It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Now compared to oop north its probably summer here; but to a wimpy southerner its f f freezing. Snow tomorrow apparently.
Ppc good luck and hope you get to your appt without any travel problems.
BM get well soon, snuggle up and keep indoors.
Apparently loads of shelves are empty with people panic buying. !!! No snow here, but forecast for tomorrow as everywhere
else. I don't mind as i'm of work, but thats a bit selfish, so i hope it doesn't last. Good luck for hospital tomorrow PPC, hope
the weather doesn't play havoc with your plans, and for anyone else heading out anywhere, safe journeys. The cats will be
indoors thats for sure LOL
21 has just been on her uni's website & all exams that were scheduled for tomorrow have been cancelled

I can see me digging Meg a route to her "Area 51" lol
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Oh was thinking of 21's exam tomorrow, and now its cancelled, good news rather than try and get out there.
I keep laughing at the photo she sent you of Meg and the bottles, methinks there might have been a bit of
a party going on there, but it was funny how she sent it to you LOL
21 has just been on her uni's website & all exams that were scheduled for tomorrow have been cancelled

I can see me digging Meg a route to her "Area 51" lol

hasn't she got a Tom Tom cat nav..?!
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Oh was thinking of 21's exam tomorrow, and now its cancelled, good news rather than try and get out there.
I keep laughing at the photo she sent you of Meg and the bottles, methinks there might have been a bit of
a party going on there, but it was funny how she sent it to you LOL

Little tinker lol

27 sent me photographs today



Message read, "Look Mam, there's the edge!"

No wonder I don't sleep at night
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I popped into Tesco for a few bits after visiting the vet for more tablets for my cat, thought it would chaotic but it wasn't too bad.

I decided to cancel my cat's surgery tomorrow as I'm worried I may not be able to get there to pick him up in the afternoon.
I popped into Tesco for a few bits after visiting the vet for more tablets for my cat, thought it would chaotic but it wasn't too bad.

I decided to cancel my cat's surgery tomorrow as I'm worried I may not be able to get there to pick him up in the afternoon.

talking of cats Fraz, check out Games & Surveys..I found your cat maze game..!
Minim those photos of 27 on the edge would have me in a fit. I have a fear of heights and can't evem

cross a bridge without feeling ill. But then at 27 i'd have prob been more couragous. (Mind you then i

was married and had two small kids) so never thought about my fears. Its so different nowadays, they

can travel and see the world which is a brilliant experience for them, but she looks like she's got her

feet on the ground, sorry couldnt resist that. But i'm sure she's very sensible and capable, and i know

it must be a worry for you, but hopefully you'll maybe get to America to see her, and leave Meg behind

LOL Just wanted to add, as you all know we're having trouble here in Belfast, and recently i've had to

drive past cars burnt out on my way to work, and things lying on the road, and had to rush home incase

of road blocks. But my DD 34 lives quite near the troubles, and has to pass the bridge to get home and

also can't go out at night cause there's rioting quite near her house, and police and water cannons, so she

can't even go to the gym on her way home from work. She's got fibro, so exercise is very important to her

keeping supple and fit, and she hasn;t been able to go for nearly 2 weeks now, and everyone is thinking

about how to get out and about and home. So there's trouble and worry for us all, i suppose thats what

being a mum is all about, we never stop worrying. :)
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Nothing doing yet in sarf London but the pavements are getting that frosty look. Thanks for all your good luck messages for my appt tomorrow which is still scheduled to take place. However I'm prepared for a last minute cancellation as the infusion nurse travels in from Essex and I think they may be quite badly affected. I spoke to our MS nurse earlier and she told me if it does get cancelled it will be recheduled for sometime next week but I hope not as I've washed me hair especially lol. :grin: Stay safe and warm everyone.
Fingers crossed Sue.

Barbs, I'm saddened by your post. It must be like a war zone. Hopefully, peace will be restored soon.

The snow will arrive here in South Wales about 3:AM according to the nice man on the radio. Can't wait to see Meg's face lol
Just driven home the pub and there are a few flakes here in Surrey but I really do mean a few.
Don't be sad minim, we're well used to it here, we're tough cookies. No snow here yet :) Maybe keep
everyone inside if there is LOL

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