Judith Williams The Private WebChat On BTY


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

This is off topic but does refer to a sentence in my first post on this thread (all those posts ago!). Thank you for all your kind thoughts ans prayers concerning my housing situation - they worked. I sign a lease on Monday for a lovely new flat. Thank you!
That's great! Congrats to your new home! :)
I've got nothing against him, I don't know him. My comments are what I believe to be true. I do find it a shame that he's hankering after some sort of celebrity status with QVC customers, a la Debbie Flint style, he clearly wants to be employed by QVC but they can see what others see, that his only talent is copying what's all ready out there. It's a shame because if he channels all that time on his hand and turns it into something productive, he could make a nice little career for himself instead of wasting it on QVC, who only use him for sales.
Yes, I know, but you're not understanding what I was saying.

CMQ said ". . . . do it elsewhere please" - in other words, she wants to stop us posting on this forum.

I replied as above - asking why her assumption is that her discomfort trumps our freedom of speech, particularly when all she has to do is stop reading the thread for both of our feelings to be catered for. She told us to go elsewhere. I'm saying if she goes elsewhere she won't feel uncomfortable and we won't be censored.

Don't be dense. We all have freedom of speech, but lets remember the soul purpose of this forum shall we? I understand that Graham allows a freedom here for people to say what they want, but this thread has gone too far with even mods having a pop at people at times too. The reason I joined this site is because its a place where people can discuss QVC and other shopping channels and the often tat they sell, but also to get a heads up on TSV's and OTO's etc... For a few days now this is the thread with the most movement and there isn't much actual discussion about QVC at all, its just a bashing session for people who share different views to others. The reason I suggested going elsewhere is simple, what you want to do is publicly (after all this a forum open to everyone) humiliate and bash someone for doing something feel passionate about. I'm sure there are many websites out there would allow you to do that trash freely without taking away from thats sites main purpose.

Can we leave the hostility at FB and get back to the shopping...
This is off topic but does refer to a sentence in my first post on this thread (all those posts ago!). Thank you for all your kind thoughts ans prayers concerning my housing situation - they worked. I sign a lease on Monday for a lovely new flat. Thank you!

I think when it comes to posters on this form there is one poster I ignore. If I see their name on a thread or post I do not read it as a previous post of theirs really upset me. This approach works for me although it may not work for others. (oh, perhaps I should make clear it is not the poster everyone else is referring to just in case folk think I am adding fuel to this particular fire).

That is really good news!! Congratulations - Homelessness has to be one of the most stressful and distressing things in life.

I also think your approach to posting is a sensible one - if someone has hurt you, using "ignore" allows you to continue to enjoy posting here... for the laughs, the drama, the controversy, and of course... the QVC coming up soon information... entirely as it should be. Nobody should feel they can't post. Personally I like the diversity of views, as even if you think you have a full picture of a situation... diverging views can prompt you to reassess and modify your own assumptions.
This is off topic but does refer to a sentence in my first post on this thread (all those posts ago!). Thank you for all your kind thoughts ans prayers concerning my housing situation - they worked. I sign a lease on Monday for a lovely new flat. Thank you!

I think when it comes to posters on this form there is one poster I ignore. If I see their name on a thread or post I do not read it as a previous post of theirs really upset me. This approach works for me although it may not work for others. (oh, perhaps I should make clear it is not the poster everyone else is referring to just in case folk think I am adding fuel to this particular fire).

I'm sorry I didn't know about your housing situation WS. I hope you'll be very happy in your new home. :mysmilie_14:
This is off topic but does refer to a sentence in my first post on this thread (all those posts ago!). Thank you for all your kind thoughts ans prayers concerning my housing situation - they worked. I sign a lease on Monday for a lovely new flat. Thank you!

I think when it comes to posters on this form there is one poster I ignore. If I see their name on a thread or post I do not read it as a previous post of theirs really upset me. This approach works for me although it may not work for others. (oh, perhaps I should make clear it is not the poster everyone else is referring to just in case folk think I am adding fuel to this particular fire).

At last - some good news on the ST forum. I am so pleased your situation has improved, and well done. Hope you have more time to contribute on here! Good luck and best wishes for the future. :mysmilie_59::mysmilie_59::mysmilie_59:
This is off topic but does refer to a sentence in my first post on this thread (all those posts ago!). Thank you for all your kind thoughts ans prayers concerning my housing situation - they worked. I sign a lease on Monday for a lovely new flat. Thank you!

I think when it comes to posters on this form there is one poster I ignore. If I see their name on a thread or post I do not read it as a previous post of theirs really upset me. This approach works for me although it may not work for others. (oh, perhaps I should make clear it is not the poster everyone else is referring to just in case folk think I am adding fuel to this particular fire).

Glad you're all sorted with a new home. x
Congratulations to Windowshopping, hope you will be very happy in your new home.
Don't be dense. We all have freedom of speech, but lets remember the soul purpose of this forum shall we? I understand that Graham allows a freedom here for people to say what they want, but this thread has gone too far with even mods having a pop at people at times too. The reason I joined this site is because its a place where people can discuss QVC and other shopping channels and the often tat they sell, but also to get a heads up on TSV's and OTO's etc... For a few days now this is the thread with the most movement and there isn't much actual discussion about QVC at all, its just a bashing session for people who share different views to others. The reason I suggested going elsewhere is simple, what you want to do is publicly (after all this a forum open to everyone) humiliate and bash someone for doing something feel passionate about. I'm sure there are many websites out there would allow you to do that trash freely without taking away from thats sites main purpose.

Can we leave the hostility at FB and get back to the shopping...

If you want to leave hostility out of this I suggest you don't begin your post by saying "Don't be dense", a decidedly hostile remark.

This thread is entirely relevant to QVC, as their actions have directly caused the events under discussion. You are trying to muddy the waters - I have not once "bashed someone for doing what he feels passionate about", I have not once made any reference to his providing the information that he provides to this and other forums. All I have done is relate his actions and behaviour towards me and others, a number of whom are fellow members of this forum. In front of thousands of others he has unjustly pilloried and humiliated people who had previously taken a public stand on his behalf - and, it should be said, he continues to do so. What I and others have posted is entirely true. If those posts humiliate him then he is entirely responsible for humiliating himself and should have thought of that before he treated people so badly.

And this forum has never been just about shopping as you are well aware.
Surely this has gone far enough now - IMO this thread should be closed.

It has resorted into one long 'ganging up' on one forum member.

Regardless of his actions (whatever those may be) on another site, he is a member here and should have the same 'protection' from abuse as everyone else.

Please can we just park this now?
If I abused forum members here or elsewhere I would deserve no protection from their responses. And nobody here has been abusive, there's been no yelling or profanity, no lies have been told. Relating true facts about someone's behaviour is not abuse. They may be uncomfortable for that person - deservedly so - but they are not abusive.

I find it extraordinary the way some people bother to post that they're "bored" with a thread or call for it to be closed because they don't like what's being said. If you don't like a thread don't read it or post a constructive comment to challenge what people are saying. I don't like the threads that are mean and vicious about the presenters, but it wouldn't occur to me to try to stop others' right to speak by calling for the threads to be closed. I can honestly say that in at least 20 years of taking part in forums of all kinds I've never once asked for a thread to be closed, no matter how offensive or dislikeable I found other people's posts. People died for their right to speak - and no, that's not being melodramatic, it's a fact.

Personally I don't care if this thread is closed now because I've said what I wanted to say. But if someone s**ts on me do not expect me to turn the other cheek, because I won't, and I reserve the right to comment on this subject again should it re-arise.
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Not sure how many saw this on the official QVC FB page earlier in the week?

But Judith popped on and announced she was doing a webchat on BTY(the Debbie Flint private group), this upset loads of people many saying they will never buy from her range again. Well if the thousands of QVC customers not allowed on the group and were not good enough to talk to her, why should they buy her products? Some of it is still rumbling on.

Then to add insult to injury, DF then went on BTY and the Queens groups and made a statement that Judith had especially asked to have the webchat on her group. I mean what was DF suppose to do?? Perhaps tell Judith to shift her arse over to the official QVC page and talk to all her customers.:mysmilie_51:

amen to that - well said, and I loathe DF, so for her to align herself with DF makes me even madder.
Dignified silence? Maybe there's just nothing he could say that wouldn't be cited as empire building or bullying. Has anyone seen evidence of him abusing anyone on here? Then report it.

Many of us just want to read and post about the good, the bad and the ugly on shopping channels. If I wanted to hear the minutiae of facebook I'd be over there. How did this daft pastime become so politicised? :mysmilie_1:
Anyone with a perceived grievance on Facebook or Twitter should seek a remedy over there as there's certainly no action that Graham and Sazza can take until there's rule breaking here. Feel aggrieved and want to tell tales over here to get your own back? I don't see that it's the solution.

Lets put away our pitch forks and have a laugh at someone on telly who takes themselves far too seriously :mysmilie_3:
Dignified silence? Maybe there's just nothing he could say that wouldn't be cited as empire building or bullying. Has anyone seen evidence of him abusing anyone on here? Then report it.

Many of us just want to read and post about the good, the bad and the ugly on shopping channels. If I wanted to hear the minutiae of facebook I'd be over there. How did this daft pastime become so politicised? :mysmilie_1:
Anyone with a perceived grievance on Facebook or Twitter should seek a remedy over there as there's certainly no action that Graham and Sazza can take until there's rule breaking here. Feel aggrieved and want to tell tales over here to get your own back? I don't see that it's the solution.

Lets put away our pitch forks and have a laugh at someone on telly who takes themselves far too seriously :mysmilie_3:

'anyone with a perceived grievance over on facebook .... should seek a remedy over there'

that is not possible in this case when messages are censored, deleted and/or the person gets banned from the facebook group,
hence no remedy possible for the person on the other side to the ones with the power to censor, delete and/or ban
I don't know why some people get so worked up over other people's comments, just let them comment, you comment, then let it go. I do find it funny however that the same three people, plus the stand alone person, who have all had a go at me in the past for absolutely nothing really, so I wonder how come that's ok but this scenario isn't? Smacks of hypocrisy doesn't it.
Surely this has gone far enough now - IMO this thread should be closed.

It has resorted into one long 'ganging up' on one forum member.

Regardless of his actions (whatever those may be) on another site, he is a member here and should have the same 'protection' from abuse as everyone else.

Please can we just park this now?

I concur, wholeheartedly. Whilst I have my own opinion, about the reason for this topic being discussed, it has evolved from what was, essentially, an innocent thread, into a witch hunt. It is no longer about the JW BTY web chat.
I wonder how many of those posting offensive remarks about him, have welcomed his unearthing of future tsv/special offers?
Let it go.
Louse66 I wonder how many of those posting offensive remarks about him, have welcomed his unearthing of future tsv/special offers?
Let it go.[/QUOTE]

Firstly, I can't see anything offensive here, but if that's how some people choose to read it, so be it, secondly, as I've never done Facebook, or shopped with QVC for well over two years, or seen him in the twenty years I was a QVC member, so I can honestly say, I have never or will ever welcome TSVs.

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