When it comes to both guests and presenters, we'll all have those we can't watch and those we really like.
Personally, I have no problem with either Kim or Lulu Guinness. I think they both embody their brands.
I think Kim's style of speaking probably developed from her initial nerves and has become her trademark.
What I like about Kim is that you get focus. She doesn't indulge in tweeting, inside jokes with presenters, sharing personal information. She is rock solid on her product knowledge - from item numbers to measurements, to fabric composition, to colour choices. She doesn't even get fazed when QVC start messing with her colour names. She really doesn't need a QVC presenter to assist her (except to allow her to draw breath from her breathless delivery).
Lulu G also doesn't pander to presenters desire to share inside jokes, going on twiter etc. She comes across as a quirky lady with the confidence to stick to her guns when it comes to her personal style.
I'd say - I wish more guests were willing to not "play the game" with the likes of Jill Franks (who just loves an inside joke), or Debbie with the constant tweeting references.
But I'm sure there wil be people on my unwatchable list that you may love to see on your screen and spend an hour with.