Hoax or not!!!!


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Sounds like you just wanted mindeless gossip about people and the company and they did say in their post that they would not go into things like why someone left - as generally they would not know anyway and even if they did they could not tell.

I, for one found the information all very interesting and gained an insight into the workings of a TV shopping channel...which is what i expected from the thread. I just wish it had gone on for a bit longer.

Alan I agree with you. I found it fascinating. And I think they were very professional to not go into the 'who's a bitch' 'who hates who' type questions

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The whole thing didn't ring true for me. I'm pretty certain it was a troll. I think an ex employee would be in receipt of a lot more interesting snippets of inside info. It was all too dry. Even if they didn't want to 'gossip' I'm pretty sure a real insider would have slightly more interesting info to impart.
The whole thing didn't ring true for me. I'm pretty certain it was a troll. I think an ex employee would be in receipt of a lot more interesting snippets of inside info. It was all too dry. Even if they didn't want to 'gossip' I'm pretty sure a real insider would have slightly more interesting info to impart.

If they were a real person (as I believe) then as they said they had only recently left and was still working in the industry and so could not give out anything really secret even if they wished to or knew anything. I'm not really sure what sort of other inside information a floor manager may have? Can you give an example of something you would expect them to know?
Originally Posted by Flying Pigs
Can you just answer all the things you put in your 'such as' list please TimeForTheTruth- welcome by the way.

It would take me forever to go through everything I have so far seen. Please ask specifics and I will answer :)

I could not get my head round why a 'such as ' list was posted in the first place when I got that reply.
For "Just a floor manager" he seemed to no alot including why easiyo left , a brand that left a gd 3 years before he even started there.
Originally Posted by Flying Pigs
Can you just answer all the things you put in your 'such as' list please TimeForTheTruth- welcome by the way.

It would take me forever to go through everything I have so far seen. Please ask specifics and I will answer :)

I could not get my head round why a 'such as ' list was posted in the first place when I got that reply.

Yeah, I do agree it would have been easier if they answered some of the questions they posed first! LOL
Do you know nothing of your workplace before you started work there?

He was only there 10mnths remember and No if its something that doesnt effect or concern me why would i want to know about it, He didnt no about a guest presenter that was there for 11 years did he or a model that was there for a gd few years seems odd to me
I've never worked in television but I knew why EasiYo went to QVC!

I've been here a long time and every so often we've had an "insider" willing to answer questions; my fav was the former QVC call centre person. It doesn't seem suspicious that TFTT suddenly disappeared, that's how most of them have gone. I just assumed they'd been identified and advised to stop posting, even former employees may have signed a confidentiality clause when first employed that extends even after they leave. Over on the QVC forum we used to have presenters: Debbie Flint, Paul Lavers etc and product guests: MOP Mike and Elemis Keeley openly posting in their own name and answering forum members' queries. Then they pulled out as QVC didn't approve of them posting here. This maybe the case with TFTT. Another possibility is that he actually didn't have enough insight into the goings on behind the scenes at IW to satisfy the specific questions.

Give it another year or two and there'll be another "insider" albeit for a very short time.

Jude xx
He was only there 10mnths remember and No if its something that doesnt effect or concern me why would i want to know about it, He didnt no about a guest presenter that was there for 11 years did he or a model that was there for a gd few years seems odd to me

It seems to me you are looking for odd things that are not there. It's difficult to know everyone one in a large company - especially when you are not there for long and only work in a particular.
I'm sure there's one somewhere, probably sectioned for their own safety.

You will have to section me then! LOL

Anything that me or my wife have either ordered from Ideal World or Create & Craft we have never have had a problem.
They were wrong about simon iles hes put on his FB page a letter someone wrote him saying how rubbish his replacement was on IW . i commented on it that it was very unprofessional but he deleted my post. So glad hes left IW
I sold to Ideal World for 4 years, including doing some demos on shows, and I was interested to read the comments of TFTT.

In my opinion, he is 100% genuine. He knows things that anyone other than a IW floor manager would struggle to find out. The floor managers are a key part of the whole production. They brief guests, set up demos and yes, they talk to the presenters a lot.

I would stake a month's salary that TFTT was genuine, and I have a good idea of who he actually was. If he is who I think, he was a genuinely nice and friendly guy who would go out of his way to help guests, which would also explain his presence here; he was trying to be helpful.

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