Jerome Alexander


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Jun 24, 2008
Our House
I have just turned on to see this make-up artist manhandling some poor girl :giggle: He was pulling and tugging at her face and the poor girl looked scared stiff. If he is a top make-up artist i will eat my hat.
I nearly posted on him yesterdy but something else came up.

The man is past his sell by date. By all means Ideal World keep on selling his cosmetics but please do not let him embarrass himself further.

He was plastering the poor model with the Italian Marble powder till she looked like a ghost. Then he almost poked her eye out with the mascara wand. Her eyeshadow was just dawbed on totally unevenly and her lips.....good Lord above, it was way past the lipline.

I squirm now when I see him on television and the poor man thought it was June. He didn't even know what time of year it was.
To be fair the actual make up's quite good, I've found the eyeshadows a bit wishy washy when they go on, but other than that, the mascara's great, so are the lipsticks and the eye you's him! It's as though he's been scouring the archives of 70's/80's girls magazines for make up tips. I thought the make up artist's job was to enhance someone's looks, by applying a light touch..not leaving some pretty fresh faced young girl looking like she's caked in make up. Getting them to suck their cheeks in so he knows where to put the blusher ffs, Surely a credible make up artist can just see where to put it! Then just daubing matt colour onto the eyelids with little or no thought to what colour palette actually suits the model, no blending or shading. If he was a make up artist, then it must of been in the horror movie genre that's all I can surmise!
Truly awful. The marble powder was just turning to dust when he swirled the brush in it - by the end of the show he was covered in orange dandruff. On one of the models he made such a mess of her eye make up, but then tried to cover his tracks by saying he'd done it deliberately to show how easy his products were to blend.

Oh and he ALWAYS has to have a veiled pop at QVC and Bobbi Brown on every show he does. But he is blatantly copying Bobbi with his eyeliners and blush pallettes (very badly) and always compares his primer very obviously to the Smashbox one...because they're exactly the same of course...:wink: .

Rant over...:bandit:
he's so heavy handed always feel sorry for the model she must feel like she's been 12 rounds with mike tyson by time he's finished
Never bought any of Mr.Humpa Lumpa makeup, after watching him never had the urge.

I am convinced they must pay the models danger money to work with him. His insurance to appear also must be high.

Model loses eye £20,000
Model blinded £40.000

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