Jill Franks last night on Liz Earle


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Nov 9, 2008
I thought JF`s was particularly quite nasty last night on the Liz Earle hour Cleanse and Polish was being demonstrated by Jerry the model and Caroline Archer was saying what lovely skin Jerry had then Jill said she had noticed how much more smoother Jerry`s skin was since using it as though it was in dire need of it before ..which sounds innocent but just didn`t come over well considering what Caroline had just said ... it was like a put down and made my ears prick as I don`t listen intensively unless its a new product!!Just didn`t think it was a nice thing to say being so personal . yes say it about yourself but not about someone else!!
I just can't stand Jill Franks, full stop.

I saw her lie on Liz Earles show a few years ago and she tripped herself up with her lies ( clearly no one ever told her, you have to have a good memory to be a good liar!) Liz's face was an absolute picture! I would love to have heard what was said after the show. As it was Jill just giggled when she realised she had messed up. Someone should tell her she's a bit old for all that now!
On top of that she is so overpowering with guests and should learn to take a breath between sentences! Plus she keeps looking at herself in the monitors..... I could go on and on and on !
I think Kathy Tayler is the worst at giving herself away but it is funny more than anything. When she gives a long introduction to a product and how wonderful it is and what she thinks and feels everytime she uses it. Then she picks up the product and tries to open it/use it and gets confused about how to get into the packaging and clearly shows it's the first time she's handles it. Really funny!
Both JF and SG seem to over power any guest ..too intense and shouty taking over trying to make it look like they know more than the brand guest ... I bet they go away thinking well that was a waste of time me coming !!
She was awful on the Kitchen show last night, fits of hysterical laughter over nothing, Simon Brown kept saying "I don't know what you are laughing at"
There were a lot of complaints on the FB page last night about her behaviour on the cooking show. Loads of people turning off etc. Q promptly deleted the thread because their "House Rules" forbid rude and critical comments about presenters and guests.
Of all the presenters she's the one I find most difficult to watch.
She's a bit pushy & comes across as being a bit vain. I don't find her all that attractive am I wrong?
The Cook's Essentials shows are becoming farce like now, it was the same with Dale Franks and yet more 'Hot Soup' drama.

I almost get the impression the presenters are nervous about working the utterly useless, Frank Spencer of 'Home Economists' Dracula Simon. He always screws things up and yet he still manages to totally take over the shows.

He must be put out to pasture, he's every bit as bad a 'Home Economist' as he was a Main Presenter on Shop! :mysmilie_59:

There were a lot of complaints on the FB page last night about her behaviour on the cooking show. Loads of people turning off etc. Q promptly deleted the thread because their "House Rules" forbid rude and critical comments about presenters and guests.
Post comments on Twitter, Lord Q can't delete YOUR tweets and they are there got all to see.
There were a lot of complaints on the FB page last night about her behaviour on the cooking show. Loads of people turning off etc. Q promptly deleted the thread because their "House Rules" forbid rude and critical comments about presenters and guests.

So much for 'freedom of speech.'
Those kitchen hours are usually where things go wrong, like a flat soufflé. I get the impression that many of the presenters are not terribly domesticated and wouldn't know the difference between a phenolic handle and their arse!

Whatever happened to Adrienne Cleasby? She always used to wear lilac and was very northern. I always quite liked her.
There were a lot of complaints on the FB page last night about her behaviour on the cooking show. Loads of people turning off etc. Q promptly deleted the thread because their "House Rules" forbid rude and critical comments about presenters and guests.

I didn't watch the show but I'll bet my bottom dollar that she boasted about not knowing what a kitchen was for and is never in hers.

I don't find this clever at all, everyone, man, woman and child should be able to feed themselves with basic food.

I appreciated that she may choose not to eat at home but that is not what she implies in her girly little old me way boasting way.

Makes you wonder where she is doing all this juicing she blabs about if not in her kitchen!
Yeah I find all the "omg I'm in the kitchen how hilarious!!!" comments tiresome from her. If you're trying to sell a products it's a really weird way to go about it by openly declaring you're no good at using them. Especially with all the lying she usually does.

I've always had the feeling she has no interest in food/home appliances/gardening etc shows, she just wants the high end beauty and jewellery shows.
I saw a bit of the cooking show and she did the joking about not cooking and having a funny turn if she was near the aga. It's not big and it's not clever, I don't understand why she would be so proud of her total lack of ability. I don't object to someone saying that they're not a good cook but a product helps them get better results or makes cooking quicker and easier but her behaviour is pathetic. They showed some baking dishes and she was singing their praises because the handles made them easier to lift out of the oven than the dishes she has, but hang on a minute or two earlier she was doing the I don't cook act. As you might have guessed she gets on my wick.

I forgot to say that it's odd that someone who claims to be a trained nutritionist doesn't want to use that knowledge and prepare healthy and delicious food.
Sadly she is past her prime now with the little "I'm so useless in the kitchen" girl act. I saw her on the Pretty You slippers show and it was in black leggings and high platform and skyscraper heels. She looked like a stork. I know we all dress for ourselves whatever our age, but she is looking quite bizarre these days, and despite her attempts to look fashionable with poker straight hair, it does smack of mutton dressed as lamb.
Sadly she is past her prime now with the little "I'm so useless in the kitchen" girl act. I saw her on the Pretty You slippers show and it was in black leggings and high platform and skyscraper heels. She looked like a stork. I know we all dress for ourselves whatever our age, but she is looking quite bizarre these days, and despite her attempts to look fashionable with poker straight hair, it does smack of mutton dressed as lamb.

And tonight she appears to be sporting a thin braid on one side of her hair!!! :wonder:

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