JPE Fitover Sunglasses TSV 31/03/16


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I stayed up to watch intending to order but they look a bit larger than I thought they would. I agree they don't suit JF or the guest.
I think they look good on the guest, jill and tiffany but not the other model, could be because she's wearing the lighter option.
Unfortunately, Fitover sunglasses are, by their very nature, more functional than stylish. They have to be quite 'bulky' to fit over the prescription specs beneath, which obviously come in a myriad of sizes and shapes. They're never going to compete with 'Designer sunnies' in the style stakes, so if appearance is of such importance, I'd say Fitovers probably aren't for you.
I think they've picked this style as it's a good unisex one and they are useful to share. I think the TSV price is 'disappointing' as the saving is so small it doesn't tempt you to buy now. You may as well wait until you need them or are sure which style colour you want etc. £20 or £25 with free P&P may have been more tempting not even easy pays on these is there? Not a good offer IMO I'm pretty sure they've had better deals non TSV.

BTW there is something about the JPE guest that I really like she's posh yes but natural and no nonsense, quite refreshing!
Unfortunately, Fitover sunglasses are, by their very nature, more functional than stylish. They have to be quite 'bulky' to fit over the prescription specs beneath, which obviously come in a myriad of sizes and shapes. They're never going to compete with 'Designer sunnies' in the style stakes, so if appearance is of such importance, I'd say Fitovers probably aren't for you.

Lol I must admit I can be a bit vain and appearance is important but on the other hand I'd prefer to be able to see, I'm going to compromise and go for another pair on the web site ,cats eyes which are not so chunky looking. When buying ordinary sun glasses I usually go for this shape.
If you look at the Quamby style which are very similar to the TSV the video shows they were on an event price of £28.96 previously so this TSV price is nothing special they have done better.

Howver I do think they are good value for money if you will wear them of course.
I could do with something like this. I usually wear contacts so can't justify buying a dedicated pair of prescription sunglasses, but occasionally I wear my glasses and trying to balance my normal sunglasses over my glasses when driving is a bit precarious to say the least.

Around how much should we expect these to be? I seem to remember QVC have done these types sunglasses before.

I've had a quick look on Amazon and they're betwee ten and twenty pounds.

These are well over priced, last time they were on my wife decided to look at Amazon. Got a pair of tortoishel fit overs got £10.99, free p&p, they look great and not really any bigger that designer sunglasses. ( mine cost £3.99 from Asda ) but I just use mine for driving.
I'd been round the houses trying to get some nice prescription sunglasses, but found they cost a fortune and the nice big - therefore truly protective - sizes couldn't be made with prescription lenses! I was at my wits end, honestly! Then I went for these Fitovers a couple of years ago from qvc (not on offer or anything) - and what a lifesaver!! At last nice big sunnies that weren't a hassle swopping and changing over putting your specs back in their case, getting the sunnies out of the case and so on and tediously so on... These Fitovers quite simply work - they aren't bulky and weighty (which I'd feared) and they properly give you nice generous sun protection because: they protect from UVA/UVB 100%, have polarised lenses and the wider bit at the top and the wide legs on the sunglasses stop a lot of sunlight getting in at the same time as covering your specs - win-win!! I've just ordered another pair from this TSV because I like the angular shape (which is like my specs) - my earlier pair have a more rounded jackie-o shape, and have the little sunglass 'windows' on the legs, which always slightly annoys me, so this TSV pair are an improvement on that since they don't have the side 'windows' lol!!
Oh, and you might get cheaper fitover types of sunglasses, but the materials they are made of are probably of inferior quality - apart from the good design and high quality polarised lenses, these JP Fitovers have a resilient nylon type plastic, which I'm sure the cheaper ones probably don't have (they're probably a cheap brittle plastic which will break easily). When you think it's your eyes you're protecting, it's worth coughing up a little more money for good quality - and, anyway, if you're a specs wearer, you're used to paying a lot of money for nice frames and even more for your prescription lenses!
I find they are not dark enough in bright sun. Will be back to wearing sunglasses over my readers on holiday.

I have prescription sunglasses, have needed them since I was in my teens and one of the issues I have is making sure they are dark enough, the standard brown sunglass lenses are not dark enough, I always have to request they tint them darker, which is not an issue if I request it but they are always obliged to state I wouldn't be able to drive in them as too dark, which is fine as I don't drive.

Opticians I go to usually have a get a second pair free deal or second pair is for a set price which is much lower than as a standalone pair.

I don't like the idea of the fitovers, I can't help feel they will damage my normal glasses, I know they say they don't but I just can't see how they won't in some way, just my feeling.
Unfortunately, the opticians 'second pair half price' (or whatever) offers usually only apply to standard single vision lenses, so by the time I have added on the cost of high index and varifocal lenses the cost is prohibitive.
I've given up on franchised optician chains these days anyway, too many bad experiences, and now go to a super local independent optician who just gives me a standard 15% discount on any pairs I buy subsequent to the first one.
I have a beautiful pair of prescription sunglasses in a Gucci frame, which I bought last time I got my eyes tested, but have never worn them because I was too tight to pay for varifocals and thought I wouldn't need them for sunnies - how wrong can you be?!
If any of you are going to Italy for hols this year, then take your glasses prescription with you. Unlikely as it may seem, its cheaper to get specs and sunnies there. On 2 separate occasions I took my prescription to an excellent optician just off St Marks Square in Venice (true !) and received excellent service and fab glasses. Both times I was only there for 4 days, yet I had a pair of day specs and Chopard sunnies for less than one pair I would pay at home for at Vision Express. Most of the designer frames are from Italy anyway and there are import duties plus profit to consider when buying in Britain. Worth considering.
I ordered the Tortie TSV last night. Funnily enough this square shape suits my face shape, the only curved frames that suit my face are cat eye shapes. I had my eyes tested a year ago but still haven't found a descent frame; my last frames came from the men's rack because ladies frames, apart from the geek style, tend to still have curved corners and I need a definite crisp edges. The search continues..

One added point, if you have long hair you'll know how frustrating it can be when the glasses on your head get caught in your hair. The TSV looked less likely than, say metal frames to get entangled. Not sure I'd use the neck-cord unless I'm channeling Larry Grayson!
The neck cord that comes with Fitovers is horrid and always gets tangled in my hair, so I don't use it. It's not like a normal 'idiot string', it has pincers that clip through a small hole in the end of the arm of the specs, and a weird piece of fabric that's supposed to cover the join, but doesn't.
Unfortunately, the opticians 'second pair half price' (or whatever) offers usually only apply to standard single vision lenses, so by the time I have added on the cost of high index and varifocal lenses the cost is prohibitive.
I've given up on franchised optician chains these days anyway, too many bad experiences, and now go to a super local independent optician who just gives me a standard 15% discount on any pairs I buy subsequent to the first one.
I have a beautiful pair of prescription sunglasses in a Gucci frame, which I bought last time I got my eyes tested, but have never worn them because I was too tight to pay for varifocals and thought I wouldn't need them for sunnies - how wrong can you be?!

Optician we use allows varifocals their offer not just standard lenses.
I got a pair last year.

Love them!

Such good eye protection on cruises where the reflection can be unbearable.

I just bought new glasses with reactive lenses......wish I hadn't bothered, they seem to take so long to go clear again.

I should have stuck to my normal glasses + Fitovers!!

A tip from an ophthalmologist. If they are slow returning to their normal state, stick them in the fridge. My friend had this problem years ago when we were on holiday in Greece. She spent the whole time wearing dark specs. Obviously, don't leave them in the fridge for too long and don't put them in the freezer!

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