Jill Franks Handbag Queen


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me too, i got the one with the cat face, had a look for it, thanks to someone mentioning it on here .... :rock:
No doubt the £56 plus £4.95 p&p one is of a higher quality but for a fiver, personally I preferred the faces on the cheaper Sainsbury's options & they'll be great for carrying the grocery shopping & other bits in. I was pleasantly surprised at how well made & sturdy they are. Exceptional buys imo x.
No doubt the £56 plus £4.95 p&p one is of a higher quality but for a fiver, personally I preferred the faces on the cheaper Sainsbury's options & they'll be great for carrying the grocery shopping & other bits in. I was pleasantly surprised at how well made & sturdy they are. Exceptional buys imo x.

They are very sturdy and well made. I managed to get the doll face and the spots, and surprise-surprise my Other half bought me the cat face!!!
We went to a friend's for a night's stay, and all I needed was my handbag and that dolly face "tote" This time he carried a weekend bag. I just packed a top in that case..... I could get all the other stuff in the tote, that he commented that I deserved a medal for not taking too many things.( I had toiletries, a skirt, 3 tops, undies and a pair of shoes in the tote)
Jill just doesn't seem bright enough to be on live tv, where a certain amount of sense is required to deal with a guest, inform about the product and cope with the unexpected and tries to rely on her silliness to make herself endearing and it just doesn't work for me.

I have tried to like her as I actually feel a bit sorry for her but I really think they should take her off air as she is an embarrassment a lot of the time. I'll never forget her saying that Kipling bags were started by Rudyard Kipling which no one pulled her up on - just so ridiculous and ill informed. I'm sure she would be better suited to being on something like TOWIE where she might actually appear intelligent.
Presumably when he wasn't turning out batches of cakes.........

Oh I wish you hadn't mentioned that and reminded me of the Jill in the kitchen incident.
You see for all my faults, one thing I don't do is laugh when people get hurt, I don't suppress it, I genuinely don't find it funny.
Until JF took a dish out of the oven and plonked it on the counter, took off the oven mitts she was wearing, and went to tip the dish up to show it to the camera with her bare hands accompanied a nanosecond later by yelping about it being hot and said hand being flapped around.
What annoys me about JF even more than her stupidity and clear lack of prep b4 a show on numerous occasions is the lack of professionalism & smugness with it!

I think the LG bags sold last night "in spite" of Jill Franks being on the show.

After the very obvious and hugely embarassing cock ups she made during the show at the end she did this put on essex/mockney accent saying something like "I should be at 'ome, I shouldn't be 'ere"! Implying that had she been at home she could have bought a £350 + bag that had sold out. So we're an inconvenience now are we, including her guest, CHARMING!

The woman's had plenty of time, years to get used to presenting and understand the dicipline involved. Last nite the LG hour with her was an utter shambles & amongst the worst presenting I have ever seen on Q. Nothing to do with Lulu, I thought she handled the shambolic cock ups superbly.
Not wishing to sound mean but I honestly don't think JF is cut out for front of camera at all. I think Q need to wake up & hopefully they will after last nite's LG show & realise it.
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Except that she shifts product. She wouldn't, COULDN'T continue otherwise.
Perhaps but then aren't a lot of the products she sells no brainers? LG bags are going to be popular, Lulu is like Simon Wilson & his stuff used to be in terms of popularity. People will have booked that time to watch HER not Jill Franks.
I can't see how more items are shifted because of the presentational style of one individual - it must sheer coincidence if they happen to be on with a very popular item.
She has as much rubbish to sell as anyone else though. If she wasn't up to the mark it would soon become apparent to those at Q who monitor such things. She is also on air a lot, which suggests she's doing the business.
She is also on air a lot, which suggests she's doing the business.

She doesn't have children or an illness that requires her to be having regular medical appointments - well, not that we know of.
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Hmmm she does a lot of beautry & TSV lauches Burlz but aren't they going to be popular regardless? Conversley Q may want to consider how much they'd sell of said products without her on air.
Someone said on here, apologies can't recall who it was, about JF using a rollerball thing on Lulu's face, then using it on herself. I didn't see that bit but it was in the LG hour last night apparently. She mentioned something at the end of the chaos err I mean show it was something like "Yeah I aint letting go of my rollerball :wink:"! Huh?? What does anyone care & what's it got to do with the end of the Lulu Guinness hour?!

I have this picture in my head of JF in the last desperado attempt to become one of Lulu's bezzie mates chasing the poor woman down Chiswick High Street frantically waving a rollerball facial thing at her & Lulu fleeing in outrage & panic. :sweat:

Yep I think JF may have truly scuppered her chances of getting a freebie from that range.
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Hmmm she does a lot of beautry & TSV lauches Burlz but aren't they going to be popular regardless? Conversley Q may want to consider how much they'd sell of said products without her on air.
I've always felt that the more senior/ highly rated presenters get the "bigger" shows e.g. beauty TSV launches so based on that QVC must rate her, though I do agree with you that these shows would generate good sales anyway due to the items being sold. I imagine QVC will analyse sales figures to assess the performance of presenters and presumably she reaches their required standard. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan, all this girlfriends talk, I'm such a girly girl, I don't cook etc really irritates me.

BTW when she was presenting the Yankee TSV she announced that she had kept the set she was given and would be giving it to her mother-in-law! Surely the aim of giving presenters samples is so that they can familiarise themselves with the product to help them when selling it,not so they can save on buying presents!
I've always felt that the more senior/ highly rated presenters get the "bigger" shows e.g. beauty TSV launches so based on that QVC must rate her, though I do agree with you that these shows would generate good sales anyway due to the items being sold. I imagine QVC will analyse sales figures to assess the performance of presenters and presumably she reaches their required standard. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan, all this girlfriends talk, I'm such a girly girl, I don't cook etc really irritates me.

BTW when she was presenting the Yankee TSV she announced that she had kept the set she was given and would be giving it to her mother-in-law! Surely the aim of giving presenters samples is so that they can familiarise themselves with the product to help them when selling it,not so they can save on buying presents!

I bet the mother in law is relieved she could have been getting a copy of Julias book :angel: lol
I think that JF is the worst presenter on Q, she doesn't look good, and certainly doesn't have a good presenting voice, (all those deep intakes of breath). She seems to think she is a celeb, not a saleswoman.
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It has been well doccumented & in the public domain that Lulu Guinness has suffered mental illness in her life. I agree with Vamp, having her on an hour long show with JF frequently grabbing, hugging & kissing Lulu was totally irresponsible and an unacceptable way to behave irrespective of who the guest was. No wonder Lulu on occasions looked very uncomfortable!

There was one time when Lulu said something perfectly in keeping with the presentation of her bags & JF hugged her forcefully & said something in her mockney accent "Wot is she like?! "Wot is she like?...There's no 'ope, no 'ope for her, she's going 'ome, that's what the chair behind us is for" Or similar words to that effect. You could see Lulu was somewhat mortified. Like I say, quite one of the worst presentations I've ever seen on Q. I would have turned over if it wasn't for the fact that I wanted to see Lulu's range having already got several of her bags.

So I cannot see with the greatest of respect how JF can be a supersonic sales person. I wonder how many genuinely interested viewers turned over?!
I think that JF is the worst presenter on Q, she doesn't look good, and certainly doesn't have a good presenting voice, (all those deep intakes of breath). She seems to think she is a celeb, not a saleswoman.

She does have very beautiful hands and nails though. I'm always transfixed by her perfectly manicured and painted natural nails. Wish mine could look like that!

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I agree, I think Lulu looked far more comfortable with CH in the afternoon hour rather that she did last night, I like Lulu and know to some she seems a bit airy-fairy but Jf's attempts at being all "pally" made me cringe, Q should have got someone else on with her. I do wonder if the presenters can ask to do a particular show, and did Lulu's heart sink when she asked who she was on with and was told it would be JF!
She does have very beautiful hands and nails though. I'm always transfixed by her perfectly manicured and painted natural nails. Wish mine could look like that!

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They might well do if you did not spend any time in the kitchen and had a cleaning lady like her. Also she has a manicure and pedicure once every month. She has often mentioned all of the above.

For those that say that all the presenters are the same, I'm sorry I don't agree. There is no way Julia or Kathy, for instance would have carried on like JF with Lulu G. This kissy, huggy carry-on is ridiculous. JF also tried on the bessie friends act with Kelly Hoppen some time back, saying they were so alike!! I really can't stand her.

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