I'm Back !! WARNING - this is a very indulgent post


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Jun 26, 2008
not watched Q for a few months now, due to family crises*, the call of the garden and latterly 3 weeks in Florida for Christmas shopping :)mysmilie_8:yay!!).

Put it on as background this morning while doing some jobs in the living room. Chloe is on. I'd almost forgotten the amount of hyperbole (polite word for b@ll@ck$) she spouts. Tortuous descriptions, poor grammar, over-use of superlatives, all in a loud shouty voice.

Andrew Bagley is on at the mo and is almost as bad - I can't believe that every one of his claims is completely true, surely any skin product that gives such marvellous results would be priced out of our reach and sold only in presteeegious stores such as Harrods and Harvey Nicks ?

*family crises - Mum admitted to hospital in June with suspected heart attack, then developed pulmonary embolism, pneumonia and aggressive UTI. Discharged with oxygen, 20 pills a day, 3 inhalers and carers in July. She was 90 yesterday bless her and wants a 2014 diary for Christmas so she's not planning on going anywhere soon !

Niece of 19 got STI, got pregnant, boyfriend sentenced for drug use and has a "tag" round his ankle so can't stay out after curfew. Her dad/my brother is devastated. Anyway the baby was born 8 days ago and he is gorgeous. He's visiting me next Sunday, it will be like a nativity scene !

Oldest nephew revealed £000's in debt - his mum/my sister upset, needed to raise money to pay it off for him. Middle nephew bought his first flat and kind auntie (me) takes him shopping to buy everything he needed except bed and settee.

Brother's new puppy fell down stairs and broke his jaw, now sporting a brace screwed into the bone to hold it together, plus "lampshade" round his neck. Brother very upset. Luckily their other dog is cleaning the pup's bottom etc, saves my brother a nasty job ! Brother's girlfriends 19 y/o daughter told her mum she's gay, days before leaving for Oz on her gap year.

Neighbour and good friend lost her cousin (as close as a sister) and cousin's husband to cancer within 3 months of each other. She has been distraught and had a weep several times when with me. Friends across the road split and getting divorced, forced to sell the house. Their 2 children - 6 and 8 are bewildered.

No wonder I needed a holiday !
Welcome home EM! I prescribe a day of reading and posting about the trivial escapism that is telly shopping! Excellent for pushing those more pressing thoughts to one side for and hour or two. I'll put the kettle on...
Wow you`ve been busy. Life has a habit of overloading us with problems doesn`t it ? Hopefully you`ll get some time to chill over Christmas and welcome back.
So nice to see you back ERICS MUM, soon be Santa time.........then we can but hope for a better 2014 for everyone...
Nice to see you back Eric's mum. I hope 2014 is better for you..I reckon you deserve it!
They say things come in three's you have certainly blown that away hope the new year is better for everyone around you and yourself.
Oh dear, what a stressful time. I hope things get better and you have a cheerful 2014.
But Eric's mum you haven't mentioned any of your shopping in the US - just a little tidbit please. As Akimbo says escapist trivia is exactly what is needed.
Welcome back, EM, a good friend of mine always says at times like this that just as all good times must one to an end, then so must all bad times. Hope that proves to be the case for you too.
Good grief EM that's an awful lot to contend with! Wish you and your family, friends, neighbours all involved a more calm and restful 2014. Your mum sounds great, like the 2014 diary request from her, sounds as though she has no intention of going anywhere just yet. Take care.
Hi EM nice to see you back with us.

Glad your mother is okay.

Are you sure you don't have some sort family curse??? :wonder: Have you insulted a gypsy selling lucky heather, walked under a ladder, crossed a black cat?:mysmilie_1:

You need to smother yourself in Gatineau to get it away.
Not Gatineau, Decleor or Elemis. That would upset me now I've found a much cheaper range, so spend the money on wine and chocolates, EM. 2013 was a horrible year for a lot of people I know, (me included for the whole year, which is how I came to find this forum, a bit of light relief), so here's to a much better 2014 for you and everyone on here.
But Eric's mum you haven't mentioned any of your shopping in the US - just a little tidbit please. As Akimbo says escapist trivia is exactly what is needed.

well, you did ask. 3 medium tumbler Yankee Candles for $21 (£4,50 each). Elizabeth Arden skin complex $13 (£45 on Amazon UK). Swarovski green crystal Christmas tree for my hair dresser £20. Ralph Lauren polo shirts for my brother, £20 each. Ralph Lauren babygros, jeans and hoodie jacket for my baby great-nephew, total £25 :mysmilie_43:. Plus a load of craft stuff for my sister, most of which was one-third the price charged by Hobbycraft.

The secret with all Florida stores is to search out the coupons. I registered with their websites before I went, took screen shots of the coupons they e mailed me, and just presented them at the till. Simples.

Anyway, Mum was 90 on Saturday. Took ill on Monday and is now in hospital again - ambulance and blue lights to A&E with sickness, UTI and low pulse (35). :heart:

While at Mum's waiting for the ambulance I tripped over the bed valance, fell and hit my face on the floor. Dislodged one lens from my specs (pushed it back in) and hurt nose - slight black eye this morning and painful to blow my nose.

To cheer myself up, I ordered the YBF eyebrow pencil duo - as I've got older my brows have thinned and now need some help. I'll have to wear my specs to see properly, not sure if I'll be able to get to my brows though.

Enough already. :mysmilie_13:
Hi EM nice to see you back with us.

Glad your mother is okay.

Are you sure you don't have some sort family curse??? :wonder: Have you insulted a gypsy selling lucky heather, walked under a ladder, crossed a black cat?:mysmilie_1:

You need to smother yourself in Gatineau to get it away.

blimey you've got me thinking there. There is a stray black cat that was coming in every morning and helping himself to Eric's Whiskas. It upset Eric so much that he lost weight and vet put him on a course of valium for stress. After that I've closed the cat flap and the black cat can't get in for his elevenses. Maybe this is karma ?

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