I don't believe it!!


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Costs nothing to be nice!
Jun 24, 2008
In the words of that very well known fellow Scot Mr Meldrew - I don't believe it!!

I have been very quiet on here recently because I have just totally given up watching and buying jewellery due mainly to the demise of this channel. However, I was channel hopping today and instead of moving on quickly when I hit TJC channel 650, I was frozen to the spot with disbelief! There it was, large as life, a Fluorite Fish!! Honestly, I'm not joking. They had the graphics down as a FLOURITE fish but whatever way you want to spell it, I was gobsmacked!! As if that wasn't bad enough, they had a very loud female market trader shouting about how wonderful this would look in your living room or kitchen in a voice which would guarantee to give you earache in 5 minutes or less!

Oh dear TJC, what's happened? Are you really struggling so bad that you would stoop to selling tat like some other channels? I used to buy from you every week and I spent a fortune with you. Now, I can't even watch anymore because you have obviously recruited the cheapest and nastiest presenters that you can!

Here is some advice for you which I'm sure will increase your viewing figures.
Since I stopped watching any jewellery channels, I have returned to watching the best and most professional channel by far, QVC. The presenters never shout, they never make wild statements about the prices, they never go on about the High Street, they never hard sell, they never look aghast and fall over when they see the prices, they are always very presentable, well groomed and well dressed and above all they are professional. My suggestion is that you sit all your presenters down in front of a TV and make them watch QVC for a month solid to learn how they should conduct themselves. QVC are by far the most successful TV Shopping Channel and that's not just a fluke. They've got it right. I've bought quite a few items from QVC in the last few months and each time I receive delivery within 3 days and I haven't returned anything. Get your act together TJC or I firmly believe you will lose a lot of other customers like me and ultimately be no more!

Gems TV should do the same by the way, because their presenters are every bit as bad if not worse!

OK rant over!



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Hi Klos.
Good to see you back,I always enjoyed your posts.
I totally agree with everything you say,I ,too,used to buy with horrifying frequency from TJC and Gems in it's previous form years ago but now the fun has all gone,cheap looking jewellery and presenters making ridiculous claims about exclusivity and talking Boodles and Bulgari.
However I do find some of the presenters on QVC hard to take. Sickly sweet baby talk and claims from 50yr olds about girlie tastes and being size 0.
Still it fills up the day and whatever my gripes I have found their CS excellent.
At least I'm not having guilt trips about my latest acquisition.
Lets hope they either get their act together or another channel starts up.
Perhaps they can dump the floury fishes.
I missed the fish :giggle:

I agree I don't watch, just flick now and again. I did flick this afternoon and fell in love with a tanzy ring but resisted!!
Ay, wotcha Krosbint.

I agree with both you and NanniaA about QVC. They are generally calm and well presented, but boy are they boring. I've been watching this lady on and off today, and she is the loudest I've come across to date. I've had the volume even lower than I do for Gems, and that's near mute. I think the trouble with the top channels is that they've allowed the presenters to think they are the stars (?) and not the products. xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh KB, you've missed some treats the past couple of months!

Large chunks of things, amethyst trees, more fish and a lump of citrine or something that you shoved a candle up! Oh and forgot about the ammonites for several hundred pounds (I do quite like these)

At least QVC offer rings for all your finger and thumbs at no extra cost, toes as well if you like! :nod:
Oh KB, you've missed some treats the past couple of months!

Large chunks of things, amethyst trees, more fish and a lump of citrine or something that you shoved a candle up! Oh and forgot about the ammonites for several hundred pounds (I do quite like these)

At least QVC offer rings for all your finger and thumbs at no extra cost, toes as well if you like! :nod:

Oh I'd forgotton all about the home range they tried, those 'gems trees' were truly awful and by comparison the angel fish were quiet tasteful, but somehow I manged to resist the temptation to buy any! :giggle:
The low point for me was an agate keyring like you'd get in a seaside tat shop...
OMG - I'm so glad I don't watch any more. That's hideous (apologies if anybody loves it). I thought it was called The Jewellery Channel not The "Tat" Channel.

By the way, I tuned in yesterday for 5 minutes and turned over almost imemdiately. There was a female screeching banchee who was moaning about the state of her hair and asking people to text in to tell her what to do with it. I was tempted to text in and explain that her hair was the least of her problems and could she concentrate on volume control which viewers would appreciate more than the state of her barnet! Really really really an unpleasant experience.
In their defence, they do still have some nice stuff but (for me) too many diamonds and emeralds. I like the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA tanzanite I can't afford, and some of the the cheap n' cheerful multi-gemstone pieces...

I am more of a viewer than an active participant of this forum but I have to share what recently happened to a friend who shopped recently with tjc.

She ordered a karis boulder opal cross pendant with chain. The safety clasp was bent and would'nt close securely plus the opals had white lines going through all of them. She returned the item and as item was faulty, also asked for her original p+p and return p+p to be refunded, a total of £10.90. TJC refunded the item price but refused to refund her postage. My friend emailed and rang them several times but TJC CS claimed the item wasn't faulty and absolutely refused to return the postage.

If TJC is desperate to gain income, this must be one of their desperate measures to cut costs at the expense of good customers like my friend who bought loads of jewellery from them over the years and then to get cheated of a legitimate refund claim for delivery charges.

My friend says she now has no item and is £10.80 out of pocket and the feeling she has been shortchanged.

So fellow shoppers beware of TJC's sharp and deceitful practices.


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