Honora TSV


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I will not be tempted. It would have been a great TSV if they had offered two for that price - white + another. Not a TSV price as far as I am concerned.

I agree - I thought £25 was about the right price for one - maybe at a push £29 - they certainly don't look anymore than that
Wildflower sold out! Nice, but not enough to tempt me.

The wildflower version reminds me of those sweets you could buy years ago (or maybe can still buy!!) they had the same sort of colours and were called something like "satin cushions".

The TSV apppeals to me (in all but the cherry) and if it had been a little cheaper and on easy pay I may well have fallen for it. As it is, I resisted.

The wildflower version reminds me of those sweets you could buy years ago (or maybe can still buy!!) they had the same sort of colours and were called something like "satin cushions".

The TSV apppeals to me (in all but the cherry) and if it had been a little cheaper and on easy pay I may well have fallen for it. As it is, I resisted.


Same here - or one of those edible necklaces made from sweets you could get when I was a kid.

The only colour I liked was the cherry! the paler colours look too much like either sweets or teeth IMO :giggle:
Good thing we all have different tastes. I don't like the Keishi they just look like mis-shapes to me. I don't care for the ringed pearls either and see the markings as a fault. Clever marketing to get these sold as exquisite and unique pieces I feel.
There is nothing wrong with individual tastes and the enjoyment of different shapes of pearls. But referring to them as 'exquisite' is quite another matter. There is nothing exquisite about Chinese pearls, even the perfect round ones, (let alone the ringed or keishi) and that's widely accepted; not a matter of taste.
Still, even faux pearls can be quite exciting, at the right price. The same is applicable to Honora.
the prices seem to have gone up a lot!

last time Ralph was here I got 2 necklaces and a bracelet - all around the £30 mark and a couple of those were on easypay.

All the things I like this time seem to be £70 plus, even on easypay I can't justify spending that much - especially not when I already have lots of lovely pearls and other beads and bling that cost a lot less!
From what I've seen today - I think the prices have gone up too.I have a couple of honora bits from way back and always thought of them as an affordable range
What do you expect with the drop in exchange rate?
You have to see keishi to understand why it is more expensive - it really is lovely.
The price of the TSV is a combination of both factors, they'll have cheaper TSVs in the future.
As for whether Chinese pearls can be exquisite or not - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Same here - or one of those edible necklaces made from sweets you could get when I was a kid.

The only colour I liked was the cherry! the paler colours look too much like either sweets or teeth IMO :giggle:

I agree totally Gemster, I adore pearls and in the past have been very tempted by Ralph's offerings. However, the pearls on offer are becoming strange colours and shapes so that they don't resemble pearls at all.

It's the cream, white, grey and black pearls which do it for me. I love them with silver chains. Come on Ralph, move away from the metallic sweetie look and give us some classics in contemporary designs.
It's great that we all have different opinions. tastes and ideas about pearls. Whenever I hear "black pearl" mentioned it sounds so intriguing and mysterious, but when I see them I just don't see their appeal. :confused: I bought a ring with a black pearl from another shopping channel and sent it right back because I was so disappointed in it. :sad: But I do have a bronzy/chocolately pearl ring that I like (not Honora).

I have one pair of Honora drop earrings with pistchio pearls. I haven't yet become a Honora collector but found the TSV appealing. I do think that the regular QVC price is high for them. I just wonder if Honora pearls (necklaces, bracelets and more substantive earrings) look as good in person as they do on TV, especially the cherry, rainforest and midnight ones. The pearl earrings that I got are nice but are small and not nearly as striking as the necklaces, bracelets, etc. and are not really a statement piece.
Just recieved my tsv in the cherry option and really pleased with it... had ummed and ahhed at first but glad I did decide to go for it...

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