It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......


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My son recently helped a man on his estate who's oil tank was set on fire, and it burnt part of his house. It was on the news, and he and others
got together and he created a facebook page to help, and loads of people from the estate got together and raised money and practically put the
house back together again, with the money that everyone gave. I was very proud of him and the others as the estate didnt have a good name,
but this showed that there's still nice people out there willing to help. I mean people put in windows, new roof, dug gardens etc, and gave up
all their free time, and it gave us all a lovely glow that people still care. He's a big gentle giant 6feet 5 and size 14 shoes, but a big softy.

DD is different, very organized, got fibro, so works with it to keep working, and she's very pretty. Long dark hair, swarthy, will try and put
photos up when i find the dammed wire thing. She's very kind and considerate, but looses the plot with DS , who is a dreamer and hopeless
with money. But i'm very lucky and i brought them up myself, and we've had some tough times, but we got through them.
I think all the kids I hear about on here are really lucky to have you lot as their mums, you're all very caring and proud. My personal experience is more like yours Itchy!!

Thats a lovely thing to say Frazzled, thank you. I never wanted children, but OH is from a big family and wore me down. During both pregnancies, I was terrified it would be a girl (history repeating itself?), which is ridiculous looking at it now. Thank god I had what my own mum did not have, and smothered the two of them with kisses and hugs, until they were old enough to fight me off ha ha. Luckily OH is a fantastic Dad, he lost his own Dad when he was a child and would go to the ends of the earth for our boys. At the end of the day, you just do your best.

Enough already! I don't want to turn the snow thread into a offspring appreciation thread!!
Our kids do us proud at times don't they - I welled up one time DD was telling me she'd witnessed an accident, a girl knocked down by a bus...she put her own coat over her and sat talking to her while they waited for an ambulance to arrive...another time was when she had a work appraisal - the lady came over from Birmingham and didn't know DD from Adam but at the end of it told her she wished she could give her brownie points for attendance and attitude, given her illness..sob..!
...on the other hand the little minx once flooded the kitchen when she was little..our washer had a broken door lock and also filled right up to the top of the the time we couldn't afford to get a new one ...young madam came hopping and skipping thru the kitchen while I was doing something, and for some unfathomable reason, got hold of the washer door handle and pulled it open...whoosh...gallons of water all over my kitchen floor...! Someone got a smacked botty!
It thawed a little bit here today in South Wales, but temperatures have plummeted and the snow is like concrete now.
No snow here at all now. Woke up this morning and it'd all gone, and its cold but no sign of snow
Thawed in Kent but tomorrow is the day for it here so everyone is saying. It's certainly cold & grey enough. I just hope it doesn't start when I'm already at work on Monday! A 30 min drive on some country roads in the dark & snow isn't my cup of tea :( x
we've still got a 4" high meringue topping on the bird bath, but OH says it's thawing now - however, aren't we promised some more over the next 2 or 3 days?? Can't wait..!!

PS forgot to say am having a really tough evening sitting here watching the snooker, forcing myself to eat Aldi chocolate biscuits from Xmas with my hot cuppa...hard life innit?!
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We have not had any snow over here, although some bright spark at the weather office said that we might get some tomorrow, which is a pain as we have to drive to Dublin, 2 and a half hours in the car! It is very cold though. Got an open fire down, so I don't need my slanket, and just waiting for Midsommer Murders to start. My favourite!
Oh Itchy thanks for reminding me...just switching Casualty to Freeview so we can tape Midomer Murders...phew..!
Oh i was watching casualty too and have now turned over to midsomers, hope ive not seen it before, and taping casualty.
The tele is rubbish on a Saturday Edited to say i have seen this midsomers, so now can i remember it all or go back
to casualty/ Decisions
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Oh i was watching casualty too and have now turned over to midsomers, hope ive not seen it before, and taping casualty.
The tele is rubbish on a Saturday Edited to say i have seen this midsomers, so now can i remember it all or go back
to casualty/ Decisions

you're right there Barbs, it's great when you find something you actually want to watch!
I remember the first series with Amanda Redman! Watched it with hubby. He thought it was very "silence of the lambs" but without the cannibalism.
We have been lucky, avoided snow till y/day when we had a little for an hour and then it melted again but looks like we are in for some later today and tomorrow. It is currently really grey and dark and very very cold!!!
I remember the first series with Amanda Redman! Watched it with hubby. He thought it was very "silence of the lambs" but without the cannibalism.

Amanda Burton! Yes we watched it then too but I think the new format is better - well it was with Harry!

We've been promised another couple of inches of snow this afternoon - wow aren't we lucky, it'll sit on top of the four frozen inches we've got already!

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