I really MUST stop watching Gems...!


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What lovely pieces MissM. As you know, I prefer very plain and simple jewellery, but after seeing them, I must admit my predilection could be wavering!
Meesh, does this mean that both you and Mini Meesh have made a full recovery and are now ready to take over the country? If so, very pleased to hear it.
Funny you should say that Jacqualina. My tastes were always for the more simple BUT as I've got older (and by that I mean from 21 to 25 of course :giggle:) my tastes have changed and I've found that I like a far greater range of designs!

Thank you for your kind thoughts about Mini Meesh and I. We are both fighting fit now (in fact if she doesn't slow down I think I'm going to pin her to the sofa with some of my more weighty bling)!
Well I've finally received the ring and pendant (after having been away for a bit), and I'm pleased to say they are even more gorgeous IRL! The ring in particular is a stunner - the diamonds are very white and sparkly, and the tanzy is a great colour, especially considering they're such small stones - not washed out at all.

I suppose you want me to 'fess up about the earrings, too? :) Here they are (£249):


The tanzanites in the earrings are quite a bit paler, but they are nonetheless gorgeous and not going anywhere!

I do hope Gems will be getting some more of these antique style pieces from the same supplier, as they are beautiful and superb quality. I can feel a collection coming on...!

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