Jilly Jones


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I wasn't terribly keen on Jilly. Her manner and voice were ok. Her appearance was always a bit odd. She looked like the Wicked Witch from the computer game "Granny's Garden!" When I first saw her I thought she was a tranny.


Julius, that's a bit harsh. Looks shouldn't come into it when you're selling yoghurt and food choppers. Maybe that's why we've got Caroline Sandry demo'ing now. Wasn't she a model on QVC a while back before she became a fitness and nutrition coach. Is that a real job? Does anyone use their services?

I liked Jilly, she sold me some decent products and I'm sorry if she's not returning.

Julius, that's a bit harsh. Looks shouldn't come into it when you're selling yoghurt and food choppers. Maybe that's why we've got Caroline Sandry demo'ing now. Wasn't she a model on QVC a while back before she became a fitness and nutrition coach. Is that a real job? Does anyone use their services?

I liked Jilly, she sold me some decent products and I'm sorry if she's not returning.


Well, I suppose she wasn't that bad. I'd rather listen to her than Ann Dawson bellowing, that's for sure. I've often been tempted to buy a yogurt maker but the mixes seem terribly expensive. I would rather add a few spoonfuls of my favourite Onken Biopot yogurt to some organic milk and see what happens. I guess the whole point of the yogurt maker is that it help to get the right incubation temperature.

Fair enough. A couple of years ago when I was 25 I was working nights in A&E saving people's lives along with others nurses, doctors and health professionals in their 20s.

And I wonder how many of those lives were binge drinkers in their teens and twenties desperately needing your services in A & E (I've worked in the NHS myself, so I DO know)
And I wonder how many of those lives were binge drinkers in their teens and twenties desperately needing your services in A & E (I've worked in the NHS myself, so I DO know)

I'm sure you're both right. One gets good and bad among all age groups. So many young people go to university etc and try to forge a career and just fall flat on their faces. It's a bit of a stereotype that younger people often behave recklessly, and like some stereotype, this has some foundation. When people get older, have families and careers etc of course their priorities change.

I never really liked all the partying / getting drunk etc and never even did that in my adolescence. Wasn't my thing, but then I guess I owe that to my upbringing and to some extent my Asperger Syndrome. Growing up as the only child of a single parent I got treated a bit like a surrogate adult so in some ways I didn't have much of a childhood, moving from one country to another, mixing in circles in which I didn't belong.

I sometimes feel ashamed at how some young people behave, placing importance on alcohol and having a 'phone stuck to their ear. At least older people tend to live / have lived more of a real life with more real and meaningful interaction than all this shallow Facebook nonsense.
Sad to see Jilly go, we watched Caroline with the Ninja TSV the other week and it was carnage, she was spilling everything and making one huge mess. I really think they have made a mistake as Jilly was informative and good at her demonstrations whereas the few times I have watched Caroline she is to kitchen equipment what a chocolate fire guard would be to a fire, useless.
My sons are coming up to thirty one and twenty eight and I've got to admit, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood they are brilliant, no messing from them no drink, no drugs, never disrespectful or rude, they were, still are, polite, respectful and kind. Their friends were always round at our house and I've got to say, they were, still are, polite and decent young men so I've never been around bad children/teenagers/adolescents but I'm sure they exist, you can't tar each generation or age group with the same brush.
My sons are coming up to thirty one and twenty eight and I've got to admit, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood they are brilliant, no messing from them no drink, no drugs, never disrespectful or rude, they were, still are, polite, respectful and kind. Their friends were always round at our house and I've got to say, they were, still are, polite and decent young men so I've never been around bad children/teenagers/adolescents but I'm sure they exist, you can't tar each generation or age group with the same brush.

My two (25 and 27) are the same. Both have good jobs, own their own homes and are decent boys as are all their friends. Obviously there are lots of horrible young people about but there are many good ones too.
Give me a child until he is 7 and I will give you the man.

There is no such thing as a bad child. Only bad parents.
My two (25 and 27) are the same. Both have good jobs, own their own homes and are decent boys as are all their friends. Obviously there are lots of horrible young people about but there are many good ones too.

Yes, my sons are married, own homes, they drive and have great jobs too. Isn't it a relief to know they're secure and everything you've wished for them they have.
QVC commented on their facebook page that Jilly Jones will still be representing Calico Fudge and "is also actively working with our buyers to bring new brands to QVC"

I hope they don't foist the meat hampers on to Jilly...she doesn't deserve the fall-out from the Christmas fiasco!
I am shocked that they would consider Caroline Sandry a suitable and appropriate guest for food shows. She may well love her food and nutrition, but the way she goes about it, to me she's not very competent, or confident in what she's doing. Jilly really knows her stuff, and the results on screen are evidence of that.

I think Caroline is very nice, and very good at doing presentations for fitness equipment, but there seem to be fewer products she can present for that, with the ubiquitous Bruce Bodyblade (nice though he is),the obnoxious Forbes Riley, and the intermittent Marjolein Brugman all presenting their own products. The legmaster is always presented by the inventor's wife... and most of the other equipment barely gets a look-in these days.

First she got the Tiana coconut range, then the NutriNinja (after the nervous mis-fire with Dale Pinnock), and now Easi-Yo... words fail me. Next they will be ditching Simon Brown for Andi Peters....
Maybe they're not selling enough Easi-Yo (not surprising when better value can be found elsewhere). I can't imagine that Caroline's demonstrations will add to the appeal... Surely QVC could recognise that the best thing they could do to boost sales would be to actually offer a better price than elsewhere, and cut the ridiculously high postage and packaging?

Getting rid of Jilly Jones from presenting this brand seems to me to represent a form of self-sabotage.
I'm not sure the parents of Jamie Bulger would agree with that.

Yes they would. Those monsters had parents who screwed them up.

If the causal link between bad or inadequate parenting and young child murderers was as simple as that, this country would be awash with juvenile child killers. A child psychologist friend and his colleagues tell us that it's a lot more complicated than that.

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