Judith is friends with Billy Botox and Freddy Filler


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Remember Lesley Ash when she had hers done and it went horribly wrong.

Look familiar?

I think it's beyond sad to see so many originally pretty, attractive young women butchering their faces and bodies. You can see pictures of Pamela Anderson, and Jordan (Katie Price) before they began inflating various parts of their faces and bodies, and they were far nicer-looking than they are now. Unfortunately when you fill things beyond their natural capacity, they take on a particular shape... one which never varies from person to person. Now why would you want to pay good money to erase your individuality? Even if you eventually reverse it, the damage is done, and what you get back to is a pale imitation of what you started with.

In the insecure media bubble, with high-def cameras and extreme close-ups, it must be very hard to resist the subtle, and not-so-subtle pressure to "freshen things up a little", but I wish they would. I also find it grossly unfair that the pressure rarely extends to the men... they are allowed to get as grey and saggy and jowly as they like, where a woman of the same age has to filler the years away to continue working at the same level. One day perhaps this will change, but at present it seems that the only women constantly in front of the camera allowed to age are the Royal Family from the Queen down, and politicians from the PM down. Other than that, it just doesn't seem allowed.

We should, in a way, be glad that the QVC lot (and some of the IW lot too) are allowed to work on camera in their 40's - 60's. The fact that the beauty guests in particular seem to have a bit of tidying up done speaks volumes for the beauty industry and the integrity of their claims for the products they sell...

I like the guests who seem relatively real. Ironically, I'm thinking of two American ladies... Cathy Kangas, and Marla Wynne... both appear to have mobile faces and still are able to move their faces like normal people. Just a shame there aren't more who can resist the constant pressures to look good, and keep "freshening up". Judith Williams is/was quite attractive, but definitely acts older than her age, which probably makes her more vulnerable to keep looking young. I can just imagine what would happen to her on that 10 years younger show with that rather terrifying South African-sounding lady...!
At least the resident beauty expert hasn't succumbed to Botox, fillers etc.
I notice she's losing her jaw definition and and getting jowls like most 50 plus women and there's nothing wrong with that!!

I think that they should be more open if guests and models have had work.....but that wont make us jump to the phones and sales would plummet,so we still have to pretend Lulu,Tiff Tova,Judith etc are blessed with the gene of eternal oversretched filled plumped and lifted skin naturally!!
She is on at the moment and I am watching the eyebrows and they have not moved once like DF who is on with her.
She is on at the moment and I am watching the eyebrows and they have not moved once like DF who is on with her.

I also turned over for a nose last night. Her mouth moves but the rest does not. The thing is she has opera singer in her CV and do move their faces a lot. So dear Judith has def been having work done. Most people are actually dare I say shocked to find out her age and they all assume she is in her 50s.
Looked it up and Judith is only 43. She looks good, does have lovely clear, smooth looking skin but her demeanor is that of a much older women. I would have expected her to be a really young looking 50 something rather than early 40's.

FORTY THREE ??? :mysmilie_19: yeah, probably 10 years ago. Her face must have a heavy dose of primer underneath the make up to make it look so smooth. I don't care how good the genes are or the healthy lifestyle led, no-one has skin that smooth and unblemished in middle age without 'work'. How old is the woman who demonstrates Dolly10 then ?

TBH I had more respect for Stacey from YBF when she started with a bare face and then made-up on air, no pretence there.
I also turned over for a nose last night. Her mouth moves but the rest does not. The thing is she has opera singer in her CV and do move their faces a lot. So dear Judith has def been having work done. Most people are actually dare I say shocked to find out her age and they all assume she is in her 50s.

Thought she was late 40's! Attractive looking woman.
Her hair had me more horrified than her face, to be honest. I wonder if the hair was a wig, and the wonky, flat half-fringe cut into it just before she went on air? It was dull, flat and lifeless with horribly dry ends (a bit like Sara Griffiths' hair). Cheeks definitely seemed fuller than they have previously been, so the combination of inanimate features and lifeless hair was a bit unnerving. I saw her on with Debbie, and while I dislike her manner on air, features-wise she's got the golden ticket (good bones, and fantastic skin)... with the animation she was able to achieve, Judith did seem a bit.... "doll-like" by comparison.

Generally, though, I do like Judith as a guest... and the affordable skincare proposition she has. What I don't like is this promoting of the products as if they are solely and directly responsible for the condition of her features and skin... when suspicions are growing with the increasing immobility of her features that it isn't true.
I thought she was nearer to fifty three, honestly I really did. As for the Botox yes I've got to agree, she's definitely had something done, and conveniently that fringe was strategically placed to hide most of her fod, but the bit I did see was definitely Botoxed up, obviously she doesn't have much confidence in her mass produced, ineffective beauty products.
Remember ages ago there was talk on here of one of the beauty range people having had some scary sounding human growth hormone treatment? Was that Ms Williams or someone else? I can't remember now but I remember the discussion.
I think it was Bio-Effect, I sold on ebay the wee sample I got from the Beauty Bash because, having had cancerous cells removed from my cheek, I wasn't going to risk using a product designed to "activate cellular growth".
Yes, it was Bio-Effect. I also have a sample but haven't tried it yet and think I wouldn't want to.
I had a nose too and Judith looks a different person much like Natalia from Revitalash. JF was on with JW and it seems that JF uses soap and water only looking at her skin. Never mind she says she uses all skincare from Q especially Perricone and she uses all of the facial machines and gadgets too. Yeah right.
Judith isn't all that old by my way of thinking, she's 45 and I know that when I was 45, I didn't look my age, which has a lot to do with my mother's side of the family, even in their 60s, none of my relatives ever looked their age, usually several years younger. I know I've often been taken for someone about 10 years younger than I am, which is great.

An awful lot has to do with genes and above all, taking care of your skin. I remember around the age of 13 being told by my mother and my grandmother, not to use soap and water, so started at that young age with the cleanse, tone, moisturise routine, which I still do of course. I'm a big believer also in facial oils, and have used muslim cloths long before Liz Earle brought them out, I used to buy mine at SpaceNK, which at the time was the only place you could get them up here.

I have been watching her presentations this week, and I have to say was amazed at her skin. I think she's either been wearing an awful lot of makeup, or she's had something done, even at 45 her skin seems on the tv screen at least to be totally perfect - too much so in my opinion.

I often wonder how some of the presenters who are sitting right next to the guests can keep a straight face.
She had it sorted a bit but it is still awful looking. I was at a total loss why she went down that route (long before it became a must) as she was a very good looking young woman. WAGS have a lot to answer to.

I think Leslie was one of the original WAGS, I'm pretty sure her husband Lee played for Leeds Utd. I remember her modelling in my Jackie magazine. She didn't have big lips to start with so even without the allergy or whatever, it was always going to look odd. Just like Meg Ryan, the difference between her in When Harry Met Sally and You've Got Mail is surprising to say the least, with her inflated top lip. I always thought she was such a natural beauty.
judith williams does not look botoxed though. her skin is very smooth but not in the way taht fillers work. look at lulu all the botox queens on tv. botox is the cheap chavvy way to disorganise ones face. a proper facelift looks far better. more natural and more expensive
When someone can barely speak because they have been "tightened" saying it is lotions and potions is daft and downright dishonest.

Do we think any of the Q presenters has dabbled or if not who will be the first?
How many different ranges of skincare products are there in this country, let alone the world ? hundreds ? thousands ?

Well, the cynic in me says that there cannot possibly be a laboratory / factory producing the products for each individual range. Which leaves me to believe that there are about a dozen facilities or so at the most, who are churning out the same formula of moisturisers, face creams, serums et al for many of the ranges, be it Linda Lusardi, Judith Williams, Lulu, Decleor, L'Oreal etc. In the same way that one chocolate company in Europe provides choccies for M & S, Waitrose and other supermarkets.

I'm as guilty as the next person, as I favour (deep breath) Elemis Marine Cream, but it could be that with a bit of tweeking its probably the same as Nivea but in a different pot, and a lot more bloody money for the packaging and marketing !

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