Julia's Book Cover


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Wonder is she self publishing or is QVC funding this venture? I just cant imagine any mainstream publishing house taking this seriously!
I've just read the comments posted on her blog in answer to her plea for help... they are so sugary sweet and fawning that it's made me feel quite queasy.
doesn't make a lot of difference - the facial expression is identical in all 3.

You reckon Janie? I think there are quite considerable differences, look again........she must tailor her expression & pose to what she's wearing! LOL

1. Red dress - hard vampy stare ('50 Shades of Grey' meets the 'Twilight' Volturi!) lol) - arms out of the way, chin slightly down, challenging.

2. Coral dress - the 'Liz Earle' coy but 'in control' smile, shoulders relaxed, arms softly folded, curved fingers slightly open.

3. Purple dress - pure 'Dragon's Den', face on, aggressive stare ('buy my book or else!' lol), arms folded in a hard cross, fingers only just touching forearms & open but straight, more demanding than defensive.

On that basis, the most approachable & appealing (for her book!) is perhaps the coral, though the colour is a teensy bit pukey.....? (Maybe use no. 2 stance but wear the purple from no. 3?)
Well I for one admire JR for writing a book. I don't think it's as easy as we might imagine, in fact from my own minor forays into the realm of litch...lichra....litratoor.... erm writin' stuff I think its ****** hard work. Your wrist hurts summat rotten!
Well I for one admire JR for writing a book. I don't think it's as easy as we might imagine, in fact from my own minor forays into the realm of litch...lichra....litratoor.... erm writin' stuff I think its ****** hard work. Your wrist hurts summat rotten!

I could write something shockingly rude & unladylike in reply to that but hey, it's nearly Christmas so I shall drag my thought processes out of the gutter & lay the toilet humour aside for now.....! LOL

Writing a book, yes, hard indeed, hence why I've never done it! (Wish I had though! lol) Of course, the first rule of wriiting is to 'write about what you know', so I guess Julia is well qualified there at least re. her subject matter! LOL
Yes must be soo hard to have to write about yourself ...........not :wonder:
I've just read the comments posted on her blog in answer to her plea for help... they are so sugary sweet and fawning that it's made me feel quite queasy.

i'm assuming that's why she posted them in the first place...........
You reckon Janie? I think there are quite considerable differences, look again........she must tailor her expression & pose to what she's wearing! LOL

1. Red dress - hard vampy stare ('50 Shades of Grey' meets the 'Twilight' Volturi!) lol) - arms out of the way, chin slightly down, challenging.

2. Coral dress - the 'Liz Earle' coy but 'in control' smile, shoulders relaxed, arms softly folded, curved fingers slightly open.

3. Purple dress - pure 'Dragon's Den', face on, aggressive stare ('buy my book or else!' lol), arms folded in a hard cross, fingers only just touching forearms & open but straight, more demanding than defensive.

On that basis, the most approachable & appealing (for her book!) is perhaps the coral, though the colour is a teensy bit pukey.....? (Maybe use no. 2 stance but wear the purple from no. 3?)

nope, can't see it personally. to me it looks as though if you superimposed them one on the top of the other, it would be an exact match. maybe i ddn't look hard enough.
nope, can't see it personally. to me it looks as though if you superimposed them one on the top of the other, it would be an exact match. maybe i ddn't look hard enough.

I think that's more to do with 'not really giving a sh*te' than 'not noticing'....! LOL

I don't really give a sh*te either tbh but when invited to look, I do & I've known/met a lot of strange people in my time (where it might really 'matter') so I tend to notice/pick up on stuff, it's a sort of habit I guess....! LOL
Yes must be soo hard to have to write about yourself ...........not :wonder:

Hmm, I dunno, I could write for a week on a number of subjects but I'd struggle to put down even 200 words on myself, mainly because I wouldn't want to or feel comfortable doing so....even if I was famous.....or pseudo famous......or simply someone off the telly who just fancies writing about herself.....! LOL
Great it will be available on auto delivery, every 90days ull get the same book :happy:
Is it a novel or a memoir?
No hon just pure fantasy.

I've just read the comments posted on her blog in answer to her plea for help... they are so sugary sweet and fawning that it's made me feel quite queasy.
Piggy's always fishing for compliments and her sycophants will always answer the call. Imho the woman is terrified of getting old and craves this constant bolstering of her ego, it's sad really.

I like her best in the red. So we must be getting near the publication date - at long last, she's been talking about this book for what seems like years. Wonder if they will sell it on QVC? I'd buy a copy, if I could get it signed.

You might be in luck fulhamphil. I'm sure she has said QVC will be selling signed copies. Hope it goes down better than last years presenter calendar.
I. think it's called vanity publishing in other words she's paid to have it published. She is an egotist who thinks others will be interested in her fabulous life. What a load of rubbish she has been a dancer and is now a glorified shop assistant I think my life has been far more interesting than hers and I have done nothing compared to some people. She is full of her own self importance and as the saying goes she needs to 'get a life'.
Oh well give it a few weeks and you will see it at a Qvc outlet in the 50p basket by the door! :mysmilie_483:

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