I really felt for Julia last night


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Lola Rose

Registered Shopper
Jun 25, 2008
I was just flicking around the channels last night and I decided to watch some of the fittness hour with Julia. I would NEVER watch the show, but I thought Julia had lovely dancers feet and I was trying to mould my own feet and legs into that lovely curvey shape.

Anyways, a T Caller came on, who sounded quite old, like an outspoken grandmother said (I will try and summarise):

'Julia, I have a question for you - you've put on a lot of weight over the past year and I was wondering if the pilates are working for you' (to that effect)'

Julia says while a little taken aback, 'yes I have out weight on and the past year I have not being doing it for personal circumstances.....I'll be honest with you...my dad died an I've just not had the impostus to do exercise'.

Lady said 'Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you'

Julia - You haven't upset me'. But this year is going to be my BEST year for fittness'

Lady, 'Oh I'm sorry....well my reason for asking was that I'm going to have three hernia's removed soon and I wanted to know if this was safe enough to use?'

Julia goes on saying yes....digging herself out of the siuation.

Gosh I really felt for Julia...
I wonder why they did not cut the caller off, I did not see it but it sounds cringing .
I know she plays to the crowd but I quite like Julia.

Sounds like she dealt with this caller very well. I can quite understand someone calling and then using the opportunity to complain about the service, a product etc but not a personal jab like that.
No Presenter deserves a T Caller like that let alone Julia, I still happen to think that she is a good Presenter and a nice person as well.

Lets face it poor Julia is trying to flog an expensive excercise product and as such she is not a good example of what the product can allegedly do for the purchaser. I think these presenters have got to realise you have to back up the sales pitch with proof it works.
How rude! I saw a tiny bit of Julia last night and didn't think she looked any bigger, a little smaller if anything, but it be honest I didn't really watch for that long.

I like Julia and if she gets more of this reaction she might think sod it I'll give up and go and spend more time in Spain.
Lets face it poor Julia is trying to flog an expensive excercise product and as such she is not a good example of what the product can allegedly do for the purchaser. I think these presenters have got to realise you have to back up the sales pitch with proof it works.

By that logic, then, the men shouldn't present beautiful jewellery because they don't wear it and so can't prove that you might get a compliment? Surely the guests - Marjolein, Caroline etc are the people there to prove the things do what they say and to the the expert advice. The QVC presenter is there to represent the viewer/non-expert.
I think that Julia handled the rather rude caller with extraordinary grace.
I have a relative who is as pointed with her comments as was this caller and dealing with her is more than I can cope with most days -believe me 'grace' is about as far from my state as possible! To have that kind of unthinking comment made on live television would have finished me off!
I do think she's looking bigger these days but if she's dealing with grief it's understandable - we all deal with it in different ways. While I'm not a big fan I don't really dislike her but no-one should have to put up with that sort of rudeness.

I don't mean to speak for others but I think what is meant is that if someone is presenting a product (whatever it may be, fitness, beauty etc) and claims they use it religiously then if people can't see any results they will doubt the product. that's not really the same as a man demonstrating jewellery - there have been many criticisms of Jill Franks for instance in her role as 'fitness expert' or say Anne Dawson or some other presenter for a particular beauty product.

She could have just said something like 'For a variety of reasons, (or for personal reasons) I have not been practising Pilates' but she was probably caught out and came out with what she said which was very open of her. I know she can play to a audience but in this instance I don't think she's the type to use such a personal thing in this way and it was just an open, honest statement. I lost my dad a few years ago and my health went downhill following that and I'm only just beginning to get control again so I feel for her.
I do think she's looking bigger these days but if she's dealing with grief it's understandable - we all deal with it in different ways. While I'm not a big fan I don't really dislike her but no-one should have to put up with that sort of rudeness.

I don't mean to speak for others but I think what is meant is that if someone is presenting a product (whatever it may be, fitness, beauty etc) and claims they use it religiously then if people can't see any results they will doubt the product. that's not really the same as a man demonstrating jewellery - there have been many criticisms of Jill Franks for instance in her role as 'fitness expert' or say Anne Dawson or some other presenter for a particular beauty product.

She could have just said something like 'For a variety of reasons, (or for personal reasons) I have not been practising Pilates' but she was probably caught out and came out with what she said which was very open of her. I know she can play to a audience but in this instance I don't think she's the type to use such a personal thing in this way and it was just an open, honest statement. I lost my dad a few years ago and my health went downhill following that and I'm only just beginning to get control again so I feel for her.

I know what you mean Olivia. Julia very often claims that Pilates is what keeps her fit etc....so if she has put on weight while still making this claim obviously people will doubt the effectiveness of Pilates.

I do think that T Caller was very rude to have come through and said that, put someone on the spot like that but I can see where the person was coming from, they just shouldn't have gone about things the way they did.
Quite often on this forum peple have made a huge fuss about T. callers calling in and telling everyone about their personal problems in fact they have said derisory things about them but when a presenter does the same thing people are so sympathetic towards them and I can't understand why that should be or are presenters above critism. I don't think so. Julia should practice what she preaches.
I didn't see this but from what has been said here, irrespective of whether Julia has or hasn't gained weight and also whether she exercises or not, it seems to me that the T caller was rude and there is no excuse for that.

People often pride themselves on "speaking their minds" and "calling a spade a spade" but more often than not this can be seen as a licence to be downright offensive and personal.
julia is by far one of the prettiest presenters on tv and for her age she is oustanding. she is a normal person with a normal weight but as she is not that tall she make look bigger on tv. i think that qvc are really good at not having all small models,white models or all young models modelling the clothes so that all people regardless of colour, size hieght can relate and continue to buy from qvc.
julia is a normal hard working gorgeous mum in her fifties all power to qvc for using her to demonstrate pilates. she is a good sport. oh and i loved the dancing sometimes poeple try too hard to be perfect and forget what really is important in life. good luck julia!
I personally can't see why it matters if a presenter (or anyone for that matter) is pencil thin, average or has put on weight. Surely it's the personality that's important? After all it's not the wrapper but what's on the inside that counts.

And Julia's response/explanation was understandable as she was being subjected to the T caller's personal comments. In fact she was far more polite to that caller than I would have been.
To be honest I agree - the other day I commented to my Mum how good i thought she looked!
Especially next to Rosemary Conley. JR looked really healthy and fit and although Rosemary is a health 'guru', sometimes a woman of 50+ does look good with a bit of meat on her! I'm not saying fat and wobbling flesh, I'm saying a good healthy life style eating good healthy food and not frail and boney like RC looked [sorry]
that's not really the same as a man demonstrating jewellery - .

No, fair enough it's not, but I don't think I've ever heard Julia state that using the Pilates machine religiously has made/kept her slender. I have heard her say it has kept her supple and she's seems to be that, relative weight gain or not.
The thing is not everyone can jump on a piece of equipment and come out looking like Marjoelin, you have to be the best YOU can be. I think Julia looks fabulous, not only for being a mum and being her age but in general.

So she is not stick thin, who cares??!!! She has beautiful tonned arms..I'd love them and I am sure it was the pilates that did that for her.

I don't understand people like the T-Caller....there is no need to be rude like that.

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