all view this matter in relation to our own body shapes. I'm slim and so she seems plump to me, whereas others obviously consider her the 'norm'. Having said that, I find Jill Franks way too thin, she would look better IMO with a bit more weight on her frame. I think Catherine has a lovely figure and looks great.

The way I view this is IMHO IS

Yolanda you are slim and stunning. Jill Franks is too thin, . Kathy is overweight, and catherine is just right.

IMHO I see it like that -Basically If If you ever had a spare tyre hanging it don't look good no matter what frame or build you are IMHO. IMHO I go on how you look is there anything hanging. Thats just for me personally. How others want to be isup to them
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Yawn..I Agree. I'm sure Kathy is well aware of her weight/shape, and I do not believe anyone would look at her and seriously think she was pregnant.
I've often heard that TV cameras make a person look much plumper than they actually are, which seems to be borne out by accounts of meeting TV celebrities and finding them much smaller and prettier than expected.

I suspect that Julia really is wearing the clothes sizes she claims, and that we'd find her a lot trimmer than she looks on screen.

By this measure, Jilly Franks must be all but invisible in real life.
i like kathy, she has a vunerable streak about her.

i always get the impression she is not overly confident, shame because she is a beautiful girl and facewise she looks 30

she is the kind of person i would love to have round for a cup of tea and a cake
Havinh having a weight problem myself whereby I feel/look pregnant - I must say it is most hurtful for people to draw attention to it. Having been historically thin (7.5 stone with a 28 inch waist!!), it is a bit of a shock so for people to draw attention or ask if I'm pregnant and is most hurtful and annoying.

I'm sure Kathy is well aware of how she looks as are most women, a knock to confidence does nothing for weightloss - believe me!!!!
I think Kathy has a very pretty face and seems a genuinely nice person but you would never know that she was once a world class athlete. I wonder how she feels when she sees pictures of herself in her prime? Maybe if you stop training and competing the weight piles on faster than if you'd never exercised?
Looks aren't everything anyway ! It's what's inside that counts !

The main thing is that you are a decent and good person surely.
I'd rather be fat with a pleasant nature than thin with a horrible one.

Cathy comes over as a lovely person and I think thats all that matters.
Looks aren't everything anyway ! It's what's inside that counts !

The main thing is that you are a decent and good person surely.
I'd rather be fat with a pleasant nature than thin with a horrible one.

Cathy comes over as a lovely person and I think thats all that matters.

Quite right. A member of another board I belong to has a very good saying under her avatar:

"Its nice to be important, but its much more important to be nice".

Well,if I had a choice of looking like Ali Keenan or Kathy Taylor,I know who I'd choose & it certainly wouldn't be Ali K :52:
Kathy may be carrying a few extra pounds or whatever but doesn't she look an awful lot better than Miss K? :21:
Hope everyone having a poke is drop dead gorgeous.

Kathy isn't thin but neither is she HUGE !!!
It's not the wrapper that counts, it's what's inside that matters.

Kathy comes across as warm, genuine and 'human.' I also like the way she's sometimes 'scatty,' because it makes her seem more 'normal.'

With most of the UK's women not being stick thin (isn't size 16 the average now?) I'd far rather watch a presenter who's not gaunt, but someone who is like the vast majority of us. And being stick thin doesn't mean you're healthier than a 'meatier' person. Nor does the fact that someone is average sized and above imply that they eat too much. And as AllThatGlitters said, TV apparently adds about 10lbs to people.
Yolanda you are slim and stunning. Jill Franks is too thin, . Kathy is overweight, and catherine is just right.

Aww, thanks Dazzy. Coming from a beauty like you that's a heck of a compliment. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kathy said during one of the endless coat TSVs recently, that she is a 'good' size 16 at the mo, perfectly honest about it and not trying to delude herself by constantly twittering on about being a fecking size small :fume:

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