A bitsa this and a bitsa that. Partly coz I can't remember where I saw the things that sparked the thought. (I say thought, coz I I thought of one on my own
Bit the first. The advert about keeping things in your basket otherwise someone will take it out of your basket and you will miss out. That's quite provocative, in that it's buy buy buy. Forcing people to buy first and think later. Or, as they say, shoot first ask questions later.
Bit the second. After 'we' were commenting on here regarding testing the stones to get the correct details, even if they come with a cert. Jess yesterday mentioned that they test their stones even if they do come with a cert. (Repeat and paraphrase). Someone 'there' been reading the comments, or coincidence?
Bit the first. The advert about keeping things in your basket otherwise someone will take it out of your basket and you will miss out. That's quite provocative, in that it's buy buy buy. Forcing people to buy first and think later. Or, as they say, shoot first ask questions later.
Bit the second. After 'we' were commenting on here regarding testing the stones to get the correct details, even if they come with a cert. Jess yesterday mentioned that they test their stones even if they do come with a cert. (Repeat and paraphrase). Someone 'there' been reading the comments, or coincidence?