Joan Rivers


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Whatever we think of her, whether we like her humour or not, whether we approve of her friends or her choices, on the general checks and balances of her life - of which we we will all have our opinions, she's still a person, with people who love her and who care about her, and people she loves and, by my estimation, and in that regard she at least deserves some respect.
Whatever we think of her, whether we like her humour or not, whether we approve of her friends or her choices, on the general checks and balances of her life - of which we we will all have our opinions, she's still a person, with people who love her and who care about her, and people she loves and, by my estimation, and in that regard she at least deserves some respect.

Yes you're right. And she's had a good innings. I was interested to read that she was having a surgical procedure on her vocal cords. This isn't the sort of thing that one would normally get done in a doctor's office so I think it is more likely that she was having a cosmetic procedure.
Poor Joan and her poor family .....I don't think she ever hid the fact she had face surgery as she always joked about it ....Joan has a daughter and she must be going through a terrible time ....i mis my dear Mum every single second minute and hour of the day ...she's been gone 12 years and I still cry for her ...and my Dad ....I don't wish it on anybody .....
Whatever we think of her, whether we like her humour or not, whether we approve of her friends or her choices, on the general checks and balances of her life - of which we we will all have our opinions, she's still a person, with people who love her and who care about her, and people she loves and, by my estimation, and in that regard she at least deserves some respect.

I totally disagree. There are many human beings who don't deserve any respect at all, for many reasons. Would you suggest the chap who hacked the journalist's head off the other day deserves respect? He's still a person after all, and presumably his parents and family care about him. I don't believe that somebody who chose to support the exploitation and very often horrifically inhumane slaughter of millions of other creatures just for her personal vanity deserves an ounce of respect. Take a look at the nightly news and you will see many people who don't deserve any respect. The people who love them and care about them, on the other hand, I can have some sympathy with, as long as they don't share the same views.
I totally disagree. There are many human beings who don't deserve any respect at all, for many reasons. Would you suggest the chap who hacked the journalist's head off the other day deserves respect? He's still a person after all, and presumably his parents and family care about him. I don't believe that somebody who chose to support the exploitation and very often horrifically inhumane slaughter of millions of other creatures just for her personal vanity deserves an ounce of respect. Take a look at the nightly news and you will see many people who don't deserve any respect. The people who love them and care about them, on the other hand, I can have some sympathy with, as long as they don't share the same views.

I think Scout has a point here. There are some truly vile "people" out there. I wonder what's in store for Dennis Basso?
Yes you're right. And she's had a good innings. I was interested to read that she was having a surgical procedure on her vocal cords. This isn't the sort of thing that one would normally get done in a doctor's office so I think it is more likely that she was having a cosmetic procedure.

It's a bit different in America, you can have far more stuff done at the doctor's surgery then over here, in a clinic. It's entirely plausible to have a minor surgical procedure there. Also, she's been very open about having "work done" if I remember rightly? So why would she/whoever it was who relayed the information bother to lie about the type of procedure?
She's not dead...? The latest info I can find is that she's in a coma and could die, she hasn't already died.
Sadly she is only being kept alive by the life support machine. Essentially she has already died, sadly.
Poor Joan and her poor family .....I don't think she ever hid the fact she had face surgery as she always joked about it ....Joan has a daughter and she must be going through a terrible time ....i mis my dear Mum every single second minute and hour of the day ...she's been gone 12 years and I still cry for her ...and my Dad ....I don't wish it on anybody .....

Thank you for your likes ....Praying for Joan ...
I'm not an expert but have known people in induced comas, who presumably had to rely on life support, who have successfully had the life support withdrawn as they are brought out of the coma. I suppose it will depend on whether/how Joan would function and what damage was done to her vital organs. I wish her family the strength to make whatever decisions need to be made and to live with whatever follows. One thing this highlights is the importance of making advance decisions (formally - there is a process to follow) and having the 'difficult conversation' about what our nearests and dearests would want in this situation - it can never be easy, but at least to know that you're doing what that oerson has said they want can be helpful to the poor decision makers.
Joan Rivers is a vain and greedy woman who is determined to fund her lavish lifestyle in whatever way possible. Why anyone would waste their sympathy on her I don't know as she would not give you the time of day unless you were buying her overpriced fake jewellery. Save your thoughts for those who need it.
I've been reading some nice things about Joan ....and I feel compassion for people's the way i and many people are .....I feels ruthless to just dismiss her ....her daughter is distraught ....I feel for her I've mentioned in previous lost ...It's not looking good for her according to many reports ...
Joan Rivers is a vain and greedy woman who is determined to fund her lavish lifestyle in whatever way possible. Why anyone would waste their sympathy on her I don't know as she would not give you the time of day unless you were buying her overpriced fake jewellery. Save your thoughts for those who need it.

Dennis Basso funds his lavish lifestyle from the slaughter of animals,plenty of people buy his overpriced fake fur coats,I like Joan she has always made me laugh and I hope she recovers .
I don't like Basso either and have never bought from him. I'm not into these Celebrities as they like to think of themselves I prefer people who live in the real world.
I truly believe Joan is a lovely person ...I know her mouth sometimes contradicts what I'm saying but hand on heart ...Joan is somebody i like and makes me smile ...she made me laugh once she she said has Princess Diana ...and we have Madonna ..made me chuckle ...
I have a mug ay home that quotes Joan Rivers. "I don't exercise. If God had wanted me to bend down he would have put diamonds on the floor". That makes me laugh, but sadly a lot of her jokes are too crude for my sensitive ears! I don't like the bile she has been spouting recently, and I don't have time for fur-wearers or Basso's cronies. Do I want her to recover...probably. I can't pick and choose who deserves to be here and who doesn't.
Joan Rivers is a vain and greedy woman who is determined to fund her lavish lifestyle in whatever way possible. Why anyone would waste their sympathy on her I don't know as she would not give you the time of day unless you were buying her overpriced fake jewellery. Save your thoughts for those who need it.

I'll give thought to whomsoever I choose thank you, and at present that includes Joan and her family - I have a mind of my own and resent being told by a person who knows neither Joan nor me that my thoughts should be with people you deem to be deserving
Seems like Joan Rivers is quite a divisive figure. I quite like her caustic humour which is largely in line with my own but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything she says.
If she dies, she will have done so after a stellar career over many decades. But just because she's had a good innings doesn't mean that her passing won't leave people shaken and upset. I'm sure it will leave a void in the lives of many, particularly those nearest to her.
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