Again this next one is closely related to home computers/internet and that is MP3 players. Even when personal stereos first came in, you still had to buy loads of different cassettes and cd's and decide which ones you're going to take with you and of course they could hiss if they got dirty or damaged or get mangled up in the mechanism and you'd spend ages trying to rescue it without breaking the tape or the machine, then finding a pencil that would fit in the holes and try and wind it all back in to find it happens again five minutes later. When they did work properly having to wind on blindly trying to find the track you wanted to hear. Those times when you remembered an old record you used to love way way back, searching the record shops, second hand shops and boot sales all to no avail, and whilst it could be fun at times, and fantastic if you found what you wanted. Now at the click of a mouse you can hear anything and everything because of sites like spotify and youtube! There are so many ways to transfer your music to your mp3 player, eg, rip your cd collection onto your computer for transfer, download directly from an online retailer, transfer music via bluetooth from somebody else's collection. The music can be arranged exactly how you want it, you can actually see what you're looking for and even better than that you can take hundreds and hundreds of tracks out with you and it'll take up less space than a purse or a wallet - amazing!