Perhaps they paid a penny for it - Plus extras of course!
.....Going back to the matter of the stock they sell for a penny - whatever it may be, the cheapest you'll pay is £8. You can pick up the sort of thing they churn out for 1p in town anyway not even in a sale, poundstretcher sell fleece throws, cheap toiletries, cheap bedding etc for that kind of price - and you're not running home to your significant other shouting "guess what? - I've picked up a fleece blanket for a fiver?"...."Oh, and two heart shaped ramekins for £8- amazing bargain eh?" Yes, I'm not denying how handy it is to get the stuff delivered to your door, but if there was any problem with it, it would be too costly in time and money to try and rectify it - even if you were entitled to a full refund of postage both ways. Other than that as said many times before, they know that nobody's going to be bothered returning anything just to get a penny back - Great way of shifting stock they're having trouble getting rid of!