Julien McDonald - We are not worthy!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
This guy is such a narcissist. "I am famous for..." dressing the rich. He didn't want us mere mortals to feel left out, so has designed a range, suitable for the hoi polloi. I would not be so cynical, as to suggest he saw a lucrative opportunity to make ordinary folks feel special, by wearing his tat. Kelly Hoppen is the same : I am sure the Beckhams would not demean themselves, by sleeping under the linens she flogs on the Q, ata considerably high price.
I only saw a bit of the last show and I don't think I ever heard anyone name drop so much. Made miss Mally seem quite demure.
Talking about a ring that is not far of the size of a golf ball, he informs us reassuringly 'It looks heavy but it's actually super, super light'.......why am I not surprised by this?


When out with the girls, people will apparently cluster round excitedly & whisper to each other 'Wow, where'd she get that ring from?'....really? Or are they actually asking 'Eww, where'd she get that from!'......& coming to the conclusion it was probably Claire's Accessories!

Even on "Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model" I couldn't stand the horrid little man, he's so much in love with himself and so far up his own backside he can check his veneers are still in tact.
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There's just something about him that makes me feel quite ill when l see him! He really is an odious little man. The tat he sells is awful and priced stupidly!
Talking about a ring that is not far of the size of a golf ball, he informs us reassuringly 'It looks heavy but it's actually super, super light'.......why am I not surprised by this?


When out with the girls, people will apparently cluster round excitedly & whisper to each other 'Wow, where'd she get that ring from?'....really? Or are they actually asking 'Eww, where'd she get that from!'......& coming to the conclusion it was probably Claire's Accessories!


Great post, I saw that ring and thought the same, I dread to think what some of my friends would think if I went out with that on, and what some would say, mega tacky! And not even cheap,
I saw just a glimpse of the show before I switched off & thought much the same.He designs ( according to himself) for the super rich so anyone will think you have spent a fortune if you wear his jewellery.Which planet is he on? the bits I saw looked very poor.
This guy is such a narcissist. "I am famous for..." dressing the rich. He didn't want us mere mortals to feel left out, so has designed a range, suitable for the hoi polloi. I would not be so cynical, as to suggest he saw a lucrative opportunity to make ordinary folks feel special, by wearing his tat. Kelly Hoppen is the same : I am sure the Beckhams would not demean themselves, by sleeping under the linens she flogs on the Q, ata considerably high price.

I posted something about Kelly Hoppen bedding earlier on another thread. last two bed sets of hers i've bought from Q have come apart at the seams on first wash. quality is appalling.
There's just something about him that makes me feel quite ill when l see him! He really is an odious little man. The tat he sells is awful and priced stupidly!

He was rubbish on Strictly too.......:mysmilie_486:
I'm not a fan of him or his products but I did feel a wee bit sorry for him on strictly, he wanted so much to be able to do it but was voted out before he was able to show improvement.

I'm a sucker for the ones who have no experience but work hard and have no interest in the dance school graduates.
If he thinks so much of himself, why on earth did he come on a Shopping channel?
He came because he wants our money, if he wants our money, he ought to be thankful for the money he can get from us.
If he thinks he is so high and mighty, he ought to stay with his so called stars!
Anyone who comes to the Q are vendors, begging for our custom and should be grateful for the sales.
I saw just a glimpse of the show before I switched off & thought much the same.He designs ( according to himself) for the super rich so anyone will think you have spent a fortune if you wear his jewellery.Which planet is he on? the bits I saw looked very poor.

The super rich often don't have very good taste .

Don't forget he has an QBE for services to fashion as he keeps reminding us.
He also does a range of Debenhams Britain's favourite family store. Did he bum up about that? Bet not, the thought of some mere normal woman wearing anything from him will make him feel ill. Oh but money helps him buy the antacids to calm his stomach over it.
I literally gave him 15 seconds and that was too much. Something about naming items after himself. Strewth! Jilly drew the short straw there.
Isnt he the one who came from an ordinary working class background and went to a normal comp? He was talented enough to make it big through sheer hard work and talent? Shame if he has forgotten who he was and where he came from and become so full of himself. Is there a song "It's hard to be humble.. "
The minute any designer/vendor hits selly telly then they`ve hit the slippery slope downwards in my opinion. They pretend to bring exclusivity to the great unwashed, when in reality they`ve sold out to cheaper mass production, cheaper quality and having their name rubbished by many.
They can paint as many airy fairy comments as they like about it being something special or how we should be excited about owning a dress/bag/ cosmetic/item of jewellery designed by the same person who made a dress/bag/ cosmetic/item of jewellery for a celeb but the truth is only idiots will swallow anything but the fact that the items on Q are always going to be poles apart from anything which is truly designer. I bet half the time the so called designer has very little, if any, input into Q`s offerings and has simply sold out their name.
If he thinks so much of himself, why on earth did he come on a Shopping channel?
He came because he wants our money, if he wants our money, he ought to be thankful for the money he can get from us.
If he thinks he is so high and mighty, he ought to stay with his so called stars!
Anyone who comes to the Q are vendors, begging for our custom and should be grateful for the sales.

He also does a range of Debenhams Britain's favourite family store. Did he bum up about that? Bet not, the thought of some mere normal woman wearing anything from him will make him feel ill. Oh but money helps him buy the antacids to calm his stomach over it.

The most galling thing with many of these 'designers' is that the very stuff they're flogging to us lesser mortals, as mentioned above, probably constitutes a fair amount of their bread & butter income & helps provide them with the readies to design & flog their designery creations to their preferred clientele......y'know, posh people like the Beckhams, the cast of TOWIE & such like, I dunno, who buys his stuff anyway?
So show a bit of gratitude eh?

I saw the Alexander McQueen exhibition at the V&A ( along with many others) earlier this year.Now that was awe inspiring talent whose life ended so tragically far too early.These 'Designers' who appear on Q are just not in the same league.They peddle their wares to the mass markets and are no better than the 'nameless designers' who work day in day out for High St. brands.
We were in Monte Carlo , day trip, and looked at the designer shops.. Looking though the windows/doors, Gucci had about 3 dresses and Chopard had one huge diamond ring in the window. They had an armed guard who kept looking at us don't know what he thought we were going to do.

Been looking at the site and took the plunge and joined.

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