Joan Rivers


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Hardly, Scout. Betty's comment that 'Joan Rivers is a vain and greedy woman' is very much not a fact: it is an opinion.

I didn't suggest that anything she said was a fact, I was simply saying that she was being honest in saying exactly what she feels, which in my view is far from crass or tasteless. There can be no doubt that Joan Rivers herself wouldn't pull any punches, she'd say exactly what she thought about someone too, regardless of whether they were on their deathbed or not. I find it staggering that having said what she did about the people in Gaza deserving to die, so many are now extolling her virtues and saying what a lovely person they're sure she is.
Hello Scout! Today I bought myself some Astonish coconut handwash. I chose it because I liked the coconut scent and it also had the leaping bunny symbol. It's vegan approved too! I thought of you when I chose it! Bizarre but true!

I'm delighted Julius, I also like the coconut scent. It's nice to know my efforts have made an impression of some sort!
Do we not live in a democracy then? She can say what she pleases and you are free to disagree but not to gag her.

Wishing Joan a full and speedy recovery

Funnily enough we do live in a a long as we don't criticize Israel. I have noticed lots of celebrities who tweeted in support of Gaza were immediately verbally attacked and accused of being anti-semitic. Ironic really considering a semite is someone of Arab descent, which would then make Israel the biggest anti-semitic nation in history for their treatment of the Palestinians.
As to Joan, I don't wish harm on anyone, wish her family strength at this time, but I can't help but remember the vile things she said about people in Palestine. Completely inhumane IMHO.
Let's see how my comment fares in a democracy.
Funnily enough we do live in a a long as we don't criticize Israel. I have noticed lots of celebrities who tweeted in support of Gaza were immediately verbally attacked and accused of being anti-semitic. Ironic really considering a semite is someone of Arab descent, which would then make Israel the biggest anti-semitic nation in history for their treatment of the Palestinians.
As to Joan, I don't wish harm on anyone, wish her family strength at this time, but I can't help but remember the vile things she said about people in Palestine. Completely inhumane IMHO.
Let's see how my comment fares in a democracy.

I support Israel,there are always two sides to every story and I am not going to elaborate any more on this issue.
I am not sure which side I support TBH. I am sure there are innocent children being killed on both sides. You read and hear news of Palestinians hiding amongst civilians to use as human shields, and then you read about Israeli armed force members saying the Palestinans are sub-human, to be crused like cockroaches. Both completelty abhorrent, and showing that human beings never bliddy learn from history. And then Joan Rivers opening her big gob and stirring it up even more. Irresponsible.

But what is hilarious is reading this thread and the (seamless ???) juxtaposition (sp) of political comment amongst the delights of coconut soap.....very amusing. Wonder how many hits this thread has?
Yes whoever would have thought I'd be learning about coconut soap along with the conflict in Gazza and Joan Rivers.
Is the whole Astonish range free from testing on vegans?

The whole Soap/Gaza/Rivers thing is surreal! And the "Rivers Soap for Gaza Foundation" was born.....
Scout wrote " I find it staggering that having said what she did about the people in Gaza deserving to die, so many are now extolling her virtues and saying what a lovely person they're sure she is." I don't believe anyone who doesn't know Joan Rivers personally can say whether or not she is a lovely person. All people can comment on is her jokes and serious comments. If her family and friends say she is lovely then we must accept that as their truth. She was clearly asked a question by a reporter and answered honestly, that it offended many is regrettable but she has a right to say what she likes. We can judge her comments but that does not mean we can judge her wholly because we don't know her and what she is like with her family and friends, whether she is a charitable person etc. There are a lot of people who judge and criticise others in this world based on one thing, and in my view anyone who is glad she is on her deathbed or similar is behaving no better than they accuse Joan of displaying. It saddens me that this thread has been [deliberately?] trivialised by talking about coconut soap.
Funnily enough we do live in a a long as we don't criticize Israel. I have noticed lots of celebrities who tweeted in support of Gaza were immediately verbally attacked and accused of being anti-semitic. Ironic really considering a semite is someone of Arab descent, which would then make Israel the biggest anti-semitic nation in history for their treatment of the Palestinians.
As to Joan, I don't wish harm on anyone, wish her family strength at this time, but I can't help but remember the vile things she said about people in Palestine. Completely inhumane IMHO.
Let's see how my comment fares in a democracy.

Of course you can criticise Israel but please check the facts first as there has been some very bad misreporting and even photo's purporting to be dead Palestinians that were in fact Syrians (by the way, Israel's hospitals are full of Syrians being treated - a little reported fact as is the fact that many Palestinians also continue to receive treatment in Israel). In fact you can go to Israel and stand in the streets and criticize to your heart's content - it's a democracy - perhaps you would like to do the same in Hamas controlled Gaza where even the press gave now admitted they were not allowed to report freely. Very clever with semantics but as an English Jew of many generations I can tell you first hand the anti-Jewish (happy now - I didn't say anti-semitic) behaviours and threats have been vile and terrifying - I have videos and photo's of demonstrators wearing t shirts saying 'hitler was right' - and far worse. Thank you for ruining thus forum for me, after many years a member. It should not have been politicised in this way and was obe eacape from the discrimination that I am facing daily as are my family and friends.
I don't believe anyone who doesn't know Joan Rivers personally can say whether or not she is a lovely person. All people can comment on is her jokes and serious comments. If her family and friends say she is lovely then we must accept that as their truth. She was clearly asked a question by a reporter and answered honestly, that it offended many is regrettable but she has a right to say what she likes

When Joan was asked about the 2,000 Palestinians who had died in the conflict she replied: "Oh my god. Tell that to the people in Hiroshima.

"Good. Good. When you declare war, you declare war. They started it. We now don't count who's dead.

"You're dead, you deserve to be dead. Don’t you dare make me feel bad about that."

Now, in her defence, many Americans might have responded in a similar fashion if asked about Islamist extremists just after 9/11.....

BUT...when you are a public figure who makes a living from public speaking, you have a personal RESPONSIBILITY to keep any extreme views to yourself.... especially when the dead includes a large portion of innocent civilians.

I don't know Joan so I cannot get really worked up either way about her health. But, as a public figure, those remarks were inappropriate and she should be ashamed of them.

Yes, her family loves her... probably despite her faults and not because of them BUT that applies to all of us.

When did we all get to the stage where we feel 'public outpouring' is acceptable even for people we never met? She is a stranger so we can be mildly interested, slightly sad at her predicament etc But surely not grief stricken etc.
This thread has become far too political!

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