Jill Franks


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Suki 1

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I know I sound like a broken record but is anyone else fed up with seeing Jill Franks on our screens nearly every night of the week? :mysmilie_51:
Good news! Looks like you get a break until next Thursday.
Bad news (unless she's your favourite)! Debbie is on in her place.

I think they tend to work on QVC in blocks of time. So you might get them on almost every day for a week, then a bit of a gap. It's annoying if it's a presenter you don't particularly care for in the first instance... and it does make it seem like the offending presenter is omnipresent.

Personally I'm thrilled I'm not in tomorrow evening... it's the Julia Roberts and Debbie Flint show 6pm to midnight! A worse combination for me would be Sara Griffiths and Simon Biagi for 6 hours... still if they were the only presenters on QVC I can guarantee I wouldn't be watching!
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Very rarely watch QVC now, I don't buy anymore but just flicked over and all I can hear is her voice twittering on, could've wet myself though watching QVCs "Runway" show, it looks like a bunch of old fashioned trying to be young, hip and modern.........yet still comes across as old fashioned to me, just my opinion though. I'm just hanging on for five minutes to see what level of "love" JF has for Radley bags.
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Very rarely watch QVC now, I doubt buy anymore but just flicked over and all I can hear is her voice twittering on, could've wet myself though watching QVCs "Runway" show, it looks like a bunch of old fashioned trying to be young, hip and modern.........yet still comes across as old fashioned to me, just my opinion though. I'm just hanging on for five minutes to see what level of "love" JF has for Radley bags.

Just wait till she does LR later on. She must surely be all luvvvved out by now!
personally I'm thrilled I'm not in tomorrow evening... it's the Julia Roberts and Debbie Flint show 6pm to midnight! A worse combination for me would be Sara Griffiths and Simon Biagi for 6 hours... still if they were the only presenters on QVC I can guarantee I wouldn't be watching!

For me it's Chuntley and SG. I honestly think even if it was being given away I couldn't cope with those two.
I thought when she had it slightly curled it didn't seem quite as bad. Much softer for her face too.

She may well be 50, who tries to be girly, loves her bags, shoes and all things pink, who doesn't 'do' kitchens or gardens, - and her hair really doesn't help her face ; but personally I know other 50 year olds who are in far better nick (and don't wear diving boots)
It's coming up to Jill Franks busiest time of the year, as she tours as Dave Hill in Slade tribute band.
i dont mind jill franks she makes me laugh. but my three pet hates has to be sara g, simon biagi and catherine h. all three do bore me to tears. sara g is paticularly offensive and quite rude to the guests with her ott enthusiasm and gasping for breath. catherine just tries too hard and it feels uncomfrtable to watch even though she is quite a good presenter. and simon should know better the amount of years he has been presenting his vocabulary is shocking. the same stock phrases over and over again.
We can bitch and whine as much as we like. BUT.... if she is willing to do the hours and the others aren't, of course QVC will give them to her.

Oh, and that will be another reason why JF will still be at QVC for years to come.
Julia Roberts is a prima donna and should never be on air with anyone else except her BF, Simon Wilson.
ANY combination of the following is a nightmare for me:
DBF, Marverine, Micael, chuntley, Sara G, mecharlie, The Garden Gnome, AY, littlegirlClaire, Shouty Pipa.
Jill Franks needs a good meal, a good tonic and a good cut and style, as does Jilly. Ann Dawson looks better the way she's been wearing it recently, with her hair up and back.
I thought her hair looked better because the fringe is growing out and no longer flopping over her face.It stays put behind her ear.

In the Radley hour she was getting very over excited and even she remarked she was getting out of breath........Needs to slow down and not hyperventilate........
:mysmilie_15: Hilarious - I've been wondering who she reminds me of - you've cracked it! Come on, all together now....."So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun"... well, after all, we're nearly in October, so why not? After all, it's been Christmas since July in Selly Telly Land!

It's coming up to Jill Franks busiest time of the year, as she tours as Dave Hill in Slade tribute band.
I thought her hair looked better because the fringe is growing out and no longer flopping over her face.It stays put behind her ear.
In the Radley hour she was getting very over excited and even she remarked she was getting out of breath........Needs to slow down and not hyperventilate........

Not when I was watching last night, she spent most of the time adjusting her bloody fringe behind the ear and looking in the self monitor ! Anyone who suffers with fine unwashed hair will know that it never stays in place unless its well gripped. ANNOYING - that would never happen on 'proper' telly, can you imagine Soapie Raworth or Fiona Bruce poncing about with their hair when reading the news ?
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JF reminds me of a Catherine Tate character - she was an Essex woman who told supposedly "hilarious" stories to her husband and they "larffed and larffed" in that exaggerated, silent way. JF often comes up with these anecdotes about her "girlfriends" and they're so tedious. She must be due for a long holiday soon.

Anne Dawson is the most switch-off-able for me. I like a Scottish accent but she just shouts and I can't bear to listen to her.
SG and JR tie for second place - both prima donnas and poor actresses.

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