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I wonder if any of the Shop Extra lot will want a piece of the new IW gig? Shallow as they are, no doubt they'll be able to completely ignore the fact they were slagging it off in all but name just mere weeks ago. And yes I'm aware it's not the same IW that's being resurrected before anyone feels the need to point that out ;)

It's kind of in keeping with some of the products they flog i.e. that have the brand name (more recently acquired) of something that was quality years/decades ago, but is now used as a 'brand front' to flog cheap tat.

Broadly, it'll end up like the IW that demised a few months back. If anyone's expecting anything significantly different I feel sorry for them. It might vary slightly but ultimately it'll be the same sort of presenters, the same sort of products (perhaps broadened due to TJC influence but no better quality wise) and of course the same bullsh1t being spouted.
I wonder if any of the Shop Extra lot will want a piece of the new IW gig? Shallow as they are, no doubt they'll be able to completely ignore the fact they were slagging it off in all but name just mere weeks ago. And yes I'm aware it's not the same IW that's being resurrected before anyone feels the need to point that out ;)

It's kind of in keeping with some of the products they flog i.e. that have the brand name (more recently acquired) of something that was quality years/decades ago, but is now used as a 'brand front' to flog cheap tat.

Broadly, it'll end up like the IW that demised a few months back. If anyone's expecting anything significantly different I feel sorry for them. It might vary slightly but ultimately it'll be the same sort of presenters, the same sort of products (perhaps broadened due to TJC influence but no better quality wise) and of course the same bullsh1t being spouted.

Darn it :mad:, i was so looking forward to using the Field's family and their Swan & Edgar brand to illustrate
the resurrection process for the new IW channel. 🤣
I wonder if any of the Shop Extra lot will want a piece of the new IW gig? Shallow as they are, no doubt they'll be able to completely ignore the fact they were slagging it off in all but name just mere weeks ago. And yes I'm aware it's not the same IW that's being resurrected before anyone feels the need to point that out ;)

It's kind of in keeping with some of the products they flog i.e. that have the brand name (more recently acquired) of something that was quality years/decades ago, but is now used as a 'brand front' to flog cheap tat.

Broadly, it'll end up like the IW that demised a few months back. If anyone's expecting anything significantly different I feel sorry for them. It might vary slightly but ultimately it'll be the same sort of presenters, the same sort of products (perhaps broadened due to TJC influence but no better quality wise) and of course the same bullsh1t being spouted.
I do hope they take P.Simons and Co. And keep them never to appear on TJC again....
This is what I get at the moment in the ads on this forum.

If the new resurrected IW sells this same TJC stuff as from their website, then I won't have a problem.
But if they go the SE/old IW route of RugDoctor, Vostok Europe and Swan&Edgar, Rattan Linea, etc., it'll be ruined.
It’s a difficult thing surely for the Lemonade Twins x 2. You assume they got caught cold when Ideal World Mark 37 went down, and from their on screen continual swipes at their former employer, were clearly very bitter about things. Fine to be that way - just don’t voice it constantly with your new one as it makes you look unprofessional. Of course, if they genuinely thought the Ideal World brand name was dead and buried, with this new development, that puts them in more of a spot. Very hard to go to the latest new version, run by people appearing to favour the Bid-Up hard-faced type style of host more, than the more gentle friendshippy ones…And with Ideal Whirled back as a serious player, what room is there now (if there ever was any) for a shopping channel broadcasting from a tiny studio, selling a very averagely priced limited and uninspiring range of goods. You suspect they’ve taken the wrong gamble now. Interesting to see what happens to both Shop Extra and themselves with this apparent curveball thrown at them?
And with Ideal Whirled back as a serious player, what room is there now (if there ever was any) for a shopping channel broadcasting from a tiny studio, selling a very averagely priced limited and uninspiring range of goods. You suspect they’ve taken the wrong gamble now. Interesting to see what happens to both Shop Extra and themselves with this apparent curveball thrown at them?

Yeah, Shop Extra is gonna struggle more than a Beldray cordless vac does picking up coffee granules.

As is, Shop Extra (for all its perceived merit by those involved) is invisible to average TV viewer. Casual viewers have to find land on Create & Craft to know Shop Extra exists, and if they're not into crafting… That's unlikely. Anyone thinking "I need a new vac/air fryer/mattress, I wonder if the shopping channels have one…" won't go Create & Craft any more than they would Hobby Maker, Gemporia, or Talking Pictures TV.

Shop Extra's only real audience is people watching Create & Craft (and most whom are in the mood to buy craft stuff, not collagen capsules and lenticular Star Wars pictures ). Maybe the sub-channel can subsist on that long-term, but it probably can't grow from that - not without its own channel or some massive marketing campaign.

There's a small band of people who personally like the presenters and have followed over on that basis, but that can't be huge.

Ideal World (TJC edition) doesn't have that problem.

From the get-go, Ideal World will be discoverable in the EPG, and it'll get (presumably) some degree of launch promotion on TJC, a channel that has a more synergistic viewer base than a crafting channel these days (for those who don't watch TJC it sells homeware, fashion, air fryers, etc).

Boom. Viewers.

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