Joan Rivers


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We do live in a democracy but that doesn't mean we can say what we like if it's racist, homophobic, hate provoking etc.. I didn't like what she said recently but I too hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.

I don't think this is the place for it, but some of the antisemitism that has been publically spoken lately (and I don't mean politely stated opinions I mean hate fuelled death threats) you may understand why responses are in some cases based on an emotional reaction - believe me, I have never hurt or wished harm on anyone but even my grandchildren were subjected to veiled threats - I was beng pushed to give the kind of response that would justify this hatred. Lets keep this away from ST please.
We do live in a democracy but that doesn't mean we can say what we like if it's racist, homophobic, hate provoking etc.. I didn't like what she said recently but I too hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.

What did she say?
On one hand Joan is an elderly woman with kids and grandkids and at 81 she`s had a near miss. Her western lifestyle, money and good quality hospitals and doctors has enabled her to survive thus far and hopefully to make a full recovery.
Over the years she has sailed very close to the wind with many of her comments and supposed humour, an acquired taste which many people enjoy but equally as many find uncouth and uncalled for. None the less, it`s the way she`s made her money and the job she chose.
Having said all of that, off stage and in front of cameras she showed no sympathy whatsoever for women, children, elderly 81 year old women etc trapped in a war zone where even the most basic medical care is in short supply and people were dying from lack of antibiotics let alone from a lack of skilled surgeons, medical equipment and whilst being bombed. I`m wondering once Joan makes a full recovery will she finally understand that whatever her politics, every person deserves a chance to survive, to be cared for when injured or ill and the best medical care they can get, even in a war zone. Death knows no bounds Joanie, your sharp often misguided mouth, your lack of sympathy and your money holds no truck with the big man upstairs. Your God has given you a second chance and as one human being to another, for that I am thankful you will live to fight another day. I hope even if you don`t have the courage to show it outwardly, you will at lest have learned some humility inwardly.
What did she say?

You can google it Suki I don't want to repeat her vile words here but I will say that such words, whether spoken about either side of the Israeli/Gaza conflict would be equally vile. I don't condone such hatred whatever side she is on.

Everyone has a mother and grandmother. It does not mean I should make excuses for bad behaviour. I am a no nonsense/no shades of grey kind of person.

And I agree not really for ST.
We do live in a democracy but that doesn't mean we can say what we like if it's racist, homophobic, hate provoking etc.. I didn't like what she said recently but I too hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.

I can't remember who said it but I like the quote ['I may disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it'
People can say whatever they like Alan it's a free country. As long as they have skin as thick as rhinohide and can take the flak they get after. Joan seriously did not expect anyone to lap it all up did she?
I can't remember who said it but I like the quote ['I may disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it'

My point was that legally we don't have the right to say whatever we want. Just today someone has been prosecuted over a Tweet about Alex Salmond despite saying the comment was a joke.
My point was that legally we don't have the right to say whatever we want. Just today someone has been prosecuted over a Tweet about Alex Salmond despite saying the comment was a joke.

Which I don't think is a good thing as it means we don't have 'free speach'. We can say what we like as long as it conforms to the rules is not really the same thing.
This thread in the beginning was of interest because Joan Rivers sells on QVC. She, as we, live in a democracy and have freedom of speech but it is clear that one literally cannot say what one likes nowadays without a backlash or even prosecution. My other half thinks anyone can say anything they like and if anyone has a problem with it, then that is their problem. Part of me agrees, but the other half thinks that one should be sensitive to other people's feelings, have boundaries and a sense of what is in good taste and acceptability. I think most people do. I don't believe in karma and in the belief that 'what goes around comes around'. If that were so, then there are a lot of wicked people in this world who would be getting exactly what they deserve. Sadly they are not.
Joan Rivers is not known for her tact. I agree with free speech but along with it comes responsibility.What made Joan a brilliant and outspoken comedienne does not translate well when there are serious events going on. I don't believe in Karma and I think bad things have been said on both sides.

I enjoyed watching Joan on Q because of her unpredictability.
Just because people have wished Joan well on this thread doesn't necessarily mean they agree with what she said in that speech. You can be sympathetic towards her and her family without condoning killing innocent people. I don't see any double standards.
This is what she said - no hype, no mis-quoting. Just go down to the middle of the page and there is a video clip of her full interview.

Free speech is one thing, publicly saying people deserve to die simply because they are born in a particular area is just vile.

It's funny how everyone has nice things to say about Joan now she's ill... now THAT'S double standards.

Actually i like Joan whether shes ill or not however i have stated i dont agree with the things she has said.
I would not waste my sympathy on anyone who makes those kind of remarks. It's people like her who add fuel to an already raging fire.
To clarify "what goes around comes around" is a phrase that means if you do bad, you get what you deserve at some point. It has no relevance whatsoever to bad things happening to good people. So it is very different to Karma, and Itake comfort believing that it is the way things are.

Never liked Joan. I have a mug at home with a funny phrase she said once, but usually I found her crass, lacking in class and not funny most of the time.
I couldn't care less what happens to Joan Rivers and I certainly don't wish her well - she lost any right to my sympathy when I found out she's a friend of Dennis Basso and wears his furs. I think she's a very talented comedienne, but I'm not at all surprised by what she said - she's just voicing the opinion of an entire nation. I saw an interview recently with a member of their air force, who said "It's like apartheid, our citizens see them as some sub-human species. They're like cockroaches that you just tread on". And people wonder why I prefer animals to humans.
I couldn't care less what happens to Joan Rivers and I certainly don't wish her well - she lost any right to my sympathy when I found out she's a friend of Dennis Basso and wears his furs. I think she's a very talented comedienne, but I'm not at all surprised by what she said - she's just voicing the opinion of an entire nation. I saw an interview recently with a member of their air force, who said "It's like apartheid, our citizens see them as some sub-human species. They're like cockroaches that you just tread on". And people wonder why I prefer animals to humans.

That's why I can't understand it. I abhor the violence on both sides of the conflict but surely this is what Hitler said about Jewish (and other) races in the 30's and 40's. I just cannot understand why humanity does not learn from the atrocities and mistakes of the past.

Back to Joan Rivers...maybe if she is recovering from throat surgery she won't be able to speak for a while. :)
I can't remember who said it but I like the quote ['I may disagree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it'

I think it was Voltaire.

I appreciate Joan's humour but certainly don't approve of her comments on Gaza nor her wearing fur and palling up to Basso.
I couldn't care less what happens to Joan Rivers and I certainly don't wish her well - she lost any right to my sympathy when I found out she's a friend of Dennis Basso and wears his furs. I think she's a very talented comedienne, but I'm not at all surprised by what she said - she's just voicing the opinion of an entire nation. I saw an interview recently with a member of their air force, who said "It's like apartheid, our citizens see them as some sub-human species. They're like cockroaches that you just tread on". And people wonder why I prefer animals to humans.

I think Joan Rivers makes such statements to court controversy and keep her name out there in the public domain. She does it very well, particularly as an octogenarian.

I know you feel strongly about animals so I can understand that her friendship with Basso would bring her down in your estimation.
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