Jess Foley


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Since they started selling the tacky cheap makeup I think the female presenters are pushed to wear it to the max.
I am amazed at how excited some of the female presenters get when they see the prices of items, they act like they are having an orgasmic experience!!!
I was beyond gobsmacked when I heard her. Yes, so well they are allowing their presenters to push sales like this.
What is it with new members copying and reposting others' posts as their own?

I've never seen this on a forum before. Is really weird
Jess Foley Wiki: "As you know, getting hold of your freshwater cultured pearls is beyond difficult at the moment". Two minutes later...🤣🙄
I really am sick and tired of her imploring people to buy as many as you can. Does she not realise many have lost their jobs and are probably just treating themselves. All her false wows and omgs are so over the top. You’ve won the Oscar!
And don't forget all those front doors :p

I can't watch her. She oozes insincerity. Miss Foley could be giving the Koh-i-Noor away for free, and I wouldn't trust her.

And all the fake shock over prices from her and other Gemporia presenters makes me laugh. It isn't like they prepare for their shows beforehand, is it?
Just because your post was the one I thought of this 'thought', you get the reply. Granted, it does apply, but still. Sometimes I think they should go back to those 'silent auctions' they do when they are a presenter down. And some presenters, who I used to like, I now wish they were silent auctions too. All that gushing for 3 products in one whole hour: I ask ya. As I'm rambling, there was a special show on recently: think it was colour change kyanite. They began that showcase at 1/4 to the hour. Ramble ramble ramble, and that's not me ;)

Cant stand Adina or Hattie
Adina is 'always' choking or on mute coz she's coughing or spluttering. Surprised she's still there. After all, a job you talk for a living and you can't make it through a sentence. And Hattie, I used to like her, but she's now become too hyper. I thought Jim was like that, but he mellowed, and TBH, did prefer him on Gemporia, over GC.
I agree about Jess and her insincerity. There are very few I have any time for. Ruth Linnet is my favourite because she doesnt take anything too seriously but I bet she gets the sales because she is entertaining without being false. I dont watch much during the day but I like Kate McCarthy and Ellis. Cant stand Adina or Hattie and have completely gone off Lyn Jinks after her make over as she looks so hard now. As for Dave Troth, well what is the point of him. He looks like he is going to burst into tears all the time.
Well, unfortunately, Ruth has now left the company & as for Troth, you posted a very pertinent question: What exactly IS the point of him? He's detrimental to the company, as sales must be down since he came on the scene.
Who could listen to his never-ending waffling? And that pained expression on his face? I imagine viewers run for the remote as soon as he appears!
Well, unfortunately, Ruth has now left the company & as for Troth, you posted a very pertinent question: What exactly IS the point of him? He's detrimental to the company, as sales must be down since he came on the scene.
Who could listen to his never-ending waffling? And that pained expression on his face? I imagine viewers run for the remote as soon as he appears!
To be honest I never watch it now. Glad to see Ruth on QVC as she was one of my favourites< I used to buy alot at one time.
I had to add in what they broadcast yesterday afternoon. The ignorant presenter was selling an Angel Carousel. In my opinion a hideous thing with angels hanging off the 'fan' with a tea light beneath - Google it and you will get the idea. In the presentation she said something about not needing to make it spin as fast as they had done when flicking it. There was clearly then a voice in her ear explaining how the thing worked. Mind blown!!! She had absolutely no idea. She was totally overwhelmed that the hot air rising from the candle that was driving the motion. She then explained how it worked to her audience like it was the latest science, 'isn't that incredible?!' Astonishing, but part of me isn't really surprised
I had to add in what they broadcast yesterday afternoon. The ignorant presenter was selling an Angel Carousel. In my opinion a hideous thing with angels hanging off the 'fan' with a tea light beneath - Google it and you will get the idea. In the presentation she said something about not needing to make it spin as fast as they had done when flicking it. There was clearly then a voice in her ear explaining how the thing worked. Mind blown!!! She had absolutely no idea. She was totally overwhelmed that the hot air rising from the candle that was driving the motion. She then explained how it worked to her audience like it was the latest science, 'isn't that incredible?!' Astonishing, but part of me isn't really surprised
I saw that. Lindsey Carr, if I recall. And it was a poor imitation of that kind of thing they've sold in the past, and TBH, I wasn't really impressed with them back then either. That is also why they did a buy both get a discount: part of the up selling again. The candles are needed for it to work, BUT it's not a given you need to buy all at once. Side note: up selling gets on my nerves. Have you noticed? :p
I had to add in what they broadcast yesterday afternoon. The ignorant presenter was selling an Angel Carousel. In my opinion a hideous thing with angels hanging off the 'fan' with a tea light beneath - Google it and you will get the idea. In the presentation she said something about not needing to make it spin as fast as they had done when flicking it. There was clearly then a voice in her ear explaining how the thing worked. Mind blown!!! She had absolutely no idea. She was totally overwhelmed that the hot air rising from the candle that was driving the motion. She then explained how it worked to her audience like it was the latest science, 'isn't that incredible?!' Astonishing, but part of me isn't really surprised

I can tell just from reading that that it would have been Lindsey Carr. She's thicker than treacle.

If you listen very closely, on the rare occasion that she stops talking, you can hear the sawdust moving inside her head as she moves.
Dante underestimated the circles of Hell. Just when I thought that Angeline's schtick on the IF diamond sets was as insulting as could be, Jess Foley manages her own spin.

First, madam, 10x loupe inspection of diamonds for grading is the standard. It's not optional. Second, after an "in-depth discussion with Mel" (during a 10s ad break), they decided to show a countdown clock for every piece 😬and finally, she described this as a tennis bracelet at least three times. Never looked it up on Google, Jess? Never heard of Chris Evert Lloyd and why a style of bracelet was called this? Well, missey, this ain't it. AJP, my a*se.

Gotta laugh. Selling a peridot bracelet. Says she: there's only two left after pre-orders. Next breath, multi-buy if you can.
Gotta laugh. Selling a peridot bracelet. Says she: there's only two left after pre-orders. Next breath, multi-buy if you can.

She uses the same lines for every single item that she's selling, so I'm convinced that she doesn't actually think about what she's saying and everything just comes out of her mouth on auto-pilot.

"Multi-buy. Get as many as you can"
"I've just gotta let you know"
"Its flying out the front door"
"Absolutely!" (x300 per shift)
"Good luck to each and every one of you. Well done".

It baffles me how she ever got a job in this line of work - she has no knowledge of what she's selling, no uniqueness, no skill, no personality, no likeability and no charisma.

She's just an awful 'presenter'.
She uses the same lines for every single item that she's selling, so I'm convinced that she doesn't actually think about what she's saying and everything just comes out of her mouth on auto-pilot.

It baffles me how she ever got a job in this line of work - she has no knowledge of what she's selling, no uniqueness, no skill, no personality, no likeability and no charisma.

She's just an awful 'presenter'.
Have to admit, I did buy a ring (NOT multi ;) ) But that's coz I liked it, not coz I bought into the spiel. And, surely she must have a USP, is that what it is called? Otherwise, she'd not be employable.
She uses the same lines for every single item that she's selling, so I'm convinced that she doesn't actually think about what she's saying and everything just comes out of her mouth on auto-pilot.

"Multi-buy. Get as many as you can"
"I've just gotta let you know"
"Its flying out the front door"
"Absolutely!" (x300 per shift)
"Good luck to each and every one of you. Well done".

It baffles me how she ever got a job in this line of work - she has no knowledge of what she's selling, no uniqueness, no skill, no personality, no likeability and no charisma.

She's just an awful 'presenter'.
And don't forget the open stunned mullet face look when she cannot believe the price of an item.

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