Julia ...... Hotness !


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I think WHEN she gets it right, she looks great... sadly 80% of the time she gets it wrong!

Therefore it MUST be Christmas!
Hot or NOT, even my 16yr old commented tonight that her hair looked far too long for a grannie :grin: His words not mine.
Aww, I missed her! What shows was she on in said red dress?! I'll look up a video later ;-)

**Am mobile so please excuse typos, limited vocabulary and inability to thank/like posts!!**
Yes, she looks gorgeous! She is my favourite presenter anyway.....I have stated in my post somewhere that she is the only presenter I would trust. The others undermine our intellect at times.
Watched the Pompoos and NN shows this eve' and I agree, she looked lovely - her hair was really sleek and her make-up was very nice too :up::up:

Had to giggle when she tripped over during NN though :giggle:
I watched Julia last night on the Pompoos hour and thought she looked gorgeous. As someone else said when she gets her look right - she is lovely - but sadly 80% of the time she seems to get it wrong. Her hair looked glossy and sleek. She is the best presenter that QVC have and always gives good information i.e. sizes and material quality - shame she comes across as being rather affected sometimes but last night she was spot on.
Lucy lou - I agree. Why is long hair only for the young. I am well past my sell-by date and until last year had long hair (worn up) but lost it all due to chemo. It is now about 1" long all over and a bit spiky but friends and family say it suits me (think they are being kind really). The up-side is that it is so easy to look after - no drying or styling or even conditioning. Yesterday I sorted all my clips, combs etc. I couldn't bring myself to throw them away - just in case I grow it again - so they are stored away in a box in my wardrobe. My moral (sp.) to this tale is - whatever your age if you want long hair - go for it. You never know when you might lose it.
Why is long hair only for the young

It's not, especially in the days of convincing hair pieces and quality extensions.

My mum is in her late 60s and has shorter hair than she had in her youth due to living in Spain and finding it more easy to manage - the last thing you want to be doing in a hot climate is spending hours on your hair getting it 'just right'. However, she has a piece and some extensions for when she wants to glam up for a special occasion.

Age related restrictions as to what one should and shouldn't do are imposed by narrow minded individuals and unfortunately, ageist behaviour and remarks like 'too long for a granny' are still an acceptable form of bigotory in our society. They'll be eradicated though and soon it will be widely understood that making a derogatory remark (regardless of how flippant it is) based on a person's age, is as unacceptable as making such remarks based on their ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation etc.
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totally agree Dame FC. We should celebrate age rather than denigrate it. I have always thought this even when i was young. I hate any form of discrimination and this is one that still seems to be socially acceptable. Oh and I too thought Julia looked totally lovely last night and was informative and entertaining to watch.
I heard a great saying the other day - something along the lines of 'every age has its own joy' and it's true. I don't yearn for my younger days and I hope to continue to live a happy and healthy life with at least as many more birthdays as I've had already!

When I was young I was always fascinated by my grandmothers and their friends - the stories they had to tell and their take on the modern world would fill me with awe and respect.
She looked great last night, I watched the Pompoos hour (hoping to see Harald, alas no...) but her hair was sleek and glossy, the red dress suited her and she was on good form. Really enjoyable.
Age related restrictions as to what one should and shouldn't do are imposed by narrow minded individuals and unfortunately, ageist behaviour and remarks like 'too long for a granny' are still an acceptable form of bigotory in our society. They'll be eradicated though and soon it will be widely understood that making a derogatory remark (regardless of how flippant it is) based on a person's age, is as unacceptable as making such remarks based on their ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation etc.
What's happened to personal opinion and preferences about something as innocuous as hair?? I happen to think that long hair on older women (whoops! - and men - chucked that in so I don't get labelled sexist :rolleyes:) can look unkempt and witchlike...it is MY PERSONAL CHOICE not to have long hair and that is MY PERSONAL OPINION and I'm entitled to state it. Why is it that anybody's personal choices and opinions are deemed to be unacceptable by anybody else who doesn't happen to agree with them?? I agree that insulting derogatory remarks based on race, colour, sexual orientation etc are totally unacceptable but imo there is far too much unnecessary pc crap going on in today's society and too many people ready to jump on their soapboxes and declare almost anything wrong. In the last 20 years almost any word at all can have the tag "ist" tacked on the end of it to stir up feelings of discrimination or victimisation, no wonder the Human Rights Act gets used and abused so much. :rolleyes: Actually I'm surprised BB using the word bender didn't get the pc mob on here hysterical.:rolleyes:
julias hair looked lovely last night but it just goes to show like most of us mere mortals she has to work at it. the days when she/most of us can wake up and shrug our long hair and it falls into place miraculously are long gone.
So true Boffy.

Today I look as if I've gone 10 rounds in the wrestling ring with Mick McManus - and he won!
My face could do with a run over with the steam iron too

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