Forcing myself to watch DT, until I get a headache, but he just said, and I paraphrase, 'investment' but I don't want to influence you' (talking about a high end company that seems to deal in investment pieces. Yellow Tanzanite, which I think should be called Yellow Zoisite FROM Tanzania. But that's an aside. I got the thought come into my head. Court Cases. 'So and so' mentions something and the jury are told to disregard the comment. Once it's been placed in your mind, you can't forget or disregard it. You are influenced, even if it's subconsciously. Sooo, when the sellers mention we are not supposed to imply a value regarding investments (side note, I've had to put him on mute
) people have that idea implanted and 'probably' are more inclined to buy for 'that worth' they are not supposed to mention.
Somewhat of a ramble, but I hope you can glean some sense of what was going through my mind when I wrote it
Somewhat of a ramble, but I hope you can glean some sense of what was going through my mind when I wrote it