How did you discover this forum, and ..........


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I googled where is Debbie Greenwood? and it took me to a thread of the same name. I was amazed and happy to read everyone's comments about it and went on from there .Lurked for a while then joined in.
I also found this site by googling an upcoming TSV and found info here about it.
I was reading loads of comments before I finally took the plunge and joined, so that I could join in too.
I find the info on upcoming TSV's so helpful as I can really think about a purchase rather than just impulse buying - I still spend too much though.
I honestly can't remember how I got onto this forum, so glad I did though as I have gotten to know some nice people through it! :mysmilie_59:
A costume jewellery line they used to sell, a woman's name, I can't remember it now Suzi something?? Went to her website to look her up and she/it mentioned the place. On my first post I gushingly wrote OMG can't believe I've found this place and had loads of welcomes, at a time you made to feel ashamed to like a shopping channel (outside of the forum), I feel that's gone now. Never brought any of the jewellery line but it got me here. That was a long time ago in galaxy far far away, when arguments aplenty arose and eventually opposing forums appeared.
A costume jewellery line they used to sell, a woman's name, I can't remember it now Suzi something?? Went to her website to look her up and she/it mentioned the place. On my first post I gushingly wrote OMG can't believe I've found this place and had loads of welcomes, at a time you made to feel ashamed to like a shopping channel (outside of the forum), I feel that's gone now. Never brought any of the jewellery line but it got me here. That was a long time ago in galaxy far far away, when arguments aplenty arose and eventually opposing forums appeared.

Suzi B California Style ?
I was looking for information about a Molton Brown TSV when I found it!
I think l discovered it googling something about Liz Earle. I think it was when she sold the company to Avon. Can l just say how much l absolutely love this forum. We don't always agree with each other but that doesn't matter. It is such a fantastic place to get things off your chest, find out useful information and get honest help and advice. As l have said before you have all been such a help to me at times and have stopped me buying things l really don't need!
Many years ago when Tim Goodwin was on QVC and he was demonstrating something, and mentioned the forum. Go and have a look and see what they are saying about the item, it's a very good place for finding information about QVC products. So off i went for a nose around. :mysmilie_59:
I think l discovered it googling something about Liz Earle. I think it was when she sold the company to Avon. Can l just say how much l absolutely love this forum. We don't always agree with each other but that doesn't matter. It is such a fantastic place to get things off your chest, find out useful information and get honest help and advice. As l have said before you have all been such a help to me at times and have stopped me buying things l really don't need!

Me too! I found this forum after one of my friends who had introduced me to QVC mentioned about LE C&P being reformulated - and put that down to the Avon takeover. At the same time I was led to Caroline Hirons' blog. I was an occasional lurker at this point. What really sealed it for me was googling to find out about Amica, and then also Julian and Debbie Greenwood. I began lurking regularly then until I could contain myself no longer and jimped in to join.
I googled Alison Young as she mentioned she went to school in the north east and I was curious to know where. This led me to this forum.
I joined in about 2003 originally, didn't this start life as a news group? It was Julian and Plavers who mentioned this place on air. Plavers used to post on here back then. I'm always glad to see new folk join and sad to see old ones drift away but there's been a core of stalwarts who've weathered the schisms. Highlights for me were those early BCC events with SCW and Sazza posting lists of items and on the night we'd post what we had in our baskets in case anyone wanted something, a really fast-paced positive vibe!
I was googling to get some information on QVC and came across it. No idea what I wanted to know though. It was when I had quite a QVC habit and this forum helped me to make better choices and spend less.
Like others it was thanks to Google that I discovered this forum, I remember the question, it was "when is the next SBC TSV?", I was obviously completely desperate to find out when the next SBC TSV was!
I read in a local newspaper that she had spent some years at a school in Whitburn which is a village on the coast between South Shields and Sunderland.

To me that's the dark side - North of the Tyne is the place to be :mysmilie_12:
I Googled cheap Molton Brown deals and landed on another forum which mentioned Shopping Telly so I came for a nosey.

Can't remember which year it was but was at a time when the forum moved really quickly. You had to load the Whose Online page as well as New Posts otherwise you lost the lot before you had time to view all the posts.
I can't remember. Get ignored and recognised. Posts noted and ignored. It's the way it rolls lol!

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