Jilly Jones


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Jun 1, 2012
Jilly Jones has tweeted that she's no longer the guest for Easiyo.

From watching lately, it would seem that she's also been bumped from Ninja, and the other day Simon Brown was presenting Lock & Lock.

This seems madness to me. She was great at her demos, knew the products inside out, and didn't just focus on the healthy eating side of things.
I wondered when I saw Caroline Sandry doing the Easi-yo the other day. She has gone from model , to exercise presenter , and now seems 'health gadgets'.
Did not mind Jilly, she must be one of the last of the long standing food guests.
There's a pattern emerging. The older reliable ones are getting trounced (watch out Julia) and newer younger blood taking over; more evidence of those in charge just leaving Yuni ????? wonder if Jilly was dumped via text or twatter, because those under the age of 30 have trouble 'speaking' more than 2 sentences at a time.

(Yes I have two nephews in their late 20's, both Yuni graduates who struggle to make conversation, yet are addicted to their f.....ing, sodding, bloody phones !!)
Jilly Jones has tweeted that she's no longer the guest for Easiyo.

From watching lately, it would seem that she's also been bumped from Ninja, and the other day Simon Brown was presenting Lock & Lock.

This seems madness to me. She was great at her demos, knew the products inside out, and didn't just focus on the healthy eating side of things.

She was very good, her demos of easiyo got me to try it, though I bought it elsewhere
There's a pattern emerging. The older reliable ones are getting trounced (watch out Julia) and newer younger blood taking over; more evidence of those in charge just leaving Yuni ????? wonder if Jilly was dumped via text or twatter, because those under the age of 30 have trouble 'speaking' more than 2 sentences at a time.

(Yes I have two nephews in their late 20's, both Yuni graduates who struggle to make conversation, yet are addicted to their f.....ing, sodding, bloody phones !!)

And they say the youth don't respect their elders, well it's little wonder with comments like that.
And they say the youth don't respect their elders, well it's little wonder with comments like that.

More like some elders dont respect the youth. There are some fine young men and women out there who are products of the modern age. They will turn out ok.
More like some elders dont respect the youth. There are some fine young men and women out there who are products of the modern age. They will turn out ok.

I completely agree. Age is irrelevant to intelligence and aptitude for jobs, young or old.

Back to Jilly, that's a shame. She was great at just getting on with a presentation and telling you what you need to know.
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That's a shame. I enjoyed watching Jilly. Healthy eating is one thing, but we don't all have chia seeds and almond milk in our cupboards (do we?!).

I tweeted Jilly personally once and she was lovely and very helpful with her reply.

Hopefully, she has lots of work lined up.
Afraid I'm not going to apologise, when all around me I see 25 year olds acting like 14 year olds !

Fair enough. A couple of years ago when I was 25 I was working nights in A&E saving people's lives along with others nurses, doctors and health professionals in their 20s.
Sorry to read this, and about Nina no longer appearing for Leighton Denny. I don't suppose there's any connection but there seems to be a new broom sweeping through QVC and maybe it's just a cheaper option to rely on in house bland ambassadors than to use folk who actually represent the brands and can talk intelligently about the products beyond a string of sound bites.
If there is a new broom I wish they would sweep away some of the presenters......maybe quite a few!
Wish they'd get rid of Leighton Denny and his "JoeJoeba" (sic) oil.

You are way behind the times. Even I who rarely watch beauty shows, know that LD announced that he would no longer do personal appearances on Q which is why hand model Nina was fronting the shows .

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