JF current blog at QVC


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I am not challenging your opinion,but nearly everyone on here has a dislike of certain presenters,I hate Bruce Forsythe but it doesn't stop me watching Strictly.
Why has this thread deteriorated into a cat fight? OK we all have our opinions, but I still try to live by 'if you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all' which my mother drummed into me when I was young. So my comments are for the blog only.

I am neutral as far as Jill is concerned and I have never read her blog or any other on the QVC website. If the idea is to make the presenters feel like your friends, then it should work two ways, and there should be a statement made when they disappear, i.e. Julian and Debbie G. Personally I am not interested in reading the blogs, but because of this thread I did read Jill's blog.

I am sorry but it does feel like a sales pitch to me. I am sure the accident and injuries were very tough to deal with and I am sympathetic, but the link to the TSV makes be feel less so.

I am sure most of us have been in a situation where we have been told that we can't do anything to change things, and depending on what it is determines whether we 'fight on' or not. I have been told many times that I can't do something and when that happens you have to make the decision whether to accept it or not.

The difference is, I am not selling anything.
And the award goes to....

Are MB and JF working in tandem, toward becoming the number 1 sales team at the Q? Just got back from taking the dogs out and, when I switched on tv, MB says - as if she didn't already know - "You've had rotator cuff injury, right?". We are all aware of that fact, Marj, thanks to this "very private person" revealing all in her blog. I think we are all "savvy shoppers" - as Rani Price of Dont Get Done Get Dom says - and are cognisant of the fact that, ultimately, their aim is to maximise sales. Rather a coincidence that Jill's 'scoop' about her devestating illness is made known when the imminent tsv is a machine which, we are told, would aid anyone in her position, whatever that may be! As I said in a previous post, I'm not belittling the fact she suffered from the car crash; but to use it to sell a product? Anyone who would like to practise pilates, myself being one, does not need a machine. They are always mentioning Joseph Pilates; he invented the exercise of Pilates, not the machine.
Another cynical marketing ploy

QVC presenters can't make medical claims about the item they're selling if it can't be tested and verified, but in writing this blog and then directing viewers to read it during the TSV launch I think Jill (and QVC) are skating on thin ice.

I don't wish the irritating numpty any harm but using her illness to boost sales is the specific criticism in this thread, and it seems justified to me. If she's encouraging people with serious health concerns to part with over 300 quid then medical kama my bite her bony backside one day. :bandit:
I reckon this would be better added to the original thread, though I do agree with your p.o.v.
I read her blog (and I do read most of them). I thought it was very much from the heart and she must have had a horrible time. Any new diagnosis, or uncertainty about a medical issue can turn your world upside down. It takes some adjusting to and this is probably why, up until this point, she has not mentioned it. However, being a fitness expert, and being someone who has clearly found great benefits from the Pilates system, she wants to share that with others. Yes, it's a good promotion for the product, but why not? It's something she clearly really believes in. She's not making a medical claim, just relating her personal experience. And, as she says in her blog, her husband suggested that she share that with the people who read it. It's probably been cathartic for her, and if it 'advertises' the benefits of a product QVC sell? So what?
When it comes down to it, are WE the biggest mugs ????

The Presenter's blogs are there to publicise QVC products, whether its Julia's book, or the amount of Yankee Candles that Craig has stashed away. I'm certainly not an avid or regular reader of this tr.pe, but its certainly proved to be a useful marketing tool, especially with certain presenters 'name dropping' products within the write-up.

I have often wondered (yet to be proved) whether these presenters ARE paid on performance figures output,, then regardless of all the comments on here, it leaves a distinctly sour taste, IF recurring symptoms of a car accident (not an illness in the true sense of the word), are used to promote a piece of gym equipment.
I watched a bit last night JF really loves herself constantly saying what fantastic shape her and Marg were in. I can't take her seriously because she loves everything she sells and has it all at home, mind you she can afford private treatment in the Lindo wing which charges £5000 per night stay when you have a baby.
She has presented her blog live on air so we can all comment on it good or bad, she said it will inspire us but perhaps not. Good luck to her and i am glad she is feeling better and fab at 48 but i don't think i will be buying.
ok I am in d ifferent to Jill Franks but have read her latest blog and call me cynical but it does not ring true at all. Surely if she had experienced a terrible crash as she described then I ask how did Larry get to her so quickly, also the paramedics would have still taken her to A&E to double check everything ok. Whiplash kicking in 3 months later I doubt it but could be wrong. Re vertigo I suffer with this and have done for over 10 years, believe me if she had a chronic attack no way on this earth could she carry on presenting. I feel so incensed by this blog I have contacted QVC to discuss the blatant "misue" of truth in order to promote a TSV
I have never read any of their blogs and don`t intend to. I avoid JF`s shows like the plague and much as people say they are " experts " they are not medically qualified so they should be ending their sales pitch with something along the lines of " if you have any illnesses or injuries then please check with your GP first whether this item/equipment/product is safe for you to use ". TV quacks aka experts have a lot to answer for IMO and IF they were as concerned about their QVC customers as they crack on to be ( calling them the QVC family and friends etc ... ) then they`d be less sales orientated and more safety orientated.
I can't believe people are taken in by this pretentious clap trap. JF will obviously do and say anything to promote herself and the products (I have only a few of these left) that she sells. In my opinion both her and Margeine look dreadfully scrawny and bony not a look I would ever aspire to.
ok I am in d ifferent to Jill Franks but have read her latest blog and call me cynical but it does not ring true at all. Surely if she had experienced a terrible crash as she described then I ask how did Larry get to her so quickly, also the paramedics would have still taken her to A&E to double check everything ok. Whiplash kicking in 3 months later I doubt it but could be wrong. Re vertigo I suffer with this and have done for over 10 years, believe me if she had a chronic attack no way on this earth could she carry on presenting. I feel so incensed by this blog I have contacted QVC to discuss the blatant "misue" of truth in order to promote a TSV

I also suffer from dizziness/spins, severe headache and nausea, and when it really hits you cannot function so I agree how she could carry on presenting is beyond me!
I am not particularly interested in scrawny old Jill Franks and her panic attacks. I do not hate her but I do dislike the way she comes across every time I see her. I have never seen any redeeming features. She tells lies, is self-obsessed, is rude and insincere.
She has no right to join, in any way, her illnesses and problems, with a product QVC or anywhere else sell (especially QVC though). Celebrities get in severe trouble for promoting things which may or may not be true regarding health issues and for real reason. people with any sort of health condition can be vulnerable and willing to try anything, I know, I have been there.
QVC presenters are in a position of 'power' in as much as they are representing certain products and have to be telling the truth and be trusted. If you walked into Superdrug and the sales assistant claimed that "these vitamins, wow, I used to be bald, these vitamins helped me" they would be taken out of the job.
Watched the sales pitch of the Diet Chef with Kathy Tayler last week sometime and was amazed at how honest and forthright and sticking to the rules she was. She lost 4lb in the first week or something, but clearly stated you should only lose 2lb per week, ala Govt guideleines I happen to know.
Its a shopping channel, its not medical in any way and should never be used to promote anything medical related at all. I haven't read Jills blog and won't as it will insence me, people are so desperate for a sale nowadays they would say anything.
If you look at twitter a lot of z listers are always promoting products and thanking brands for the freebies they have been sent. Presenters are the same they get given products and love love love them.
Anyone know how long it takes for Blog comments to appear ?

There doesn't appear to be any at the moment, unusual I thought, for a blog that's very thought provoking ! - I'm only checking because its the first time that I have actually left a comment, but I very much doubt it will be published !!!
My friend's sister was doing Pilates well over 20 years ago to get back into shape after the birth of her daughter. She had a book written by Joseph Pilates and an exercise mat on the floor. It was the first time I had ever heard of it, there was no mention of the need for expensive machines back then. As the system gained popularity so did the marketing surrounding it, jumping on the bandwagon so to speak. If owning the machine encourages exercise then fair enough, but you don't really need one. Dvd or book, exercise mat, enough space to move and that should be fine.
ive got whiplash since a knock from behind in my car since march and this appeard two days after the event ...my kneck felt very stiff and my left arm plays up when using for shopping etc ..not enough to debilitate me thankfully but need a little physio ..it totally shocked me that this kicked in after what felt like a mild knock..i was stationary and fella had tailgated me down hill....he stopped when i did no problem but when i pulled from\ junction i had to stop suddenly and THUD ...as i said this was mild compared to some and mine started after day two...3 months seems ages for the effect in an accident such as Jills ... not saying shes lying but it does not seem possible imho...i hope she feels better soon anyway ...
As many FMs are often mentioning, QVC presenters are not 'celebrities', they are sales people. I'm not sure it's wrong for one of them to use personal experience to promote a product they are selling.
With regards the accident and its aftermath, since everyone is different in how they experience things, and every one of those experiences is unique, I don't think I'd be remotely confident predicting or judging how one individual should or would react to any road accident, or medical condition caused by it.
I'm sure some of you will think I'm naive or something, but I tend to take most things at face value until I find out otherwise.
Wow, who'd have guessed that we had such brilliant medical minds amongst us... a GP (must be the menopause), a few neurologists (whiplash shouldn't last this long, she can't have been that bad if she could work etc), psychologists (personality disorders, self absorbed etc)... all diagnosing from the comfort of an armchair... :wonder:

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