Hermes are getting worse


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Never had a problem with Hermes delivery before ,usually by 11 o'clock in the morning, today I was expecting a delivery and I'm told it will be between 1 and 5 ,then I was emailed that it would be between 3 and 7, at 8:20pm my doorbell rang, I opened the door as a car sped off up the road and a woman shouted out the window " it's on your doormat".
Disgusting level of service
they only get paid 45p per delivery , and they don't get paid petrol, they were probably fed up working all day for peanuts and wanted to get back to there family
There is a upcoming court case over the drivers and their rights.

Hermes and other delivery companies class them as sub contracted and really self employed. Paid 45p per parcel delivered nothing if they cannot deliver. They get no holiday or sick pay, start sometimes before 6am at the depot and work until after 8pm per day. Uber drivers went to court in recent months and won their case to be classed as employed by Uber and entitled to holiday and sick pay.
The appalling pay for these couriers makes QVC and Ideal World's ripoff postage and packaging prices all the more obtuse.

Shame on both of them :down:
Since we've moved the courier we've got now is really good, he told me he treats it as a proper job and not something he fits is around another job. I told him you'd think they'd give you more money for it and he just nodded. I've had clothes delivered from Ideal World for £1. I've even had four delivered for £1 and had them in two days which is excellent, but then I compare it to QVC, if I'd have ordered the same combination of four different colours it would've cost £24 so who gets the other £23.50? QVC keep it after paying Hermes to pay for their "free" phone number.

But I do sympathise with you, the customer orders in good faith, it's not our fault the courier only gets 45p and we shouldn't be punished for it, my previous courier just used to lob my parcels anywhere from up the drive, to over our back garden fence in the pouring rain, or if I was really lucky he left them in my porch. Lucky enough now we've down sized we still have a porch so if I'm not in he'll leave my parcels there.
My courier is fantastic and has been for some years .His car is always loaded up with packages. I think they work hard.
I've never had a problem with Hermes - in fact, I breathe a sigh of relief when I know that Hermes will be delivering something. But I think it depends on your local Hermes courier. The team that deliver in my area are brilliant and I've never had a parcel go missing, flung at me or lobbed over a gate etc. They all know where my 'safe place' is and always put a card through the door.

I suppose, as with most things, it's a hit and miss situation.
I did have 2 wonderful couriers, suddenly system has changed completely and l get an email saying delivery will be in a period of 4 hours, out of last 4 deliveries l have had 1 has been in that time and the other 3 between 7.30-8.30pm at night and just slung on doormat.
When an organisation gets very big its often customer service that suffers.I had something delivered by Royal Mail from Q last week and it was left on the doorstep.My Hermes guy never does that.
I suppose its hit and miss across all systems these days.
When an organisation gets very big its often customer service that suffers.I had something delivered by Royal Mail from Q last week and it was left on the doorstep.My Hermes guy never does that.
I suppose its hit and miss across all systems these days.

Unusual from Royal Mail, our postie won't leave a neighbours parcel as he says parcels can only be left with the addressee.
I have never had a problem with Hermes. I have always been pleased with the service I get, unlike the RM who at times have delivered letters/parcels many doors away from me. They seem to keep changeing the posties around.
I ordered an Algenist Trio from QVC last Tuesday, they shipped it Wednesday via Hermes. I got tracking from Hermes, actually got an email saying it was out for delivery on Friday and another saying it had arrived. Never had emails from them before, the odd tracked which I had to follow myself.

My Hermes lady is really nice and left the parcel in the usual safe place.
I have much sympathy with these couriers, whichever firm they work for. All of the companies seem to impose pretty heavy workloads on their drivers and the pay is so very low.

But it's patently clear that, in particular, QVC and Ideal World must make a lot of money from their quite outrageous postage charges.

They both seem to charge far more than other retailers for delivery. I certainly know that Next use Hermes yet they cap their delivery charge at £3.99 per order and that's for next day delivery too.

In fact you can get an order delivered the very same day from Next for £4.99, Ideal World wanted that exact same fee to deliver a tiny little cooling gel mat that only cost £10 so the delivery charge was an extortionate 50% of the order value.

QVC and Ideal World are retail dinosaurs and it would be easy to think they're both scandalous ripoff merchants too.

They're both quite shameless but they'll surely get their comeuppance sooner or later :mysmilie_13:
I have much sympathy with these couriers, whichever firm they work for. All of the companies seem to impose pretty heavy workloads on their drivers and the pay is so very low.

But it's patently clear that, in particular, QVC and Ideal World must make a lot of money from their quite outrageous postage charges.

It also seems to be very area-dependent based on how overworked/conscientious the delivery driver happens to be. Some areas get a decent service whilst others get parcels thrown over walls and into wheely bins, etc., depending on the driver's workload and work targets.

Something really needs to be done about worker exploitation because at the end of the day everyone suffers; courier and retailer reputations, overworked and underpaid staff as well as the ripped-off customers sometimes paying a premium for an often shoddy service. Perhaps attempting to compete with Amazon - which is trying to run other retailers into the ground despite still not making a profit - is the big problem.
I ordered an Algenist Trio from QVC last Tuesday, they shipped it Wednesday via Hermes. I got tracking from Hermes, actually got an email saying it was out for delivery on Friday and another saying it had arrived. Never had emails from them before, the odd tracked which I had to follow myself.

My Hermes lady is really nice and left the parcel in the usual safe place.

There are some Algenist sets on the TK Maxx website at present. I wondered if QVC were still selling it as I haven't seen it on air for yonks.
They will never deliver to your door. If your door number was not as significant as the 10 Downing Street, don't expect a Hermes courier would bother to find you. They just drop your parcel randomly.

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