I wish I knew the names - - - - - - >


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All this talk of favoured few, cliques, gangs etc...is going nowhere and is spoiling the forum for many. It is the same people mentioning this issue each time, it could be said that these people are looking like a clique too so can we please put this issue to bed and move on and get back to talking ST!!!
Och, how did this post get to this? I just thought it was a bit tongue in cheek. Let's not argue - surely we get enough of that elsewhere?
Sazza, just answer me one question please - why were the posts attacking Tristar last week not removed as quickly as were mine & Itchy's just now?
All this talk of favoured few, cliques, gangs etc...is going nowhere and is spoiling the forum for many. It is the same people mentioning this issue each time, it could be said that these people are looking like a clique too so can we please put this issue to bed and move on and get back to talking ST!!!

that's exactly what we were doing until the usual people came on here and started moaning about the presenters being "attacked". seems we can only discuss what they like.
Anyone can come on and start a thread it's up to us if we want to join in.
No one has started anything. It's a forum, we talk, we're challenged and that's what makes it fun. In my opinion.

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that's exactly what we were doing until the usual people came on here and started moaning about the presenters being "attacked". seems we can only discuss what they like.

As I just said all this talk of usual people etc....is not helping, it needs to stop!!!!
no answer to my question yet Sazza? Donna's posts were reported last week but not removed for ages???
I see and have to deal with politics all day at work but my brain must switch off when I come on here coz Im clearly missing something. What started out as seemingly an innocent comment has spiralled out of control again.

We all have views and opinions on service, products, presenters and I thought the forum was here for that purpose. I interpreted the first and some subsequent posts as making the point that lately the forum has lacked some balance, not that people shouldn't keep bashing the presenters.
it has lacked balance DJ, because those of us who stand up for people not getting bashed by other forum members get our posts deleted, and the others don't.
I'm confused... who do you feel is 'protected' and who isn't?

All these hints aren't working and it's just fuelling bad feeling.
Sazza, just answer me one question please - why were the posts attacking Tristar last week not removed as quickly as were mine & Itchy's just now?

no answer to my question yet Sazza? Donna's posts were reported last week but not removed for ages???

I think you will find some posts were removed.

Oh and I did not delete anything of Itchy's tonight.

it has lacked balance DJ, because those of us who stand up for people not getting bashed by other forum members get our posts deleted, and the others don't.

Every issue is looked at on a case by case basis.
thank you for the explanation Sazza, if that's what it was. So you don't mind Donna going for the jugular where Tristar's concerned, and calling him a racist, and having to be asked several times to delete the post, but mine was deleted before the ink was even dry and it was nowhere near as inflammatory? And there are no "favoured few"? Well I'm sorry but pull the other one it's got bells on it.
The last 'gang' I was in was about 45 years ago! I have never moaned about 'presenter bashing' (read my earlier post). I am going to agree and disagree with people on this forum or any forum I choose and the same thing will continue off it as well! If belonging to a group of friends that I have made off ST makes me being in a gang then so be it. I don't give a flying @@@@ as they say! I will also continue to like and thank whoever I want!! END OF !! Now as someone said lets play nice. :mysmilie_486:
thank you for the explanation Sazza, if that's what it was. So you don't mind Donna going for the jugular where Tristar's concerned, and calling him a racist, and having to be asked several times to delete the post, but mine was deleted before the ink was even dry and it was nowhere near as inflammatory? And there are no "favoured few"? Well I'm sorry but pull the other one it's got bells on it.

So... please would you tell us who you feel are the 'favoured few' as I can honestly say that I am confused and feel a little uncomfortable about all the mistrust that seems to be simmering here.

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